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Say no to drugs

Actually some parts of it are actually kinda good. I like some of it.

I really dislike this part " if you do you'll be thinking you're cool getting involve in bisexuality. beastiality.and gven incest,
Ewwww! "
It's really offensive and makes you sound ignorant!

& this "say no to weed, because itll lead , to other drugs, " Not true.

overall is just doesn't have a good flow. I'd change alot around.
I don't know... I see where you're coming from, but I've tried Meth and it wasn't "the biggest pistol I'd ever met" nor have I ever felt horny on Ecstasy. When you are doing something as important as writing there has to be some kind of universal truth in it - it makes me wonder if you have even tried these drugs yourself? Good for an anti-drug campaign aimed at young teenagers who have never tried anything though, I guess. Scare tactics and all.
i thought it was an exceptionally well-written and informed piece of true art, the likes of me, with my simian-raping and gasoline-inhaling addiction could never hope to produce. also you're absolutely right, weed will always lead to massive crack/meth/smack habits, i've seen it countless times, perfectly decent young christians being tricked into smoking 'reefer' and soon they were peddling their assholes for their next fix.
someone as well-informed, bright and openminded should persue a carreer in politics. you'd really, really excell at it.
Not sure if it's this poem or the bad hot dogs earlier that just caused a wave of nausea to sweep over me. If the former, I'll admit that it is hard to give you constructive criticism. If the latter, I think you could write a better poem once you enroll at a university or open a wikipedia article or two. If you do happen to be enrolled, I'd recommend taking a course in health 101!
Ahahahahahaha. I <3 you 1josephjohn, this is the best.
This thread is a big steaming pile of shit.

I want to delete it from the forum and my memory.
...Okay, here's why. I feel like I have to do this because we're running a harm reduction website.

Let's start with your name. It sounds like a Bible reference. This is a site frequented by drug users, cops, and do-gooders. You've got less than seventy posts, in one year. You come on here, onto a drug forum, and make a thread - in the fucking literary department - preaching anti-drug propaganda. What's worse, it's garbage. Even as propaganda. I respect art, regardless of political orientation. I can appreciate the aesthetic value of Nazi propaganda.

You come across like some clueless Christian who walks into an NA meeting, and pretends to do drugs so he/she can help people find Jesus and get clean - Praise the Lord! You come across like a fucking narc. You're talking about drugs, like you have no experience with them. Just like the governmental propaganda shit spews into the media. You are a burst sewer main, spreading ignorance and shame into a community that does not care for it.

What's more, until I warned you to calm the fuck down - you started trying to bump your old bullshit again. I've looked through your post history, including the deleted comments, and they're full of inflammatory shit. I like the Bible. I believe in harm reduction. What I don't believe in is lying to people. Alcoholics Anonymous does that. They brainwash people, and - hey! - they have good results. So "Just Say NO!", people... It's as fucking easy as that.

(You stupid-ass mother fucker.)
^ nailed it 4ea. i mean retrospectively i must have been pretty fucking bored to even answer to this supreme fucking bullshit.
and for some reason this thread made me put on psalm 69 by ministry, so just for shits and giggles, here are the lyrics. they really fit somehow (again, i'm bored out of my skull):

drinking the blood of jesus
drinking it right from his veins
learning to swim in the ocean
learning to prowl in his name

the body of christ looked unto me
a preacher with cock in his hand
he wants you to suck on the holy ghost
and swallow the sins of man

psalm 69

the invisible piss of the holy ghost
comes down like acid rain
they're making a profit off terminal guilt
the scavengers go on parade

the promise of life and eternity
is used just like the sword
he'll filled you up with his devil's cock
and he'll come in the name of the lord
>replying to blatant trolling

C'mon, Bluelight, you're supposed to be the smartest drug users on the internets.
well, we're all too busy hitting the pipe and fucking dogs to make any relevant posts.
^On the topic of drugs being a gateway to dog-fucking, I actually started fucking dogs before I did drugs; so, it's a bit of a "chicken or the egg" situation, I guess. Then again, maybe they are precursors to each other. Perhaps dog-fucking is a gateway to drugs, and drugs are gateways to dog-fucking.
^ well as you astutely remarked, i prefer simians. they're so purple and vicious. i like the rough stuff. also, try mainlining gasoline one time. you burn like fuck.
I like this thread, because I like trolls. People like trolls. We're all so politically correct all the time and considerate of each other's feelings. It's nice when there is such an obvious and undeniable asshole. So we can all link arms and say "Fuck you," in unison. "It feels good to piss on your corpse!"
i'm now writing an essay entitled 'bestiality, the secret gateway to horrible addiction?'. i'm pretty sure i'll score big points with that, also i'm contemplating starting a big survey on this. people need to know what animal fucking necessarily leads to.
In all my years of saying no to people, usually ones who wanted something from me in some sense, it's fast become one of my favorite responses to any chance enounters I've found myself in being cornered by unsavory, heartless scum, either wanting something from me, or expecting something out of me. Teachers, con-artists, Rotarians, anybody who mentions 'Jesus' more than 300 hundred times in a 4 minute conversation.... Etc. You get the general idea.

Drugs never asked anything of me.

Never told me I was bad.

Never made me feel awkward, wrong, ashamed, downtrodden, excluded, or if we can jump to an extreme for perspectives sake:

Never ascertained my still-beating heart out of my once optimisticlly driven chest, looked at it dryly without emotion while dropping ashes from her cigarette, took out a loudspeaker and after a short pause; took in one leviathon of a breath and aimed that machine dead square into my fucking soul, man, to which she was heard to scream maniacally at the poor little bastard still beating, lying on the wet concrete behind a crooked nursing home smelling of a snake cave in spring:



So, to summarize?

I still don't know what this threads about and I really don't feel like reading anything more into it as I'm liable to go on some hate-filled tirade and out you as a horrible addict of the worst ilk imaginable.

Drinking your coffee, smoking your cigarettes, sucking on the neverending spoon and dropper shaped tits of jesus himself, eating cake until you're propositioned by your local daily to join the "Kathy" fanclub and go on to enjoy modest fame as a manic depressive cartoon character who's only great 'words' I can recall ever uttered were along the lines of, shit how did that go. Ack?

How much television do you watch a day?

Avg is 6.5 hours.

That's not addiction though. That's entertainment, right? ;)