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Scottish Independence v. Further devolution, or just convoluted lies?

Should Scotland become independent?

  • Should stay how things are now

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • Should become fully independent

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • Should extend devolved powers but remain part of UK

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • I am Spade

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters
That really annoys me. A lot of foreigners think Scotland is part of England and no matter how many times you correct them they still don't seem to get it. I've met people when on my travels who will argue with me that Scotland is part of England, they are so fucking sure of it. I don't identify myself as British at all.

Few years back I wasn't for independence but I'm more in favour for it now. I'd like to see a unbiased assesment of whether Scotland could cope financially etc if we went for it.

What does it matter spade?

We're all floating through space on the same giant ball.
Its only an imaginary division what's the fucking fuss. Its not like they're gonna be rebuilding Hadrians Wall, or is that all part of the plan?
I take your point. The tartan army are the biggest buch of cunts to grace our plannet. That whole Scotland thing does my nut right in. Its always the poncy type cunts shouting about Scotland the brave with them stupid wigs and kilts on. Major dafties and ive told them plenty of times in the past.

In fact this reminds me of something,,,

I was on the train from London to Glasgow back in March and it was full of tartan army cunts making a cunt of themselves. This one cunto is annoying the life out my bird trying to fire into her infront of me. He was wearing one of them stupid looking ginger wigs. I said to him - here mate i seen them wigs advertised in the sun newspaper today, they were giving them away for free, all the stupid looking cunts are wearing them - you suit it!

The look on his face still provides me with a laugh even now. My bird was ragin as fuck with me right enuff telling me I was being wide.

Fuck identifying yourself as British, I find it unreal cunts on the telly wave union flags and think Britain is something to be proud of. Cunts the lot of them.

The tartan army are all fucked in the head. Half of them would have been at Ibrox a week later singing Rule Britannia and God Save The Queen. Way too many Huns and unionists in Scotland for independence anyway.
I'd rather identify with the rapists, murderers & thieves than the fucking tartan army. Those cunts do my nut in.

Id rather be one of those cunts over one of the "Barmy Army"......."who are ya, who are ya, who are ya...... cam on Engerlaaaaaand, lets fackin' 'ave it!".....type of cunts.

Even our cunts are better than those south of the border...........................:D

Having said that... the Tartan Army totally play on the fact the the England Hooli-fans have such a bad rep. They are always palying up to the friendly jock in a kilt, having adrunken laugh with the police routine.........when in actual fact there are still hundreds of them that would stab you, then go home and batter their wives for fun.
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Id rather be one of those cunts over one of the "Barmy Army"......."who are ya, who are ya, who are ya...... cam on Engerlaaaaaand, lets fackin' 'ave it!".....type of cunts.

Even our cunts are better than those south of the border...........................:D

Having said that... the Tartan Army totally play on the fact the the England Hooli-fans have such a bad rep. They are always palying up to the friendly jock in a kilt, having adrunken laugh with the police routine.........when in actual fact there are still hundreds of them that would stab you, then go home and batter their wives for fun.

Rangers fans after an OF defeat, lol.
Football patter my favourite :|

I've not made my mind up about whether it would be a good thing or not, I don't have enough information to do that. Yet. Have a suspicion we may not be able to afford it mind...
^I've read about Kate, and it is indeed up in the air as to whether or not Scotland would be able to afford it. I think they'd be able to break even, but that depends on Westminster giving Scotland all the oil revenue and I don't think they will or that they should. Even if they did give over all the oil revenues, Scotland would have be quite likely to have to change currency and their choices are between the Euro and creating a new currency. If they want to be in the EU then they have to adopt the Euro at the moment, but there will be an interim period where they won't be in, and they won't have the pound. Scotland would have to take on a certain amount of the British debt, and they would have to borrow this money from the markets, who would give Scotland a rate on par with Ireland or worse because they will be a new and unproven state. Then there would be the enormous cost of seperating everything out. Such a waste of time, over what is essentially just chest beating from Salmond.
I'm as lost as the rest about the economics bu the thought of a Tory lock on England and Wales makes me hope the Scots don't go it alone. Whatever happened to demands for proportional representation?
I'm as lost as the rest about the economics bu the thought of a Tory lock on England and Wales makes me hope the Scots don't go it alone. Whatever happened to demands for proportional representation?

You'd think the Tories would be all for it then, wouldn't you? But they're not. Scotland is the country playground of the English ruling classes, where will they go huntin', shootin' and fishin' if Salmond applies a Toff Tax on blood sports?
Id rather be one of those cunts over one of the "Barmy Army"......."who are ya, who are ya, who are ya...... cam on Engerlaaaaaand, lets fackin' 'ave it!".....type of cunts.

That makes me think of that horrible annoying cunt in them films- Danny Dyer. He is up there right at the top of my aids list.
That makes me think of that horrible annoying cunt in them films- Danny Dyer. He is up there right at the top of my aids list.

Watch his series on foopball ooliganism, it will intensify your hatred of him one-thousandfold at least. The best bit is when he leaves a game in Russia because his hosts have told him there might be a fight. He's spent most of the episode thus far on his knees deepthroating horrible imbeciles and talking knowingly about 'action' but first sign of trouble and he monkeywalks out of there as fast as his bandy little legs can carry him.
Ive watched small bits of that series before. The guy is a complete cunt. It would be no great loss to the world if he got the bad aids.

One of my pals told me recently that he was paid a fortune to DJ at a club in the town in grew up. That doesnt surprise me since most of the people who live there are just about as clued up as him. Still wearing the same Ben Sherman shirts and Rockport shoes when I left the shithole.

WOW I actually sound kinda bitter in that last statement. ;)
Search Danny Dyer - The Tunnel or Danny Dyer Glasgow or something on Youtube (I can't be fucked doing it as I don't want to see the horrendous video again). You'll see him "DJ" at The Tunnel in Glasgow. It's one of the most cringeworthy things I've ever seen in my life. I think the promoter even grabs a mic & leads the crowd in a chant of "DANNY! DANNY! DANNY FUCKIN' DYER!" at one point, while he staggers about coked off his boobs as some other poor cunt mixes tunes for him.
Totally different circumstances.
Ireland had a sectarian split between the catholic/nationalist majority in the south (and overall) and the protestant/unionist minority (but majority in the north). There was violence between these groups and Ireland was militarily occupied by the UK (including many Scottish soldiers). The Republic of Ireland was formed after a war with the UK (not just England by the way; Scotland, Wales and now N.Ireland are in the UK).
Scotland is not oppressed by England. we're in the union out of choice and if we were to leave, the UK would not invade Scotland. Firstly, because the other EU countries wouldn't allow it. Secondly, there are a significant number of Scots (or people related to Scots) in the rest of the UK. they certainly wouldn't vote for a government that attacked Scotland.

If Scotland wants to go independent, it's free to do so. I hope it does. It has a government it didn't vote for, nuclear weapons in it's oceans that it's people don't actually want, puts more into the pot than it gets out and has the opportunity to escape the archaic house of lords/ monarchy and the illegal wars that go with them.
the plan is the same as for any backward shithole we hold dominion over, take their oil then leave them in a world of shit. if it aint broke..

im sure as soon as scotland's population have it explained to them, slowly and repeatedly, that the historic change may well bring with it a small delay to benefit payments, the landlside NAE will duly result
and equating the fact scotland happens to have a disputable claim on a percentage of some mediocre oil reserves to them putting more in than they take is the funniest thing ive read all day, keep it up