SARMs Triple Stack

^apparently huge doses of hgh can keep you slim with a shit diet. But I agree, diet is everything.
For pct, I believe GF put up a post comparing tamoxifen and clomiphene. Id roll with tamoxifen over clomi though there is some debate about using it after a 19nor cycle.
^apparently huge doses of hgh can keep you slim with a shit diet.

Monster doses of HGH along with large doses of Testosterone and Trenbolone with some T3 thrown into the mix along with some other choice orals and injectables will make it so you only have to worry about diet the last few weeks before a contest. I'm talking pro bodybuilder dosages though that take years to build up to and FDA grade rHGH along the lines of $20,000-$50,000.

A lot of the pros who eat like shit look good but end up very unhealthy and slowly look shittier and shittier as time goes on.

When you pumping your body full of exogenous hormones and powerful chemicals you really need to pay attention to diet.
Last question, how about ostarine only - could that work for holding the musclemass when I'm cutting down on calories?
Me personally I wouldn't use ostarine, but I know a few people who have and it seems to work well. Like I mentioned above, I'd rather do it naturally/juicing than with ostarine untill there has been more long-term studies etc
Dude Osta has a place in the tool chest, as does GW would I like to have more long term studies absolutely but some of the veterinary AAS that are in wide spread use have little to no Human studies at all let alone long term studies. That being said What GF said rings true you may just need a bit of fine tuning in diet or some such. Another idea aside from Var would be Methylstenbolone at a low range would be good as well, very similar gains in terms of both strength and body comp while on it.