Share Something Positive from Your Day vs. It's All Around You

The joy of children is something to behold, a true wonder of the universe
Absolutely. So beautiful and pure. I can't imagine a single day going by without seeing my kids' gorgeous, smiling faces.
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We struggled for 3 long years to have our first child, so I'm always mindful of those that are unable to have their own children, she was conceived against all the odds, we believed in her <3

We had planned to adopt if we coluldnt and I'm sure we would have cherished those children just as much, they know more than any adult, I'm convinced children are born with the innate truth of the universe hard coded but its slowly buried and the challenge is to find the child we all have within us..
I have been having money troubles, and had to take a semester off because of it. It was super difficult to find a job that I could pay rent and save for college. Well today, I got that job! :D Higher education, here I come!
I'm convinced children are born with the innate truth of the universe hard coded but its slowly buried and the challenge is to find the child we all have within us..

I totally agree. I've spent a lot of time and effort molding my life into one where I am most able to stay connected to that inner child. I am convinced that is the key to a long, happy and healthy life. The world surely tries to grind that out of you but it's always there, inside, wanting to be set free. We all have the truth within us, but as children, unsoiled by the world and decades of pattern-building and familiarity and destructive thought patterns and pain, it is all we know how to know.
We struggled for 3 long years to have our first child, so I'm always mindful of those that are unable to have their own children, she was conceived against all the odds, we believed in her <3

We had planned to adopt if we coluldnt and I'm sure we would have cherished those children just as much, they know more than any adult, I'm convinced children are born with the innate truth of the universe hard coded but its slowly buried and the challenge is to find the child we all have within us..

So very, very true.<3

And what a treasure your beautiful daughter is. It was so special to me to get to meet your children and put faces and personalities to your descriptions here.
So very, very true.<3

And what a treasure your beautiful daughter is. It was so special to me to get to meet your children and put faces and personalities to your descriptions here.

You were very much an inspiration, we have another friend who is an artist an she to loves to encourage her, I neither play an instrument or have any skills in drawing or art, I was never encouraged to cultivate them as a child. She is so creative and her drawing is truly astounding, I must post some here, her natural ability is stagering ofr 12.

My son is so much like me, he grasps they way things work in the physical world so quickly, I look forward to us building big stuff in the garage, my father was in the Royal Engineers and a skilled mechanic, engineer and fabricator but seemed to resent that part of his life and never helped me when I started building motorbikes and cars. These things will be different with my son, that is the only way I can put things right, by trying to be the father I wanted and loving him with all my heart.

Today I drove home in the sunshine with the windows down and some tunes blasting, then popped out for a quick spin on my old scooter when I got home :D
I sorted out an argument I was having with my mum.

I've found a small restaurant group where my dad knows the head chef and they asked me to send in a CV
^Good luck hope you get hired Owain.

Most of the days I feel tired/exhausted cause of me keeping on with workouts and working and getting minimal sleep. I needed to rest today and the 3 hour nap did the trick!
I totally agree. I've spent a lot of time and effort molding my life into one where I am most able to stay connected to that inner child. I am convinced that is the key to a long, happy and healthy life. The world surely tries to grind that out of you but it's always there, inside, wanting to be set free. We all have the truth within us, but as children, unsoiled by the world and decades of pattern-building and familiarity and destructive thought patterns and pain, it is all we know how to know.

I think men are more prone to this, encouraged to bury their feelings and conform to endless unwirtten rules many of which exclude talking about feelings. I'm clearly not qualified to comment of women but I suspect there are similar issues it's just the expectations and rules that differ.

I can almost pin point when that loving and sensitive child got buried inside, I no longer spoke of my worries and started dealing with difficult social situations with aggression and violence. The lack of crying seems very common in men and i's still largely unacceptable to many people. I do think that little boy is still hiding in there, in many ways he is who I would want to be, I'm not being totally literal here but even from may other peoples reports I was a totally different person then.

On a related note I went to the park today with my son,7 to work on his bike riding and play a bit of football, having spent the last 3 years having operations on a badly damaged knee this was the first time we've done this when it's just been the 2 of us.

It was so uplifting to see his excitement as his riding improved , he'll have the hang of it after another couple of sessions, my wife find it hard to let go and risk him falling and whilst I donlt want him to get hurt falling off a few times makes you try harder the next time, it seemed to work but I saved him 80% of the time.

Football was good, he's keen and has been playing for the school team but just like me as a child hasnt grasped his own physical strength and I've noticed he fails to tackle and seems unsure of how to instigate the process, He was soon getting the hang of it and really stepping into my space for the ball. He's much taller than most boys of his age and just needs to gain a little ore confidence, it will come in time and he was so prud of his progress<3

We came home and I cooked him some lunch and then loaded a new Mod onto MineCraft for him (dont ask) I felt more like a father to him than I have for a good while and it was a very good feeling
I made a three-cheese broccoli lasagna. Actually followed a recipe and all that shit. It came out great, and I even included a side salad! I found the recipe in a cookbook.

The most cooking I ever did on H was a 15-minute plain pasta boil. And that itself was a special occasion, not using the microwave.

Also, I got to see the Season 5 premiere of Game of Thrones today. This is not something I would've been able to do if I were still living with my addict ex-boyfriend.
something positive is that i think i am moving out of my low cycle (lying in bed all day and eating junk food for every meal)

into a more productive and happy space

i had a new idea today that i will go to uni every day in the holidays, that way i get out of the house, away from my dad who drives me nuts, and i can't watch youtube videos or movies because i only have so much data i can use.

still have to work out how to approach doing the mountain of homework i have. but so long as i can be happier, i can deal with flunking some uni subjects