Sat 2-22-03~One Love~NE Ohio~****Review****

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Come out and show some love kiddies!
This is going to be off the heezy!
Originally posted by groovefuel:
Not to mention the King of Electro-breaks, JACKAL! I'm SO ready for this shit!
Originally posted by XmiKeX:
just saw Dj rap on a twix commercial....what has the world come too!
there is also a DR PEPPER commercial with RUN DMC / LL cool J, "wikka wikka RUN DMC AND JAM MASTER "wikka wikka" DR pepper". IN THE PLACE OF HIS NAME!!!
i can't wait till the 22 this week is crazy for me! There is so much stuff coming up, it's great, any one from cleveland area the G-spot 4 is this friday at peabody's by CSU and it's free!!
*Does a lil dance* Why can't this weekend be the next. I can't wait to see all you kids again, including some new ones I met recently*wink wink, you know who you are* It's been since November since I've been to a party. Too long. I'll have my dancing/drinking shoes on so look out Cleveland. Peace.
I am fuckin hyped because now it looks like I am going to be able to make it to this party now after all. I can't wait to party in a new venue and from what I hear a very dope venue and with a full bar! This is looking to be the best month I've ever had, starting with Paul Van Dyk on Tuesday, One Love on Saturday. Then down to New Orleans for Zuloo 9 with Satoshi, Rabbit in the Moon and many more @ the legendary State Palace Theatre. Then the next week out to Boulder, Co. for some sking and snowboarding, I am really excited and I can't wait to see everyone out @ One Love.
I am currently busy taking care of getting the BUS together. I have spoke with the cool driver and he is going to let us know for shure by monday. Keep checking the boards cause the bus is RSVP.
Now, who's hyped?
Party safe and Responsibly
Hey whats up! i haven't been on here for awhile but this party looks kick ass!! i am pretty sure me and my roommate are going, i live in columbus and was wandering if anyone wanted to like meet up or something that would be cool. if anyone is interested my AIM is BrandiMarie01 or my roommate is CatalinaAC. my e-mail is [email protected] just contact me!!!!!!!
So since my birthday is the 20th, do i get in for free? I always thought there was some rule that if the party is around your birthday, u get in fooo free!!!?!?!? Mind you i also live 7 hours away! ACK!
[ 16 February 2003: Message edited by: EternalX ]
hah cannot wait for next saturday :) Feelgood's gonna rawk my world for sure. Me and whirly will see all you kiddies there :) :) :)
One week and couting kids. Looks like I have a crew of five going so far, and the plan is for a hotel room for before and after, so all my peeps have a place to crash or chill for a bit before driving home. I got chills right now, but maybe that's because my room is friggin freezing. Bump this shit up. Peace.
^ sounds like my house!
This party will hopefully livin' up the northern scene a little, with such good talent in all genres its NOT to be missed people! and dont come at 11 or 12, come at 9!
Ay i NEED on the BUS!!!!! i need a ride to this VENUE!!!! so bad if i cant get on the bus or if anyone cannot help me out i wont be able to make it :( :( :( : ( so can someone help me out with info about the bus or can anyone come threw akron to give me a ride an back???? thankx email me at [email protected] with info please
This party is gonna rock! DJ Rap is the fucking bomb. I saw her in Columbus last year with Dieselboy. It fucking rocked!
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