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Sex on MDMA


Mar 30, 2003
Being a relatively inexperienced user. Up until now I'd never experienced sex on an e. This was either because I wasn't in the mood while on a come down or the opportunity just hadn't arisen. But on the weekend this all changed, it was amazing to say the least.. It's highly recommend if you haven't already done so.. :)
Yes... i have tried this before, took me 3 times just to get to the point where intercourse was possibe. It makes it harder in my experiance for guys to have sex
hahaha sex on drugs, is there anything better????!! When im on E I think heavily about sex. Unfortunately I have never actually tried it. Firstly I need a partner, anyway, a lot of my mates have tried it and some rave about it and others don't like it, or can't do it. It is a common occurance when guys are on E that their reproductive "team" shrinks to nothing more than dead weight, like when you go swimming and get out, things are smaller than they were in the morning!

On the other hand, what is it like for girls? Some of my girlfriends dream about having sex on E others dont think about it at all???
At first I was a little hesitant in proceeding to sex at the very fact that the man downstairs had gone hiding and the embarrassment nearly got to me.. But when in the moment all was fine. In fact I couldn't get him to sit down after hours of entertainment.. :D
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Sex on pills is excellent and should be tryed if possible(and its usually pretty easy cause everyone's in a big love buzz anyway and are dyin for it!!)
Only problem is if your soldier is up to the challenge or if its all just a flop!!:(
i dont really wanna actually FUCK while on e.. ON ANY DRUGZ FOR THAT MATTER.
...BUT i actually went with the floww and had the most AMAZINGG SEX!! literally fuckd from 11pm till 7am.....practically NON STOP! LOL evry lil move dat my partnerr did was just like WOW! HAHAH.... yeh but i wouldnt want too make it a habit to fuck weneverr i drop. =D
Finishing has always been a problem when rolling, but it’s only been a problem to get it up a couple of times :D. I never really think about having sex when I’m rolling, I’m usually thinking about licking my girlfriend. My girlfriend always tastes amazing, and going down on her whilst we are rolling is so amazing.. Just the feelings of her lips pushed against my face, and her smell, and the way it feels.. OH GOD.. I personally think that its better then sex. The times I like having sex is when I’m coming down, after a party during the colder months. We get home and were coming down and still feeling great and I’m really cold and I hold my girlfriends naked body and she warms me up (such and amazing feeling not just like warming up, its hard to explain but it feels like the heat slowly travels from her to ever part of my body) then we just have some really great sex.
Me and my bf have rolled plenty of times together, and of course we fool around when we roll....but it usually seems my mind wanders half way thru and sometimes his does too and we end up stoppin and givin each other a light show or something. It's incredible, but usually either his "little guy" doesnt wanna stay entertained, or we lose interest, but if it does happen to keep us occupied usuallly neither one of us can get off....so ya its alright i guess:D
I've had sex on E many times. Some of my best sexual experiences were while rolling or coming down. Definatly lots of fun, but this isn't something new! ;)
hey jess0s,

ya gonna have sex on mdma after the 21st this saturday?

how funny is it, first time i've ever seen a post on bluelight, and actually realised i know the person in real life!!!

cya saturday, mate.:)
SEX on E-pills!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!
I love it! =D
Rollin2gether and I go for like 2-3 hours before were done.
Never had a problem when rollin, but we do like to be on the comedown when we start. Peace>
I've also had several people tell me that they feel less fragile/scattered the next day if they've had the opportunity to go hard the night before.. Whats your thoughts?
Scat sex is awesome.. your skins all dry and sensitive and its just amazing
Thumbs UP for sure! Sex on E is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! I love sex and well E makes it even better. The way you feel all lovey and touchy. Anyone who has the opportunity to experience sex on E should go for it. The touch you have in your skin makes your hormones rage. I can't say enough about. Mystryman and I have had some great sex on the comedown and we have NEVER had a problem with keeping the "big guy" entertained! I don't really think about on E til my body starts to come down. I didn't really like having sex on E in the beginning of my roll the one time we tried that. You are so charged from the roll that your mind does tend to wander and you lose interest in what you are doing. On the come down is a totally different story! Happy Rolls! ;)
Ironic how the amazing sex on E is complicated by the number one side affect for guys on E (especially if you take a lot). "Really, it feels great, I have no idea why it doesn't want to play"...hehe

Ever notice how easy it is to get people to read a thread if you use the word 'sex' in the subject line.