Share something POSITIVE from your day vs. it's all around you

I am meeting one of my closest friends which I havent seen for ages and celebrate my bday dinner with her tonight.
Happy Birfday Maya ^^

Today I gained the courage to make an important phone call that the sake of my job is relying on at the moment..

I know for most people that doesn't sound too hard, but talking on the phone makes me really nervous. Especially leaving messages!! , but I had to.
Even though I messed up, sounded like a total fool, and had to record a second message.... I still did it, haha!! :D *does the happy dance*
got to see my fiance and daughter and i got to skype my little bro. hes in the Air Force stationed in Alaska so i dont get to see or talk to him very much
I had my ideal Sunday: spent the morning at a cafe reading, went to redwoods for a run in the afternoon, saved the last hour of sunlight for photography, then had dinner and play-time with my niece and nephews. Ended the day listening to some vinyl and making a few mixes. Such a sweet day. Hopefully I'll dream sweet dreams tonight.
My aunt and uncle and cousin came over. They brought some chicken parm to eat with us. It was very nice and great to see them
had a great workout in the gym today! Nice to be back
Got to go to a meeting for work and I dressed up. It's was awesome seeing all my co-workers together.... I got alil emotional bc I've been working there for 9 years n these Ppl really r like family.

Then I went to the gym and did 60min on the elliptical! Can't wait to go again tomorrow!(i better go) lol
Found some new "Internet friends" while playing Xbox. They're funny and cheered me up. I got to laugh and have a good time and I needed that today. They even invited me to join they're clan(for those that don't know, i play a first person shooter game called Call of Duty and a clan is a whole bunch of ppl that play with each other frequently and do tournaments and play in groups) so I'll be playing with them very often.
That's great that you are getting into the fellowship be strong and if you need help it's just a click away .
Have an awesome day love :D
Finished the first grade play scenery and after the chaos of painting and cutting out and stapling up was all over we sat back where the audience will sit and we all cheered. It looks so good!:D
Going to have a night for myself. No disturbing Maya.
After encouraging my father to eat healthier for most of my adult life, finally, at age 75, after surviving 3 bouts with cancer, he has proclaimed that he "loves salads." I went over to my parents' home early this morning, made a big salad, and put in a tupperware for my dad to take to work. (He still works full time as a therapist.) He practically skipped out the door, he was so excited. If only I could go back in time 5 years and tell my terrified self what the future would look like for him.
something that never was properly cultivated by either side has had yet another melt down.. I guess it hard to see the facts that is a lost cause at this point.. so I have a sense of relief.. like stress has been lifted which makes me feel good and also seems to indicate that a hard corner to get around may have been successfully navigated as well. Its tough not to be able to let something that needs to be let go.
took my board exam and 99.9% sure that i passed! <3

Well I guess there's nothing going to be more positive than this Addy!! Great job hun <3

Somethin positive - my aunt is going to visit us tonight and I think we should watch a movie