Share Something Positive About You Day vs. Good Things Happen Everyday

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^ Depends on where! Actually, I'd say travel anywhere but I don't even have a pet. Not that you asked. :)
Yesterday evening something good happened, sort of. I'm working on a completely boring task I've been procrastinating on. It really blows but it feels good to get done. Let's see what happens today. CD
I feel like I'm procrastinating almost every task the entire week so far. There's been so much work, I suppose it would be much more 'acceptable' or normal if I wasn't so sleepy in the morning.
It seems harder to get up and going in the mornings during winter IMO. I got to go swimming in my buddies pool today and it was awesome. He is spending a fortune to heat it this week so I'm going to be frequenting it as much as possible. I fixed his heater last week so I've got my own key for now. I'm going to try treading water with a 20lb dumbbell tomorrow for some cardio.
Even in the frigid area of southern California (64*) a heated private pool is not to be passed up. Now if I could just call in sick for the rest of the week.=D
My gift card wasn't able to be processed at Arby's today. They told me it was on them so I got a free meal, pretty sweet.
Since procrastination is already on this thread as an issue, the question is should I try to focus on the so-boring-a-monkey-could-do-it task or is it okay to listen to music or something to distract me? Do I need to be "mindful" while doing the mindless?
I sometimes wish for operational things I don't really have to think about. Just do it and keep my mind elsewhere. Mindful would be perfect.

I'm managing to work quite a lot lately. It's a bit difficult to start but when I'm 'warm' enough I can work for hours and hours and keep it productive and rather simple. However, when I get home I just feel like going to sleep. This one hour nap is for me the best sleep I get during the week.
^^ What is going on with sleep, Erikmen? Insomnia? Home responsibilities? You have to take care of yourself first! :)
Mostly today completely blew and unexpectedly cost a fortune, but I still received kind but difficult honest advice and acted on it because I knew it was true.
The package was delivered. The eagle has landed. Target intercepted, engaged and confirmed destroyed. We have joy.
Today I went to therapy with my partner and we both got to share a number of things and get useful and constructive feedback.
Today I made love and laughed and had a wonderful conversation. It was awesome.
Today I made my gratitude list without hesitation and worked on being a good listener.
It's been a pretty wonderful day.
^ With days like those it's good to be alive.

Swam with a lady friend till we were both prunes. Made a great dinner. Surf & turf, fresh salad, fruit and desert from cheesecake factory. Shot off mortars, fireworks in the rain storm (nobody cares enough to call cops in the rain). Lit candles and the fireplace in a power outage and truly didn't miss any drugs for once. Complete Zen.
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I am doing the things I need to do to take care of myself despite a lot of pressure not to, some from outside some from within. It's around 75 days? off oxy! I have no physical PAWS issues and the psychological ones are now manageable.
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I'm coming up on three weeks clean and have begun The Artist's Way, which is an intensive twelve-week course of artistic recovery (i.e. recovering the artist within). Did my morning pages and gratitude list, snuggled with my partner, kissed worries away, dreamt last night that I lived on a small farm commune with a bunch of sweet, stodgy old codgers. I wrote a letter this morning defending my intelligence to those who told me I was just a parrot, regurgitating the world around me. It felt empowering. I've been struggling with intense anger and fears of abandonment and feeling unloveable, but this morning I feel hopeful, loved, and like I can bestow compassion and kindness to those I meet.
^ Congratulations for your three weeks. This is always good to hear! :)

Nice to be out of town for a couple of days.
What's up party people? I was posting on this thread almost every day this past summer. Just wanted to let you know I'm doing great (clean!!) and hope you all are as well.
It's not a great thing, but I didn't shove massive amounts of drugs down my throat to forget a day that started with my "pain management" doctor and just got worse after that.
Why do I need a pain management doctor if I'm 75?+ days off opiates? Apparently I'm not to be believed. So I offered a urine test if it was that important because I know it would be clean. Apparently being offended by being called a liar is confrontational, as is offering proof that you are.
That was prior to 9AM. I should have stayed in bed.
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