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Say something you can't say to their face

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In fact, anyone on this thread who tends to attract abusive/apathetic/manipulative/selfish/lying/slanderous/etc types may want to research narcissists.

Those with severe abandonment issues that cannot be otherwise explained by an event or experience might also benefit from researching narcs, because, for example, if raised by a narcissist, these people will withdraw their "love"for you/will "disown" you whwmb you dint play along with their abuse and control.

I felt this important to bring up simply because many times, the kind of abuse narcs and the like dish out is very subtle, manipulative, "crazy-making"etc, and because of this, the young victims grow up having little confidence in themselves, little trust in their own judgement/perceptions/opinions, etc, have trouble setting healthy boundaries amd be used by people as a result, and much more.

With this site bring geared toward people using drugs, and this thread in particular being FILLED with people talking about bring terribly mistreated and abused, the odds of at least some of these situations having narcissists and similar types as the core issue could quite a bit higher than average, as compared to other types of forums/sites geared toward different topics.

This type of abuse can be obvious or not depending on whether the abusive narc is the overt or covert type; the latter especially can leave you very confused, with you FEELING CLEARLY ABUSED, but sometimes unable to pinpoint exactly why.

In fact, bring raised by these types will often lead to drug abuse for certain types of people who habe been victimized in this way. There feels like there's some vague ocean of pain swirling insider of you, and you don't *quite* understand why. Watch yourself - after exposure to certain persons, do you run off to do drugs?


If, in fact, you have/are dealt with/dealing with such types, BE CAREFUL. Some of these people can be quite dangerous. EDUCATE THE SHIT OUT OF YOURSELF before making any moves. Some narcs - not all, though some argue that yes, all narcs - are socio/psycho-psyhs. If you dint break away from them carefully (ideally, with the help of a counselor who is VERY FAMILIAR with/specializes in narcissists and narcissistic abuse), as some of these abusers will seek revenge - from violence to life-altering smear-campaigns and slander. Be safe.

Wishing you all peace. XO
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The thing I fear is sociopaths. I was getting that sociopath vibe from the last guy I fooled around with so I walked away. He seemed to lack empathy and came off as dangerous.
I wished him well and told him I also have issues to deal with (which is true).

When you get a scary/creeped out vibe, break it off politely and run!
do you have aids or hep c?

(theres a mandatory hepc / aids meeting at where i'm at, and i hear she goes to that meeting).
When you get a scary/creeped out vibe, break it off politely and run!

I once literally yelled when I felt that was the only way for me not to go away with someone that was about to put my life in danger. Negative vibs are indeed quite important as well as your instincts. You're right about being as diplomatic as possible until your find you way out.
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Absolutely.... Diplomacy us your friend when faced with sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, etc..... Then gtfo lol.

It's a tight rope walk.... Very tense, one wrong move and down you go....
This upcoming weekend might be a nightmare..... I sure hope not.... My body is so worn out, and my mind is so very tired. Please, God, help me make it through. So that I can move on to bigger and better things. I now know I'm capable of these things. I used to know logically only, but now I understand it in my soul. Please.... Bless me with help making the right choices, with strength, and to not forget why this is all worth it.
This upcoming weekend might be a nightmare..... I sure hope not.... My body is so worn out, and my mind is so very tired. Please, God, help me make it through. So that I can move on to bigger and better things. I now know I'm capable of these things. I used to know logically only, but now I understand it in my soul. Please.... Bless me with help making the right choices, with strength, and to not forget why this is all worth it.

It seems you have already earned this! Whatever that is, you can do it! :)
"You're a cunt and I don't want to see you again." What I said: fuck all. Just dropped him out.
C, I miss you so much. I love you. I can't believe......that you killed yourself.....

I can't accept that you are gone....

There was a potentially beautiful future....

If I could go back I'd do so many things differently. Maybe it wouldn't have prevented this.

But who knows.

Im in pain. I'm not mad at you. I have so many unanswered questions and always will.

I think I just lost the love of my life . I've lost someone else like this and of course all kinds of thoughts go through your mind.

But this....is different.

This isn't me being unrealistic, in denial of things, this isn't me idealizing anything.

This is the truth I will hold in my heart until I embrace you again in Light.

I can't wait.

Please....don't stop visiting me. I know when you are around.

And I'm so grateful.
Be in Peace. Your smile....oh my, just the sweetest, most beautiful, shy, with a hint of mischief.

I loved you then.

I lover you now.

Please help me accept it.

But don't stop coming to me. I can't lose you again.

Rest in peace and be liberated, my Love. What I wouldn't give to put my entire soul into one last kiss with you. Just so you knew.

C, I miss you so much. I love you. I can't believe......that you killed yourself.....

I can't accept that you are gone....

There was a potentially beautiful future....

If I could go back I'd do so many things differently. Maybe it wouldn't have prevented this.

But who knows.

Im in pain. I'm not mad at you. I have so many unanswered questions and always will.

I think I just lost the love of my life . I've lost someone else like this and of course all kinds of thoughts go through your mind.

But this....is different.

This isn't me being unrealistic, in denial of things, this isn't me idealizing anything.

This is the truth I will hold in my heart until I embrace you again in Light.

I can't wait.

Please....don't stop visiting me. I know when you are around.

And I'm so grateful.
Be in Peace. Your smile....oh my, just the sweetest, most beautiful, shy, with a hint of mischief.

I loved you then.

I lover you now.

Please help me accept it.

But don't stop coming to me. I can't lose you again.

Rest in peace and be liberated, my Love. What I wouldn't give to put my entire soul into one last kiss with you. Just so you knew.



I'm sorry you are going through so much pain and if I could only tell that this gets better. In a way I believe it does. With time. You don't forget but you get used to the pain and from what I know you'll be reminded of the love and the tragedy but not as often, not as heavily, not as painful as it's now. My hopes that you can deal with such a loss and come to terms with your longing so both of you will move in slightly different directions, although you will always be with that love encrypted in your heart.<3
Thanks to both of you.

Theres so much moire to the story. I don't even feel like I have the "right" to feel like I do. We had not been in contact for quite some time. Long, sad, messed up story.

Suffice it to say.... I wish I could go back and that things had been different.

But I can't.

Thanks again.

Peace to you guys, & may your suffering be alleviated, may you be liberated.

It really sucks that you have put me in this position. I want to let you off the hook but years of you doing nothing and not contributing has put us where we are now.
I just want to know what is going on...I can only guess and it's frustrating. I can't tell if it is or if people are just playing along. =/

If there is ONE right thing to do, I would like for it to be known because I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THAT MAY BE HERE.

Umm...thanks. I'll try to be happy, I guess...I hope you are and I am glad that you're back again. :)
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I believe you just want to hear what you want. You can't see it under another perspective. It's frustrating.
I would love to hear any other perspective tbh.

Edit: It's fine. I'm out now. :)
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