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Say no to drugs


Apr 23, 2011
Just say no to drugs "DEMONS" Original Version

I know all their dirty little secrets,
come take a walk and talk with me step out of denial and maybe then you'll be able to see this,
just say no to drugs,
so you won't owe those thugs,
when they come flying up to you,
like :
" I''ve got some drugs that’ll mess you up I'm not lying its true",
just say no to ecstasy,
if you don't you'll be stuck looking confused
thinking :
"why am I so horny?
there's just this corny ugly whiteboy standing next to me ?",
just say no to weed,
because itll lead ,
to other drugs,
If you're a son of an addict you know what I mean you won't wanna even give your own mother hugs,
just say no to cocaine,
if you don't trust me you'll end up sniffing the whole damn thang,,
you'll even leave your friend who doesn’t do coke hanging and,
claiming that you're busy and the whole shebang –and,
just say no to crack.
or else you'll have no choice you'll definitely be coming back,
just say no to crystal meth,
or it'll be the biggest pistol you would've ever met,
see! Melanie you should've listened to Heather than,
to have shot up some heroin,
now for the rest of your life you'll be stuck doing that or methadone,
your best bet would've been just to have left it alone,
just say no to angel dust,
if you don't you'll be so paranoid you'll be trying to stop that plain from making a flame out of that bus,
just say no to drugs,
and don't hold those thugs,
when they come crying to you,
“i lied to you I've got an addiction thatll never be over flying and through,
just say no to drugs don't try it not even once,
that way you won't have to worry about dying over bumps,
just say no to drugs don't sniff. snort. smoke. or even inject,
because if you do you'll be thinking you're cool getting involve in bisexuality. beastiality.and gven incest,
listen to me when I warn ya,
or else you'll be stuck living on that very same corner,
begging passersby like:
"hay buddy got a quarter ? "

© 2009 1josephjohn (All rights reserved)

Aurthor note:
If you don't want to post this thread that's fine - I'm out numbered here
(and in life too) but anyways.

If you viewers don't like this just say :"I don't like it".
I'm not looking for critical replies.
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The whole "Say no to weed, cause it'll lead to other drugs", I have to disagree.
I know people who've smoked weed for near enough their entire adult life, and not touched anything else.
"because if you do you'll be thinking you're cool getting involve in bisexuality. beastiality.and gven incest "


What's wrong with bisexuality? Why would you put it in the same category as bestiality and incest? Are you saying that by doing drugs, you'll become bisexual or attracted to animals or want to fuck your sister? Sorry, that seems kinda...retarded. Unless there's some kind of metaphorical subtext that I'm missing out on.

Also, why aren't you looking for critical replies? There are a lot of things about this poem that can be improved to make a legitimately better piece of poetry. If you can't handle criticism than why even bother posting it? Since we're not allowed to make comments about it, were we just supposed to read it and then say "whatever"? Or, by posting an anti-drug poem on a website dedicated to drugs and harm reduction, were you just trying to troll people by saying that they're all wigged-out, addict, dog fuckers?

In any case, this thread is asinine. I would've been happy to provide you with tips to improve your writing, but clearly that's not what you wanted this thread to be about.
"because if you do you'll be thinking you're cool getting involve in bisexuality. beastiality.and gven incest "


What's wrong with bisexuality? Why would you put it in the same category as bestiality and incest? Are you saying that by doing drugs, you'll become bisexual or attracted to animals or want to fuck your sister? Sorry, that seems kinda...retarded. Unless there's some kind of metaphorical subtext that I'm missing out on.

Also, why aren't you looking for critical replies? There are a lot of things about this poem that can be improved to make a legitimately better piece of poetry. If you can't handle criticism than why even bother posting it? Since we're not allowed to make comments about it, were we just supposed to read it and then say "whatever"? Or, by posting an anti-drug poem on a website dedicated to drugs and harm reduction, were you just trying to troll people by saying that they're all wigged-out, addict, dog fuckers?

In any case, this thread is asinine. I would've been happy to provide you with tips to improve your writing, but clearly that's not what you wanted this thread to be about.

"wigged-out, addict, dog fuckers?"- love it! Can I use this? LMFAO!

lmfao! Oh' god this is so funny!
My opinion guy on guy bisexuality action is as gross as bestiality and incest - that's why I categorize it with them,and yes I think drugs have an influence on bisexuality .. because everyone I know is on drugs and everyone I know who are on drugs are bi (EVERYONE OF THEM!)
...so there it is.
Using drugs IS RETARDED AND ASININE!(can't believe you'd try to use logic here.)
That's why I don't use - I knew ahead of time what drugs do to people,that's all I'm trying to do here with this lyric .
Criticism for the my lyrics are soooo beside the point here,it's the facts that I'm showing here,in a rhyme form becacuse I like rap.....got it now?
Rap doesn't follow poetry guidlines,so no thanks on the help "teacher".
You don't have to like my style of writing, some people like it some don't-that's called an opinion.

P.s. Bet nobody here see's how messed up Charlie Sheen REALLY is-
that's so sad.

The whole "Say no to weed, cause it'll lead to other drugs", I have to disagree.
I know people who've smoked weed for near enough their entire adult life, and not touched anything else.

Yeah and I know people who flat out lie and say:
"I smoke weed and never touched anything else".
And you believed them?
Notice none of these drugies on here use their real name -
hench them "lying" about using drugs.
Bet these same people swear they've never touched anything else to people like me who don't use.
It's a fact that people start out using weed then go on to harder drugs-
not all but enough so that I can say:
"Say no to weed, cause it'll lead to other drugs."
You can deny it all you want- you'll see later on in life....you'll see.
I am more educated on drugs than most drugies,I know what I'm talking about .You go ahead and try to argue logic with me,facts are on my side.
But what ever I'm just trying to help people stop using drugs excuse me for doing so.

lol Ill keep It simple I don't like it either


You people make me laugh,omg!
Keep getting high, I 'll be that dude that says:"No you can't have a quarter" then laughs in your face!

Sounds like a bad remake of Kids by Eminem

I agree.
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Fwiw, we do have some forum guidelines. Are they out of date, or in need of some adjustement? Pehaps, but they are the rules for now.
***FORUM GUIDELINES - Please read these before posting!***

The moderators would like to keep the atmosphere in this forum as POSITIVE as possible. We don’t want to discourage anyone from posting, and we understand that some matters are very personal and may be difficult for people to post. Therefore, please only reply when you can do so in a POSITIVE manner. If you don’t like a piece of writing, then move on. Negative comments will be modified or deleted as the moderators see fit. Our guiding principle is to keep drama to a minimum.

If you have a piece of work that you WOULD LIKE to have critiqued, and you are open to ALL FORMS of constructive criticism, then we encourage you to put “PLEASE CRITIQUE” either in your title or at the top of your post. We will do our best to offer you suggestions.

I doubt anyone would consider "I don't like it" as positive or constructive. In such a case, perhaps it's better to just move along and leave no comment at all?
Of course they're not going to like it ,I'm telling them not to do drugs.
I figured they'll feel better if they could voice that.
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Every substance has room for abuse the key is moderation and balencing. Don't like it either too depressing. Look at the glass half full not half gone
"wigged-out, addict, dog fuckers?"- love it! Can I use this? LMFAO!

And it is at this point that you cement yourself as a troll, as if that wasn't clear enough already.

But I can't resist trollbait.

My opinion guy on guy bisexuality action is as gross as bestiality and incest - that's why I categorize it with them,and yes I think drugs have an influence on bisexuality .. because everyone I know is on drugs and everyone I know who are on drugs are bi (EVERYONE OF THEM!)
...so there it is.

I thought this poem/rap was about "the facts". Show me one "fact" that proves that drug use of any kind leads one to become bisexual, incestuous, or a zoophile.

Using drugs IS RETARDED AND ASININE!(can't believe you'd try to use logic here.)

Opinion, not "fact". I smoke weed to get rid of my stress and anxiety. Seems fairly logical to me. I use it the same way one uses cough medicine to cure a cough, or aspirin to cure a headache. It has medicinal value for me, seems pretty logical. On the recreational side of things, yeah, of course I smoke a lot when I'm at a party or hanging out with friends. A LOT of people drink and smoke at parties, who cares? Just because you've never had the experience doesn't mean it's 'retarded'. I've never bungee jumped, but I don't call bungee jumpers 'retarded'.

That's why I don't use - I knew ahead of time what drugs do to people,that's all I'm trying to do here with this lyric .
Criticism for the my lyrics are soooo beside the point here,it's the facts that I'm showing here,in a rhyme form becacuse I like rap.....got it now?
Rap doesn't follow poetry guidlines,so no thanks on the help "teacher".
You don't have to like my style of writing, some people like it some don't-that's called an opinion.

Besides your atrocious grammar and verb agreements, I still don't see the 'point' of this. You're not stating facts, you're just regurgitating DARE propaganda. This whole forum is filled with drug facts from people who have actually studied drugs and their effects; that's it's entire reason for existence. Claiming that you 'know more' than these people because 'everyone you know is a bisexual drug addict' is ridiculous. What are you? 12?

And as for your piece, there aren't any 'guidelines' for poetry unless you're trying to write a sonnet or some other set-structure poem. Rap is poetry, for the most part. And judging by your rap/poem, I'd say that you know very little about writing either. I can assure you that most people in here would have been happy to provide you with tips to improve your writing had you not come across as such a self-important douche. Criticism is what drives creative development, and if your feelings are too fragile to accommodate it, then maybe you shouldn't post any of your work.
Lol at first I thought this was poking fun at some ridiculous dare bs...Congratulations OP, you are well on your way to a stellar career as a propoganda writer for elementary schools everywhere. Sounds like you will fit right in with the rest of them...Just what the world needs
I don't use drugs as much as I use to but I understand what I did and I know what I'm talking about from personal experience as well as much research and being around people that use other drugs that I have not like coke meth heroin and other drugs.your poem or whatever is just not right I don't think you truly understand what your talking about.
Surely if you don't want criticism you can't improve your writing and if you can't take criticism don't make it public but i don't dislike or like, the start i like, the main bit not so much.
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what a poorly constructed effort to convince anyone to not take drugs.
You people make me laugh,omg!
Keep getting high, I 'll be that dude that says:"No you can't have a quarter" then laughs in your face!

Do that to the wrong person and you will be the one that gets 5mins of fame on the evening news .. but i can tell you now it will not be for your poor efforts in this thread .. it will be for the day you say no to someone asking for the quarter and he stabs the shit out of you for laughing at him

we will all laugh .. it will be funny
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I would like it if it was correct it just seems wrong from what I know to be fact.