Share Something Positive from Your Day vs. It's All Around You

I think men are more prone to this, encouraged to bury their feelings and conform to endless unwirtten rules many of which exclude talking about feelings. I'm clearly not qualified to comment of women but I suspect there are similar issues it's just the expectations and rules that differ.

I can almost pin point when that loving and sensitive child got buried inside, I no longer spoke of my worries and started dealing with difficult social situations with aggression and violence. The lack of crying seems very common in men and i's still largely unacceptable to many people. I do think that little boy is still hiding in there, in many ways he is who I would want to be, I'm not being totally literal here but even from may other peoples reports I was a totally different person then.

On a related note I went to the park today with my son,7 to work on his bike riding and play a bit of football, having spent the last 3 years having operations on a badly damaged knee this was the first time we've done this when it's just been the 2 of us.

It was so uplifting to see his excitement as his riding improved , he'll have the hang of it after another couple of sessions, my wife find it hard to let go and risk him falling and whilst I donlt want him to get hurt falling off a few times makes you try harder the next time, it seemed to work but I saved him 80% of the time.

Football was good, he's keen and has been playing for the school team but just like me as a child hasnt grasped his own physical strength and I've noticed he fails to tackle and seems unsure of how to instigate the process, He was soon getting the hang of it and really stepping into my space for the ball. He's much taller than most boys of his age and just needs to gain a little ore confidence, it will come in time and he was so prud of his progress<3

We came home and I cooked him some lunch and then loaded a new Mod onto MineCraft for him (dont ask) I felt more like a father to him than I have for a good while and it was a very good feeling

This post made me smile.
I woke up to sunshine streaming through my windows before my alarm went off with my cat snuggled up to me.
Went for a walk along the shore of Lake Ontario... Was really relaxing and gave me some inner peace :)
nope you still have your ironic humour ;)

It really feels like Spring has arrived in the UK, this always lifts my mood

Haha glad u got it. ?

Today i'm thankful that the world is still spinning and its a beautiful sunny day here.
For me it was the amount of sleep In the afternoon that made it positive.

Every other Thursday! :)

Positive anything is better than negative nothing.

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The sun is here!! The weather has been amazing this weekend!
Yes swimming for fun, not exercising, was what made me relax today.
Small thing to be happy about..

The muffled sound of someone mowing their lawn in the distance, when the weather first starts warming in the spring.
You smell fresh cut grass on the warm air, for the first time in months.. and get some kind of chill of nostalgia and tranquility.
Moving soon!! So happy to, but pensive too. Love the house we bought but I've raised my kids here in this one. 18years of beautiful memories!!?? very grateful!!?
^jealous, want to move too and buy a place but me and bf's rent isn't up until November. I can't wait until that time!!
It's been a long time coming and at times I thought it was never going to happen but it did and it will for you too!!??