SARMs Triple Stack


Apr 23, 2011
Hi bluelight,

I have been working out without AAS for about 3-4 years (1 year wasn't serious). Now, I've been bulking for all these years and gained weight from 130lbs to 225lbs. In the beginning of February I want to do a rather serious cut but I want to maintain the muscle I've earned with hard work.

I am not mentally ready to take the big jump to AAS, therefore I am thinking about running the "SARMs triple stack" to help fatburn and maintain musclemass and giving me an androgenic look.
I know that testosterone should be the corner stone in cycles, but would the following give me a little boost in my cut for maintaining strength and muscle while burning fat?

Week 1-8
Ostarine 15mg daily
Andarine 30mg daily
GW-501516 5mg daily

Will PCT be required in these doses?
Andarine affects your vision (problems adjusting to light/dark, a certain tint on everything), this should stop a few days after your last dose.
GW-501516 was shown to cause cancer in rats and development was stopped. Does it cause cancer in humans? Who knows. Is it something you want to risk? That's your choice.

If I were you I'd just run test + anavar.
Your dosing is a bit low to be optimum/cost effective. Step osta to 25mg/day, s4(andarine) at 50mg/day (ramp up to it or do 5 days on 2 off) and gw to 20mg/day. Be leery of the pct that was recommended to you as I know what board you got that info from.

at any dose of s4 or osta pct to some degree is required. But either go with the doses I listed or dont dose at all or you'll be wasting your money considering I probably know the vendor for the sarms youre looking at (they got a bogo deal going am I right?).

Post up some more info though man like your age, height, body fat. This board is more of an advocate for aas as sarms are not very cost effective for what they do, but we have people here with sarms exp. Im running gw at 20mg a day and loving it.
I think the jury is still out on AR modulators like Ostarine etc, by itself I'm unsure if it will work because you won't get all the benefits of Test purely from a SARM, maybe as a stack if research proves them ok in the future!! Maybe run a mild dose to lessen side effects, and stack with other non AR mediated anabolics... The benefits of a stack including SARMS might be optimal if AR saturation was attained..?? I've always thought they were over-rated, but future research may eventually prove positive..!!

If you're wanting to drop BF%... cut your calories, & adjust your protein:carb' ratio...

Throw in some test to hold on to muscle mass, maybe add T-3 + Clen..

Or as previously stated Test + DHT like Legit Anavar.... If you can get it..!!

At 225lbs... your doing something right, all you need might be a little fine tuning..!!
I tried S-4 (Andarine ) a few years back (before ostarine and GW-501516) to preserve muscle/strength on a cut. It did help a bit, especially with the muscle preservation, strength still suffered. It also gave me lots and lots of endurance in the gym.
But the vision thing got very creepy by the end, not something I'd want to experience again. The dose was somewhere between 50 and 100mg per day.

I also did test + anavar for a cut (about 500mg test + 50mg var) and it was a much better experience. Lost practically zero muscle, actually gained a bit of strength (not so much 1rm, but rep strength) and (at least for me) anavar did reduce stomach fat. And all that with no sides.

Tren is also good for cutting, but I wouldn't recommend that for a first cycle, because it can cause some nasty sides in certain people and because it's recommended that your first tren cycle is with tren a (exactly because of the sides, if they get to bad, you stop injecting it and it's out of your system quickly) but tren a means ed injections and that gets old really fast.
Sarms are just too fucking expensive as well. For a reputable sarms source, id have to drop enough cash that I could do an extreme 12 week cycle of aas that would far outperform any sarms stack/cycle. Most of the time I see it as someones too afraid to inject. I blame the public for stigmatizing needle usage, but one must remember thousands of people are on injectable medication and they arent "junkies". Im eager to take the plunge myself (no pun intended).
Even if you don't want to inject I think an oral only cycle would still give better results for less money. Some anavar for it's good ar binding and either dbol/drol/tbol for the non ar effects.
Oral only gets a bad image because people using it usually don't know how to train, a properly done oral only cycle isn't that bad.
^Im terrified of limp dick from no test :/ im used to daily sex and am rather insecure if I cant get it up. Hell too much preworkout I used to take would cause ED :/ youre right though. Also lets not forget sarms arent well researched in people (legally or illegally) so we dont know much about long term sides.

p.s. you seem pretty knowledgable. Should post in these parts more often....
Dbol should take care of libido/erection problems for most people. If not you can add some proviron. I mean anavar, dbol, proviron and adex/aromasin/letro starts to get a bit expensive so the standard 500mg test pw is more cost effective, but for people who really don't want to inject the oral combo should be fine.
For all the mentioned reasons not to use SARMS, I would steer clear of them.

You obviously know how to train and diet, I would reccomend a low dose of test, 250mg at minimum per week and something like masteron at 400mg per week rather than an oral. I'm personally not a huge fan of orals due due to the stress on liver and lipids however they do have their place, in this case swapping the masteron for something like anavar. I know someone on Test, Mast and Winny and it is their first cycle and it's quite a good combo.

Test+Masteron like I mentioned will keep you feeling great and give you that androgenic kick in the gym to push through being in a caloric deficit. By the end of it expect some extra lean mass, insane vascularity and a real dry look. I plan on doing a cut with 250mg Test E + 350mg Mast Prop for 4 weeks around this time next year possibly with 20mcg of clen, which will lead into a 12 week bulk of at this point 500mg test+400mg deca (or NPP if I can get it).
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I'd try getting mast e if you're already using test e, that way you can inject both at the same time and don't need to inject that often. Or test prop + mast prop, but most test prop is quite painful and eod injections get old quickly... now if you can find test phenylprop that'll solve the pain problem, but it's not that common.
Post up some more info though man like your age, height, body fat.

Age: 21 years old
Height: 189cm
Bodyfat: I don't know, I would guess around 16%, I decided to take a picture and let you guys be the judge
I just posted the link as the pic is rather large.

I think andarine and GW-501516 will be dropped.

I am personally heading more towards the test + anavar cycle for cut, I do not have much knowledge about AAS but I am currently reading up about it.

How would this work for cut:
Week 1-8
Test E 250mg/weekly
Anavar 40mg/daily
Anastrozole 0,25mg/daily

PCT: Clomid or nolvadex? Not sure, and what doses?

How would Ostarine only, work for cut? I know it ain't giving me a hard look, but I've read it's good for maintaining muscle.
Test e 12 weeks 250 twice a week
Anavar 6 weeks 50 mg ed
Nolvadex 2 weeks after last injection for 4 weeks 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg
Basically what brick top said, if you're going to use test e or c (doesn't really matter which), inject it for 10-12 weeks. If you want to only do 8 weeks of injections get either test prop (usually painful) or test phenylprop (not painful but harder to get). Up the test dose to 500mg pw. Run the anavar for the last 6 weeks of the cycle (so if you're injecting for 12, you take the anavar on weeks 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8). You can also extend the anavar to 8 weeks if you want and can afford it. 40mg or 50mg doesn't really matter that much. And the AI dose varies quite a bit from person to person, you may be fine with none, or 0,25mg or 0,5mg or 1mg, who knows.
I am personally heading more towards the test + anavar cycle for cut, I do not have much knowledge about AAS but I am currently reading up about it.

How would this work for cut:
Week 1-8
Test E 250mg/weekly
Anavar 40mg/daily
Anastrozole 0,25mg/daily

PCT: Clomid or nolvadex? Not sure, and what doses?

How would Ostarine only, work for cut? I know it ain't giving me a hard look, but I've read it's good for maintaining muscle.

IMHO 12 weeks for just a cutter is a bit long, I wouldn't bother with the long estered stuff for a cut unless it happened to be at the end of the cycle, but not stand alone.

Keep reading up on AAS dude, you're on the right path.

An 8 weeker of Test Prop with 40mg var would have you looking pretty good by the end of it.
I'll admit right now that I'm biased against test prop because it always gave me bad pip and tbh eod injections get old.

That's why I'd rather do a few more weeks of the long estered stuff cut or no cut.

Now if he can get test phenylprop I'm all for 8 weeks no pip, e3d shots, much better.
PIP is something your going to just have to work through... Lets not get into the argument of whether or not cutting is suitable with enthate over prop, you can, but prop is what I would use to avoid extra sides, get it working asap and avoid extra water retention.

Very much doubt Test Phenylprop would be a possibility, if you could get it then yeah but prop will suffice.

1-8 350mg Test Prop p/week
1-8 40mg Anavar and/or 350mg Mast Prop p/week.

PCT with Clomid 50mg for 4 weeks start day after finishing, I also reccomend aromasin at 12.5mg EOD or ED with the Clomid, but it is optional. I personally will never run PCT without aromasin again.

Really, it won't matter what you run so much rather it will be your diet that makes it work. Even if you ran the test prop by itself it would suffice, however with the addition of mast/var you won't be dissapointed.
PIP is something your going to just have to work through... Lets not get into the argument of whether or not cutting is suitable with enthate over prop, you can, but prop is what I would use to avoid extra sides, get it working asap and avoid extra water retention.

Test is Test regardless of ester, if pinned twice per half-life stable blood levels should be achieved whether its Prop' or Enanthate.. Only difference is slightly more compound/ml with Prop' hence more pip.. There's no guarantee Test on a Prop ester will be taken up by AR any faster than Test Enanthate if correct injection protocol is followed, once stable blood concentrations have been reached...

Very much doubt Test Phenylprop would be a possibility, if you could get it then yeah but prop will suffice.

1-8 350mg Test Prop p/week
1-8 40mg Anavar and/or 350mg Mast Prop p/week.

PCT with Clomid 50mg for 4 weeks start day after finishing, Too soon make it a week I also reccomend aromasin at 12.5mg EOD or ED with the Clomid, but it is optional. I personally will never run PCT without aromasin again.

Clomid can be a very harsh compound for some people... If a single compound were to be used for PCT your better off with Nolvadex.... Aromasin after 350mg Test.. I'd be thinking overkill..!!!!

Really, it won't matter what you run so much rather it will be your diet that makes it work. Even if you ran the test prop by itself it would suffice, however with the addition of mast/var you won't be dissapointed.

Masteron and Anavar have similar qualities, on a low dose cycle I'd personally stick with one... Var..!!!
I still do not retract my statement using test prop over enanthate in this case, but each to their own. That is just my choice over using prop in this specific cycle, to get going faster and PCT time early as possible.

Why use an oral if you don't have to when you can achieve a similar thing with an injectable and not mess with lipids and liver? This has always been my approach, I don't see myself using one anytime soon.

Each to their own. OP, you're going to have to do your own research on it and come up with your own conclusion because at the end of the day you will have varying responses, run this, but don't run that, run a little less of this etc etc

Really, using test prop or enanthate with either masteron or var, even some winny if you can't get either however var would be my choice over winny. However you do it, the most important aspect will be your diet like I said. Every compound is going to be different for everyone in the way that say test causes e2 problems for me, but for you it may not. There are multiple ways to skin a cat.

Clomid can be a very harsh compound for some people... If a single compound were to be used for PCT your better off with Nolvadex.... Aromasin after 350mg Test.. I'd be thinking overkill..!!!!

How can you say clomid can be very harsh yet you are reccomending anavar over masteron in this case? Clomid in my eyes is better than nolvadex at restoring the HPTA. I would be more worried about my lipids and liver from using an oral rather than clomid.
I think this is the most important point of the whole debate:
>it will be your diet that makes it work
If you're eating 3 chocolate cakes per day, no amount of steroids is going to make you lose fat (it may make you huge and strong but you wont look good).