Sat 2-22-03~One Love~NE Ohio~****Review****

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Ive got 15 Mickey finn cds and a bunch of Paradox cds that ill be giving away to whoever ask at one love. I expect to see all the dayton regulars at this one. The venue is off the hook and the drive is not bad it all. Start calling your friends and putting on your party hats, cause this shits gonna be bangin, ALL NIGHT LONG.
hey where's the eagles nest at?? i need to map out our trip (and motel accomodations) so give me an addy or sumpthin i can look up!
L-Town kids are in check, thats about 10 of us in full support of the talent and the dope ass djs. Not to mention the venue, don't get lost. Elkhart has a replica venue that produces the same nice vibes.
oh yeah Vanman w/ dick in hand should keep his D.S.L.s shut.
And also whats up with the bus
This will be a solid night.
Ale Fillman is always impressive, and I'm looking forward to seeing voigt-kampff again.
just saw Dj rap on a twix commercial....what has the world come too!
yo i need directions to this venue...... anyone help plz email [email protected] thnx... and if anyone can hlep out with a ride for me an a friend from akron and back thnx
i can't wait... amazing line up! me and some of my people are going to make the journey up there.. but it should be well worth it!
AHHH... Its getting closer!~ Hell yes... Rockin like a mother #$%^&*!.. I can't wait to bullshit with anita again... Shes a dope ass chic.. :)
See ya all there
~*Peace out*~
Please note that One Love is a 16 and up event. We don't want anyone making the trek and not being able to get in. ID is required at the door.
Can't wait to see you all in Lorain on the 22!! Great mix of talent and the incredible Ohio vibe representing.
Originally posted by XmiKeX:
just saw Dj rap on a twix commercial....what has the world come too!
yeah i just saw it.....
i'm still in shock
if she's that hard up for money i'll give her 20 bucks, so long as she promises not to do any more candy bar commercials
Originally posted by groovefuel:
Please note that One Love is a 16 and up event. We don't want anyone making the trek and not being able to get in. ID is required at the door.

Hey~ Just because i look young doesn't mean u have to hold that against me :) J/K .. I will have my ghetto ass id out and ready, i can assure u that much :) (just don't look at the picture)
B im SO ready, everyone seen that Twix commercial shes in.. mmmm, see you all there! (not to mention some dayum fine house and breaks going to be there!)
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