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Scary movies on psychedelics


Oct 21, 2006
In 9 days Saw IV is coming out. I ADORE the Saw movies. I absolutely love them. I want to make seeing Saw IV all the more special. I'm thinking of taking low dose LSD or low dose shrooms before I go to see it. I've never watched a movie whilst tripping so I have no idea if this would be a wise decision or not.
I've been to the movies on drugs before. It was neat but everything was so open and the people gave me some anxiety. a movie like SAW wouldn't been the best thing to see while tripping..

Try watching Saw I, II, or III on lsd or shrooms and see how you handle it..
I wouldn't recommend it. Watching a disturbing movie under the effects of psychedelics could be an experience you might want to take back.

And how can you enjoy the Saw movies? IMO that kind of shit is damaging to see. Shit like that contributes to the desensitization of society, which is a terrible tragedy and as far as I can see is a large contributing factor in the state of the US today. Who needs that sort of imagery in their head? Not me.

I tried watching the first Saw movie once, and I got about 5 minutes into it before it made me feel sick. :\ I used to be able to watch stuff like that and enjoy it, but once I got into psychedelics I got much too sensitive for it. It practically makes me hurt to see that kind of shit. And I hate how practically every American movie is about torture and abduction and killing recently.

I changed the title to reflect the topic better.

EDIT: Plus, watching movies on psychedelics tends to be a waste of time, IME. Whenever I have watched movies or spend the time on the computer, the trip gets pushed into the background.
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my friend said he went to go see hostel 2 whilst tripping on some good LSD and he said it was pretty cool but i personally don't think i could handle that, but i say if you've got a strong mind then go for it.
Watching a stupid horror movie on psychedelics would most likely just make the stupidity even more apparent.

YMMV, of course... this is a matter of taste.

My advice is to watch a really good movie while on psychs. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, maybe.
Well, if things like that float your boat, then either Jacob's Ladder or Repulsion (an old Polanski film) are two that'll fairly scare the shit out of you (basically films that deal with the nature of personal reality in a dark & disturbing way). Personally, if I'm going to take a psychedelic & watch a film, I prefer to watch the more bizzare, abstrct comedies like Raising Arizona or Sir Henry at Rawlinson End where the sheer silliness of the style of the film generally results in me crying with laughter and begging god to make it stop for a second so I can catch my breath :D
Pans Labrynth, though gratuitously violent and subtitled which can be hard to read on a psychedelic (helps that I am almost fluent in spanish:)) is my new trip movie, I just cant watch it enough.
semi -off topic , can anyone mention some notable movies that may have been presumably made for people to watch while tripping, or are just plain good for tripping and watching, aside from labrynth :D

As for the question of whether going to see SAW on a psych would be a good idea, IMO , if you're into that kind of movie, imean, different strokes for different folks i get that, but i see it as a coin flip , 50-50 chance, really depends on how comfortable you are on psychs and in public (i'd highly recommend going to a theater in like the next town over, cause movies are social place and if u see somone in my experience they will want to at least small chat, and that'll be hard if they are getting bigger and smaller). It could turn out great, esp if u got a good friend or two to go w/ . Themeparks are the next step up if uhaven't already done that
Inland Empire wasn't gratuitously violent or gruesome, but it had a very nightmarish quality ... excellent film by the way. Personally, I'll stay away from all David Lynch films while under the influence of psychedelic drugs. Psood0nym seems to have a different opinion ... hope I'm not stealing your thunder here. ;)

From another thread:

Psood0nym said:
David Lynch’s film “Inland Empire” finally came to my city, and I met it there with 12mg of 4-AcO-DMT loaded in a syringe...

Lynch’s film is a monster lurking in the shadows of a Narnian wardrobe, a world of overlapping fabrics, strange connections made in the dark, and holes in silk, burned through with cigarettes. A world I have always wanted to swim in since I was a child reveling in the terror-charged wonder of nightmares.

“Inland Empire” is a kind of Dadaist meta-film and to say the 4-AcO-DMT added a few layers to the beautiful, self-referential absurdity would be an immense understatement. The theater became an extension of the film, with the creaks of the seats of patrons, unaware and uneasy, becoming the strain of the building itself trying to contain this wild thing from gnashing its way out of the screen. Intermittently the entrance doors would open, allowing phantasmagoric shimmers of light into the darkness as unknown figures quietly shuffled in and out. And my mind was just one more screen, one scattered across these many worlds, letting in dark figures and shimmering light from the cracks at the periphery of my vision. In the film the characters become detached in time. Likewise my mind seemed temporally extended, aware of my how my past was influencing my perceptions and how these haunting images would become slotted for reappearance in the future of my dreams.

The experience and the film were in turn, profound, grotesque, beautiful, hilarious, discordant, and disturbing. Strangely, the disconnected, dream-like images were responsible for the film’s greatest sense of realism. There was something of truth in tumbling through the wardrobe, awash in the plurality of its textures and its shifting threads, something about the depth of an image and the illimitable moment. They are like a puzzle whose completed picture is that of yet another puzzle whose pieces are skillfully hewn together in conflict with their forms, yet the exquisitely fragmentary image produced is a fuller representation of its subject’s reality than the one demanded by objective coherence.

5 stars

As for Saw, I'll stay away with or without any drugs.
Watching movies, or even tv for that matter, is a total waste of a psychedelic trip. Go for a walk in the woods. Or even better, since you like to be scared, lie down in the dark by yourself and see what happens ;). That shit can be terrifying on a far deeper level than watching violence.
I depends on the person how you handle it. I find that when watching movies/tv while tripping I cant grasp the story because it is blatently obvious to me that it is fictional. And also images that I see are warped. One instance that comes to mind is when I was watching TV while tripping (after the trip started to go bad I decided to go home and watch tv) and Naked Gun was on, everybody's heads looked different as if stuck on their bodies. And their bodies were moving out of sinc of their heads. I thought that the whole movie was fimed by somebody else with the heads stuck on. Also rainbows came out the tv set :S
Its an individual choice, but personally I try not to feed my brain with disturbing images and negatively, and I'm even more conscious of this while tripping.


If a person really wishes to see 'horror', there's enough of that in the "real world", the difference is horror movies can desensitize people to legitimate sufferings around them. Conversely, by becoming aware of some "real world" horrors and injustice being perpetrated on a daily basis, a person may become stimulated towards contributing to a positive solution.

[/hippy rant]
yeah, i wouldn't bother either. you may have such a bad time that it puts you off acid.

and we wouldn't want that now, would we?

go to the park instead. %)

(or rent I <3 Huckabees, i can recommend watching that on acid ;))
Movies, besides the odd cartoon (Futurama) are usually kind of boring and fake feeling on psychedelics I've found. I love horror movies, the only place where people truly examine the darkness of the world, but I could not handle it tripping.
2 really good trippy movies which are actually cartoons are Time Masters and Fritz the Cat(several).
cartoons allow for so much more fantasy
some caracters head in Time Masters really look like psychedelic heads (with the energy flowing and central eye) and it was while under 2c-d that it really hit me. if not tripping it may seem slow (but I loved it because it's crazy)...
Fritz the cat is more about ideology and 60-70's fun.
Though i woudn't especially recommend watching movies while tripping, and especially not horror movies, which can be quite destabilising. But if you feel it's gonna be ok then go on, but at your risk I'd say.
This is part of the setting of set & setting, and it can have a huge impact on your trip.
while on a lowish dose of 2C-I, i watched the movie Dreamcatcher. its a fairly cheesy stephen king sci-fi/horror movie, and i found it to be quite enjoyable to watch. at the dose i was on, i could follow the plot as easily as sober, but i still kept coming up with weird tangential thoughts flowing from the story of the movie and had an increased sense of excitement . also, i would say the special effects were enhanced by the subtle visuals, especially in one scene where an aliens head explodes very unexpectedly.

later on in that trip i watched National Lampoons European Vacation, and found it also enjoyable, but in a very different way, but thats a bit OT.

overall, it was a great experience, but i dont really see it working for me with a drug like LSD or mushrooms. i think with those substances, i wouldnt be able to follow the movie at all, and probally would be too cought up in my own head to really want to watch anyway. 2C-I is reletivley mild, and i was watching these on video, so i could take a break to walk around outside a few times when the movie began to get to be a little too much. i imagine it would cause unessesary anxiety to do this in a movie theatre, but YMMV.
Weed, if I was with friends, would be the only psych I would ever touch with horror movies.
And speaking of horror movies, The Descent isn't bad.

Lynch is like watching a soap opera on benzos and dxm.

Try Cat Soup.
chicpoena said:
Watching movies, or even tv for that matter, is a total waste of a psychedelic trip. Go for a walk in the woods. Or even better, since you like to be scared, lie down in the dark by yourself and see what happens ;). That shit can be terrifying on a far deeper level than watching violence.

Yeah , try this for a trip, listen to some music by necro in the dark and just imagine spiders crawling all over you, :D
a friend of mine freaked out when he went to see "surf's up" on shrooms.

an animated movie featuring surfing penguins in case you weren't familiar.