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Russel Brand... your thoughts?

Can the vaccine cause myocarditis?
Yes, at roughly half the rate that Covid infection can cause it.
I know someone who got myocarditis from the vaccine as a healthy 18 year old male and took a few months to recover.
But such a reaction is quite rare, and serious consequences from Covid infection itself are far more prevalent.

I suppose they only found out about the myocarditis threat after we all took the shot?
because I sure don't remember anything other than 100% safe and effective.
"a pandemic of the unvaccinated " remember?
that was quite the flagrant lie no? Given we all now agree it doesn't prevent transmission
Not sure it should even be called a vaccine.
Doesn’t stop u getting covid
Doesn’t stop u spreading covid
Doesn’t help if u get covid
Could possibly kill u from a brain aneurism or blood clot.
Ye I don’t think it should be called a vaccine at all.
I’m glad I haven’t had any.
I believe RBs key demographic is unlikely to remember WHY his TV career crashed not once, not twice but thrice.

Putting on Arab garb to host MTV the day after the 9/11 attacks and proclaim 'get over it, that was yesterday's news' was during is heroin period... but obviously it got him fired. I'm guessing his key demographic won't be old enough to remember that and I doubt that Youtube (or anyone) would allow that clip to be shown again.

Then years later he hosted Big Brother and written into his contract was that he wouldn't sleep with any of the contestants because with that power dynamic, is' unethical at best. He couldn't stop himself and got fired. I believe that IS recorded or more specifically, the contracts and later actions are known. Again, I doubt his key demographic know much about it.

Finally his stand up became really dark and even after he was repeatedly warned, relating personal sexual experiences after being fired for said excesses seemed to BE his act and to be fair, their were a lot of complaints, Ofcon informed Channel 4 and after a final warning he was fired.

It's very useful to see who is/was visiting his site and viewing his Youtube videos.

Similarweb, AdTargetting and similar provide useful insights.

Did he break any criminal laws? None of us has all the evidence so we can only speculate. Is he deeply unethical with poor impulse control and the ability to shift his own declared beliefs to align with his core demographic? Yes.

Would I leave my teenaged daughter alone with him? No, I'm not insane.

I had the misfortune to work in an office with a sex offender and the interesting thing was that none of the guys ever said anything but we did feel something was off and without any consultation, we quietly ensured he was never allowed to be alone with a single female member of staff.

Then he was arrested and sent down.

That's just a personal experience but it made me aware that such people don't hide or are just incapable of hiding what they are. Even his best friend who TOTALLY believed in him visited him in Belmarsh (UK readers will appreciate what that infers) and after one prison visit said came back in tears and said 'he's as guilty as f*ck'. His friend was an OK guy as well, he just had a blind spot.

But I do appreciate that is in no way proof. But if you repeatedly tell someone that their comments are inappropriate but they just carry on... that seems close to some mental disorder. It was creepy and out of 87 other staff members, only 1 was surprised.
several out of 20 million. Did they have any other medical issues?
Olson et. al. only studied a bit over 1,000 teenagers.
There were 7 deaths out of 868 unvaccinated, or 0.8% mortality.
That is actually a much higher mortality rate than expected for young people, likely due to the relatively small sample size.

Regardless, here is all of the data.
As you can see on the chart to the right, there is a pretty strong correlation between vaccination and surviving Covid infection.


The most that study shows is that the vaccine lowers the risk of death amongst a certain age demographic.

It doesn't prove that "the vaccine will improve outcomes" in all demographics across the board.
I suppose they only found out about the myocarditis threat after we all took the shot?
because I sure don't remember anything other than 100% safe and effective.
"a pandemic of the unvaccinated " remember?
that was quite the flagrant lie no? Given we all now agree it doesn't prevent transmission
Don't move the goalposts.
But the vaccine does seem to slightly reduce transmission now, though not nearly as much as it did before the delta & omnicron variants.
I certainly don't consider the reduced transmission to be significant enough for vaccine mandates to still exist, though I believe that a lot of said mandates have been relaxed at this point.

To clarify my position:
  • I believe that lockdowns did more harm than good (I know many people who killed themselves due to mental health issues and/or abusive situations that were significantly exacerbated by the lockdowns)
  • I don't think that the Covid vaccines work nearly as well as any of the other common vaccines. For example, I received 2 vaccines and then had covid twice (2nd time I kept testing negative but my symptoms began the same day as & mirrored my partner's, who was positive)
  • I haven't gotten my flu shot in several years and probably won't be getting any Covid booster shots. Some data I've seen suggests that booster shots have a much higher risk of causing myocarditis in my demographic (Biological males under 30) than Covid itself.
  • I believe that prior Covid infection is more effective inoculation than a vaccine, at least in the short-term. In between the two times I had Covid, I had a direct exposure at a family dinner where everyone who had previously had covid did not get sick and everyone who hadn't had it yet did. Everyone was vaccinated.
  • I also lean somewhat against Covid vaccine mandates.
    I am a staunch believer in bodily autonomy. But bodily autonomy includes the rights of others to not be infected with serious illness by someone who chooses not to get a relatively harmless vaccinate. So I generally support vaccine mandates that are significantly more likely to prevent transmission and serious harm to others than they are to cause serious harm to the person receiving them. But things are (as you have said) not as clear-cut with the Covid vaccine with regards to reducing transmission. At this point, the primary risk of a person not getting vaccinated is that the person who does not get vaccinated instead has a greater risk of mortality/long-term effects from Covid. And I agree that the vaccine CAN indeed have serious side effects. As I said, an irl acquaintance of mine had myocarditis for 3-6 months from the vaccine after his school mandated that all students receive 2 vaccinations.
TL;DR: I have never supported lockdowns and no longer support Covid vaccine mandates at this point in time. I agree that the vaccine does have adverse effects, and booster shots seem to be more likely to have adverse effects than infection itself for a few demographics (e.g. Myocarditis in biological males under 30.) I also don't think that Covid vaccines work very well. I do think that the first 2 shots are still worth getting for most people, but I think that that should be a personal choice.

So I don't have a horse in this race. My positions are pretty in-the-middle, and I don't feel strongly about this issue beyond opposing misinformation and using empirical evidence to guide most of my viewpoints.
I don't give a fuck what Fauci says or even who he is (I had to Google if he still even had his position, and didn't even know what position that was), nor whatever the Democratic Party or any other neoliberal mainstream politicians have to say on this.
If anyone here expected me to follow an off-the-shelf "left-wing" (note: Covid is mainly an American culture war issue at this point, most leftists that I speak with don't really care about the vaccine issue and many oppose mandates on principle) position, then they are mistaken.
But there is a TON of misinformation here (Rivalling climate change and the Wakefield autism-MMR rubbish that RFK has revived).
So I'm going to look up the answers to things and then post whatever the first credible meta-analysis on Google says.
That's all.
So Russel will have his career fucked snd life ruined before being actually charged with anything but nobody is looking naming the dirty nonces that were actually fucking kids on Epstein island.
And you think it’s no because of his political views.
The real nonces are being protected by the sss as me media that destroys others.
Were the Tate brothers actually guilty of any of the allegations made against them ?
Were the Tate brothers actually guilty of any of the allegations made against them ?

They were formally charged on 20th June 2023.

There will be a pre-trial hearing the date of which hasn't been fixed but has to take place within 60 days of being formally charged under Romanian law. At the pre-trial hearing a trial date will be set.

The Wheels of Justice Grind Exceedingly Slow. But They Grind Exceedingly Fine.
-Sun Tzu
Would that be the left-wing views he espoused in the 1990s or the right-wing views he has espoused since 2015?

We are discussing Russel Brand. I believe there is a thread concerning Epstein. Several in

Why would u point out we are discussing rb and that there’s a Epstein thread when u have just been posting loooooooong ass covid posts when there is a covid thread probably several in fact?
He got fired 3 times in the 1990s as I've detailed above. One of those caused a sex scandal. So hardly incident free while he proclaimed his many left-wing credentials.
He got fired 3 times in the 1990s as I've detailed above. One of those caused a sex scandal. So hardly incident free while he proclaimed his many left-wing credentials.
And my other question? Why point out there’s an Epstein thread when u been waffling on about covid?
Just being a dick?
I didn't post anything about covid on this thread. I stayed on topic. On the covid thread I posted about covid.

An ad hominem attack, how clever of you.
I didn't post anything about covid on this thread. I stayed on topic. On the covid thread I posted about covid.

An ad hominem attack, how clever of you.
So why u not telling that guy to go to covid thread.? Because he agrees with u?
Anyway anyone that say ad hominem attack is deffo a pussy
I PMed arrall about it. Their isn't much more I can do.

More insults. My, aren't you the sophisticated disputant. I can't help feeling that somewhere a burger isn't being flipped. 🤔
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Don't move the goalposts.

I wasn't. Everything I've said goes back to my original question.

I don't think anyone truly believes that Covid kills nearly 1 out of every 100 it infects. Especially not healthy teenagers. There has to be flaws in their data, because this death rate is so out of line with the reality we see...even through the media who has monetary interest in drumming up fear. It's simply not believable.

We were given a narrative and it was presented as scientific fact.
We were essentially coerced into getting the shots they used to call 100% safe and effective, but now they aren't 100% safe and effective, they cause myocarditis and don't prevent infection.
Well at least now we know right? After the damage is done and the pharma companies made record profit.
how are people taking the covid statistics seriously.
If u had covid and was shot dead u was put down as a covid death. The figures are way out