Share something POSITIVE from your day vs. it's all around you

After a saga that seemed like ti would never end I've sold ( and received the payment) for my old Land Rover

Popping out n a bit to look at a new ( to me) car, smaller, quicker and way cheaper to run, nothing special but good value given my current restriction to automatics . The new Auto boxes are so much better but thy are all too new so beyond mt budget.
^Come over here where that is practically all anyone drives if it isn't a truck.

Land Rovers always make me think of my childhood--lots of those in 1970's Africa. Can't imagine driving a beast like that myself but they hold a romantic place in my mind.
Sunny day plus exercise plus spa facial plus family time!!!
New car arrived yesterday, nearly backed the thing off my drive and into the house on the opposite side of the road, it's little nippier than the old Land Rover, in fact ir feels like a track car in comparison.

1st day back to the office today 10am to 4pm, mixed feelings really, I know I have t get back to ;normal' (at lest until October when I have another op to face) but I know it will be constant hassle from people all, day and I've been quire prodcutive working from home.

It's solidified my resolve to start working on plans to work for myself, only today an Friday to deal with this week but going back yo Mon-Fri 9-5 has now got a sell by date written all over it;)
Ist day back at work was OK, good to get out of the house and meet up with work friends.

140BHP little hatch back put the fear of god into me / still stuck it in 'sport' mode to see just how far I could push it on a back road I know well :D
Good day with the kido.. worked out, hit IHOP (favorite of the two of us), caught the transformers movie.. all is well.
^nice hun not an improvement but that reminded to clean my room now lol

something positive - workouts as usual can't get through the weekends without them.
Hitting the pool, grilling out, and watching the neighbor hood fireworks display.. (it puts the cities 4th show to shame, not even a comparison for real.)
My best friend is in town for the weekend. Going out tonight for the first time in a long time!
i had a nice chat with a friend i had not seen in months who came back from france a couple months ago, and could maintain eye contact most of the time! and that meant i heard everything they said and could participate much more than usual
Woke up feeling amazing and sober for the second day in a row. First in a long, long time.
No side effects to the medication im taking so far. got really frustrated today and worked through it healthfully
^im happy you dont have any side effects to the meds nsa. Haha I'm always frustrated at work but exercised it out so im with you on that one.
^She has that written on her badge under RN? ;)

Nope.. A gf of mine invited me to some event got in for free cuz im randomly vip lol and i ended up re-meeting a mutual friend (who happens to now be a nurse) and her lover ( a nurse too.. ) they're both super hot.. No makeup needed and really nice kind of girls so i had some drinks, went out to eat, danced with them and took one home
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Weather is beautiful; warm, sunny, blue sky. In garden catching rays n stuff!

i wasn't hooked by the negativity that gets unloaded onto me on a regular basis today, for the most part... im thankful for the challenges that peoples sorrows bring, because without them i couldnt become stronger