Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

You'll be fine, you know what it takes. Feel bad memories will come back, but it happens. Hope you can manage well. ;)

I had a crazy day and now I am going for a nap. Really rewarding day though.
Decided to stop drinking again. I was going through a difficult time for a bit but I feel like quitting now. Today was a great day, the weather was beautiful, nice chill breeze. I'm feeling optimistic about kicking this habit like the other ones I've kicked.
Today I found a local store that specializes in Kratom. In about a week I'm gonna be off opiates completely, for the first time in 15 years with its help.
^ Good luck with it, mate

Thanks, I'm trying hard. I appreciate the encouragement.
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You'll be fine, you know what it takes. Feel bad memories will come back, but it happens. Hope you can manage well. ;)

I had a crazy day and now I am going for a nap. Really rewarding day though.

Thanks man, I appreciate the help and encouragement.

Take good care of yourself.

Today I found a local store that specializes in Kratom. In about a week I'm gonna be off opiates completely, for the first time in 15 years with its help.

Good timing. It think it can work. Being positive is half of the work imho.

I'm so happy it's Friday today. :)
Well, i spent the day with one of my friends at the local flea market, wasn't really going to purchase anything until I came across an android tablet for $20. I bought it because I think itd be cool having one, and it is. Nothing really fancy about it.

Also got a netflix account set up,so been able to watch movies on the new tablet!

Anyone have any recommendations on whats good to watch?
Well, i spent the day with one of my friends at the local flea market, wasn't really going to purchase anything until I came across an android tablet for $20. I bought it because I think itd be cool having one, and it is. Nothing really fancy about it.

Also got a netflix account set up,so been able to watch movies on the new tablet!

Anyone have any recommendations on whats good to watch?
Congrats D's.

Watch any documentaries you can, or just comedy movies and uplifting/funny TV shows if that's more your thing.

I don't have netflix anymore but I had it when I lived with my former roommates and that's what I would watch.

My day went great I did a lot of cooking which I enjoy and fried three plantains, and ate some leftover plantain cake I made.
I agree, watching movies, including documentaries can be quite entertaining. I watch just about everything about real life stories. That's my late Sunday's thing. There are so much you can learn from some good documentaries.
On my last patch and it is running out. By tomorrow it will be over. The Kratom has been a blessing, it really helps. Gotta go buy some more today.

Folks, stay the Hell away from Fentanyl. It is the devil in a patch. About a year ago I decided to stop cold turkey. By day three I was feeling worse than I ever have in my life. It was too much so my wife drove me to the doctor to get new prescriptions. Even after applying patches and downing 160mg Oxy I still felt bad for hours. If you are coming off Fentanyl, I think the only I could do it is tapering like I've been doing. Also the support I've received on this forum from Erikman and all you other folks has helped tremendously. When I thought of starting again, I didn't want to have to come back here and tell everyone I had slipped, so its been a huge help for me.

I'll keep you updated on my fight as I read yours and send good thoughts to you from the best part of my heart. Thanks again.

Man, I love that coin! You should really be proud of a year sober!

Thanks! I mailed it along with a really sweet birthday card to my mother. I wrote in the card that I couldn't have possibly done it without her.
It really hit me in the #feels. I know that mothers want nothing but the best for their children, and my mother knows I have been struggling with drug addiction and alcoholism for years. Something inside me wanted to send it to her as a birthday gift, and I am really glad I did.
There will be more coins later on down the road! So not at all bothered about giving it to my mom.

There were 2 weeks I abused my dads fentanyl patches, i stole his month supply which was 2 boxes 100mcg, and staid high while he was in pain. Later I admitted myself (with help from the ems) to the psychward because I litterly went crazy over that shit, and the comedown was horrible,,sobered up in a faith based rehab,and seriously that would be the last place on earth where id want to sober up at.

Glad the kratom has been working for you l_v, i tottaly agree that kratom helps with wds, ive used it before while i was on methadone(days i couldnt dose), just be careful with it too.

That is super. I'll bet your mom is extremely proud of you! I know from experience that would be a real mile marker for me. Thanks for the advice on the Kratom. I had not read much about it when I saw that it helped with withdrawals, so I ran out bought some and started taking it. I've already cut back and will continue as I progress. The last thing I need is another habit. I'm starting to realize how easily you can slip back into old ways. I always thought addicts were weak and scum. Then I became one. I think God is teaching me a lesson, albeit a hard one. Good luck to you on your continued success.

I have finally delivered my work reports although the deadline was Friday. It's a good thing we have this special mail delivery system that carries all the original signed docs to the headquarters, and that was late as well, by one day. What a great coincidence- it hardly fails.
My younger brother sent me a text just to talk. I hadent seen him in over a week. Hardest part about moving/kicked out is separation from your siblings.
im just happy that i am not stoned anymore, i had been getting high every day for like 3 weeks or something before, and it was really having a detrimental effect on my anxiety and depression. i start to feel that i can cope with life again today :)

i had the thought today, its confusing bcus i enjoy being high, the ritual of rolling a j, smoking etc. but it doesn't work for me because the high doesn't stop after like 30 minutes, and back to normal consciousness. it keeps following me around for days after, especially because i would compulsively smoke throughout the day.
Aced all of my assignments and quizes for my classes this week. Getting an early start last week really helped, I usually wait until the last minute. Took today off to relax and not think about school but am planning on getting a jump on my school work starting tomorrow.

Besides having some pretty crazy dreams, it's been a very relaxing day.
im just happy that i am not stoned anymore, i had been getting high every day for like 3 weeks or something before, and it was really having a detrimental effect on my anxiety and depression. i start to feel that i can cope with life again today :)

i had the thought today, its confusing bcus i enjoy being high, the ritual of rolling a j, smoking etc. but it doesn't work for me because the high doesn't stop after like 30 minutes, and back to normal consciousness. it keeps following me around for days after, especially because i would compulsively smoke throughout the day.

I can definitely relate. I was stoned nearly everyday for almost an entire decade. Maybe a month at most of combined days that I didn't get high. I would smoke before, during and after work and pretty much every other event. I went to work meetings stoned, family events stoned, and of course I would be smoking heavily at any social event.

The past few months has been really nice.. it really impacted my focus and exacerbated my social anxiety. I'm not perfect now, but I feel like I'm more in control and better able to manage things like anxiety and depression. It's nice not feeling like I need to light up every 30-60 minutes.
Woke up on a low, functioning again now! Important to remember how temporary my depression can be, just push through and do things you KNOW are good for yourself, and now I can continue on the good path forward! I actually believe for once I can overcome this hurdle in my life and it wont be as long lasting as it feels.