Share something POSITIVE from your day vs. it's all around you

Bam got anther raise within less than 2 weeks or so. Yup happy about that but I still hate work!!!
After a visit to my doctor this week I've relented and started taking pain meds during the working day.

I'm feeling much better for it :) I hadn't realised just how agitated the relentless discomfort had become
It has been 70 degrees here all week, and will be through the weekend. That automatically makes the day more positive for me. I have always been sensitive (to everything!), but I am very affected by light and darkness. As I child I feared the dark fiercely, and as an adult my moods are heavily swayed by seasons and weather.

My family on my maternal side is from the tropics, so I'm also naturally predisposed for warmth and heat. ;)

I've gone on two runs up in the redwoods after work this week already. Also did a few photoshoots during my forest romps.
It's my Friday tonight!!! I took a day off from work so I dont need to go to work tomorrow. I deserve a long weekend for busting my ass off at work. I should enjoy the long weekend because next week is another week to battle at work.
I'm almost with you, if a little behind the curve on the timeline:D#

It's Friday here, I have a day at work to face but then the weekend....(add additional wooping as required)
It has been 70 degrees here all week, and will be through the weekend. That automatically makes the day more positive for me. I have always been sensitive (to everything!), but I am very affected by light and darkness. As I child I feared the dark fiercely, and as an adult my moods are heavily swayed by seasons and weather.

My family on my maternal side is from the tropics, so I'm also naturally predisposed for warmth and heat. ;)

I've gone on two runs up in the redwoods after work this week already. Also did a few photoshoots during my forest romps.

Wherever you live--where you take these great photographs--simply the stuff of my dreams.
I didn't wake up looking at the awful project I have been working on.. cause its done.:D
I'm almost with you, if a little behind the curve on the timeline:D#

It's Friday here, I have a day at work to face but then the weekend....(add additional wooping as required)

I hope you got through your day with less work problems. I checked out already after lunch yesterday and just thought hey a few more hours and it's my weekend so relax Maya you will have a great weekend!!!
^ I got home an hour ago, it's been a rough week at work but it over.

Booked a short break last night for me parents and us, me mum was so happy about it when she dropped my son off, feeling good about something for once :)
It is warm enough (60 degrees fahrenheit) that I am able to have the windows open and let the house air-out with fresh air.
^ Yes buddy that wicked blizzard from two days ago is melting. Yesterday I was busting that frozen mess up with a shovel.
Today the stairs are clear and I'm pleased!
The internet lol
even tho its some slow as shit hotel wi fi...i spose i got something to do lol sit on bluelight everyday
since it's a positive thread i guess i'll say nice work ANZ. Nice, nice work. In maybe 8 or so days I'll personally thank you with a box of chips and the money on these two cards. One seperate donation of money for the first card and a second donation for the "backup" card.

Also, i'll continue to do banking with you. I'll done to you travelodge whatever the name was you get a box of chips from me and a large large sum of money.

Peace, unity and havin fun.
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Just A Guy: Come visit! I'm going to send you a photo a day until you do.
A good friend of mine who has had a rough ride for a few years has found himself on an upward spiral after, like so many of us do, after realizing where the real important things in life are and putting in some strong work to change the way he approaches life.=D