Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

Woke up on a low, functioning again now! Important to remember how temporary my depression can be, just push through and do things you KNOW are good for yourself, and now I can continue on the good path forward! I actually believe for once I can overcome this hurdle in my life and it wont be as long lasting as it feels.

aye, i feel that. altho i need to practice my discipline in doing what is important to me even when i feel shitty.
your post reminded me of this piece of advice i stumbled across today.

"Maintain a consistent course of action despite fluctuating and intense feelings and delay reacting until intense emotions begin to subside. Letting your strong feelings run the show only leads to inaction and more suffering."
^ super inspiring! As an artist its so hard to overcome and sit down and work if you arent feeling well, but just sitting down and forcing yourself to at least try to create makes a substantial difference. At the very least it relieves the guilt of not trying
"Maintain a consistent course of action despite fluctuating and intense feelings and delay reacting until intense emotions begin to subside. Letting your strong feelings run the show only leads to inaction and more suffering."

Indeed M. Nicely put.
^ :) that's great Lost_Vet
Something positive about my day is I'm on my way to work (even though I don't want to work) I have a job.
I am officially off everything now. First day!


So far no depression today. Pulled myself out of a moderate/ severe episode yesterday, and still managed to be productive creative wise (stayed up and built an ambient track last night). I've been sticking to my moderation with drugs. Change is possible :)
^ Indeed, channge is always possible! Tricky sometimes, but possible.

Have had this good nap after work, I think this is how I get rested. Sleeping a full night is as rare a full eclipse.
So glad today is Saturday. Have a lot of things to do - mainly 'operational' though but I feel I'm recharging my batteries.
It's probably the worst day of my life so far so I'd imagine things can only get better from now on, eventually.
Sorry to hear that bud, hope things are going better for you.

Hopefully nothing too big has been lost? If not, you still have a life past whatever is troubling you right niw, no matter how it may seem.
What a great night of sleep can change a woking day. I wish it happened to me more often.
Yesterday in Durban South Africa we had a very bad freak storm with so much flooding.
It was truly scary.....

My home is intact and I am so grateful that I was not as badly affected from the storm.

My heart goes out to everyone else affected.
My in-law"s house was spared from the fires in the Anaheim Hills even though a few homes were lost just a 100 meters away. The whole state is like Hades at the moment.
Sure makes my problems seem minuscule.