• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

Sad news about a Bluelighter, another taken too soon...


Sep 19, 2006
This is the second time i've had to make a post like this.

A bluelighter, some of you may not remember him, the older ones will, Unfortunatesquid has left the world too soon. He was my ex-boyfriend. Some of you will remember that we had our differences, but they were dealt with. We'd started to speak again in the past few months, exchanged a lot of e-mails and explained a lot of things. Forgiveness is a strong thing to give, and guilt is an admirable thing to admit.

He came to visit me for the new year. It was the first time I had seen him in over a year. We had fun together, visiting museums, going for walks, I made the mistake of taking him into charity shops, (He's worse than a girl when it comes to shopping for bargains!) where he got some designer clothes 'cheap as chips' as he'd say. Had a meal at some mutual friends house. He took me out for a lovely meal on New years eve.

He died in the early hours of Monday morning of a suspected what I hope was an accidental overdose. The police said wraps of white powder was found next to him. I know it was Ketamine.

I'm feeling so muddled up at the moment, racked with guilt and all sorts of emotions. We didn't part on happy terms. He admitted when he was here that he blames himself for some situations I have ended up in. It's all such a mess. Some of you will know that this is the second boyfriend of mine who has passed away, i've still not dealt with the last one, it hurts.

While I was out at the shop, he wrote this on my to do whiteboard in my kitchen, I can't bring myself to wipe it. I think it's a good 'to do' prayer.

2012 was going to be my new start, but I'm starting this one in pain.
Dear God Cherry.

This is terrible news and I just wish I could help.

If anyone deserves some goodness in their lives it's you.


So sorry...
((((((((((((((((((( Cherry ))))))))))))))))))

I know what I can say is of very little comfort, but I'm so, so sorry that this has happened, that you've been through this before and that I give you my upmost condolences and love <3~:(~<3

Please remember that you've friends here who are there for you whenever you need it: Keep that in mind at all times <3

Loads of love honey xxxxx

p.s. That's really lovely what he wrote on your board <3
sorry to hear this cherry :(

I remember Unfortunatesquid, one of my favourite bluelight handles.

I am new here, so dont know him or you, but im so sorry for your loss. I had a close freind OD on GHB a few months ago and it was totally out of the blue, no one knew he was depressed. I wish you all the care and love in the world to help you get through your pain.

I did not even know you could OD on K...
I don't know if it was a K OD, There could have been a few contributing factors. Can't be specific yet. I'm only going on what the police told me.
I know that on NYE he'd taken a lot of benzos too.
I can't believe this, what a tragic loss to everyone who knew him. I remember Squiddy well from earlier days, this is such a shock.

Cherry I'm so sorry.
Been thinking of you since. Much love & empathy.x

RIP UnfortunateSquid. You will be sorely missed. :(
Always sad news to hear of another Bluelighter passing away. R.I.P
The white board made me well up a little. :(

Im sorry your friend never got to make a good go at sorting things out in 2012.

So sad to hear, I hope your doing ok. <3

Sadly like many deaths we suffer due to drugs, far too young :|

RIP :|
So sad, so sorry for you and all who knew him.
Makes me appreciate the harm reduction community in its role of spreading knowledge and minimising risk even more
RIP, sorry to hear about this Cherry always sad to loose anyone especially around this difficult time, didn't know UnfortunateSquid but that is probably my loss. Thoughts are with you. :(
The poem he left on your whiteboard is the Alcoholics Anonymous 'serenity prayer', also used to close N.A. meetings.

I can see why you can't bring yourself to wipe it off. You clearly have fond as well as unhappy memories of this relationship and old lovers ought not to be taken so early. Hope your melancholy passes soon.
RIP Squid. Had some funny banter on here ages ago. I know you's had your problems but thoughts are with you cherry and anyone else who knew him well.