Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

Is your pissy attituded why you are in TDS today @neversickanymore ?
:neversick:lmao i was going somewhere with this emoji.see, what had happened was. :rellyhigh:

Could be.. I’m certainly a little pissy with the people who play with my pee.. I think because of staffing shortages they have sorta trained monkeys trying to do it. And actually it’s fucking with my shit.. well oiled mechanisms do not need to be fucked with by semi trained monkeys.

It’s all good.. I think found scarlet… just maybe.. I’m intimidated and for all the right reasons.
Could be.. I’m certainly a little pissy with the people who play with my pee.. I think because of staffing shortages they have sorta trained monkeys trying to do it. And actually it’s fucking with my shit.. well oiled mechanisms do not need to be fucked with by semi trained monkeys.

It’s all good.. I think found scarlet… just maybe.. I’m intimidated and for all the right reasons.
I hated reading the scarlet letter. I e heard someone else mention adultery and shit, like and i watched the last duel which is fucked up. And wow man.

Im dyslexic so i answer shit backwards and ooogaoooogaas <-is a positive ooga monkie noise.
there just was a shooting quarter mile from me and it was said from a nightcrawler (people that listen to police scanners and are often on scene before emergency services) , 3 minors shot and killed, but news now says two adults injured and taken to hospital
Sore and tired....but just one more day and this workweek is over! I can make it.
Hell yeah! Great time to work on the house, the car, paint, fix, hang paintings and shovel snow.

Ive been in the process of selling my Switch. So got a buyer. Now fitting things in boxs. In good with fitting things in holes, just not boxes.
feeling better today. fixin to go in and serve up some grub.
mind is focused on making life more comfortable by whatever means.
its nice out and in the 60s f. calm and serene. love it but must fuck it up by entering a chaotic workplace... it'll calm down about 30 mins after i clock in. i like structure and routine. lol
peace family
feeling better today. fixin to go in and serve up some grub.
mind is focused on making life more comfortable by whatever means.
its nice out and in the 60s f. calm and serene. love it but must fuck it up by entering a chaotic workplace... it'll calm down about 30 mins after i clock in. i like structure and routine. lol
peace family
It's nice here too. Sunny and will be 60 as well. Gonna have a bite of lunch and frolic out in the yard for awhile. Have a lot of blown down branches from the winter and other debris to pick up. We lost about 3 inches of snow in the last few days ( it was sunny and 60 yesterday too ) so now it's all visible !!

Have a good day at the job. Have a reuben for me. xoxo
newborn son
oh my lord! i got so tangled up in all my confusion i had totally forgot about this.
i do hope everything is going great. secretly (or not so, now) i am envious but comfort myself with having kitties around. lol
bless you and yours always.
peace and congrats! :)

this days seems like a good one so far. will get some stuff done but thankful to feel normal this am. feeling fairly chipper.