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Running Nerds Unite

Wow ruski thatnks so much for all that info!

Nope i've never run in a marathon, i just had an urge this year! :) I think i'll be able to run for 90mins at least but after that i'll be struggling. I may end up walking during bits but my aim is to complete it in under 2 & 1/2 hours, which may seem like a long time to you but i usually run 5km at an easy pace in 25-30min so 21km i am allowing a bit of extra time. I just want to finish, im not too worried about being fast!

Thanks for the tip about the head wind! I went for a run yesterday and it was so windy, it took all my energy just to stay upright haha.

I started training for it on sunday, which gives me exactly 8 weeks. My training schedule looks a bit like this.

Sunday - hill run on tready for 30min.
Monday - weights + rpm class
Tuesday - Long run 10km
Wednesday - weights + easy 6-7km run
Thursday - rest
Friday - rpm class
Saturday - weights + interval training run 5-6km

Ill be increasing the distances over the 2 months.

I havent registered yet, im still trying to convince people to do it with me, no luck yet haha. I think i have untill september before the early bird tix finish.
ruski said:
Thats a very quick training pace, better than even my best 10KM time.

6.40min per mile or 4.10min per KM. Have you run any races at that pace/or bettered that pace in a race?

Is that your normal training pace or when you're running a fast session?

Bear in mind this is collegiate cross country stuff, but our races are usually 8k (5 mi) and my pace is normally 5:30-5:45 on a decent day. That is my normal long run pace, bout 8-12 mi at 6:15-6:40 somewhere in that area. If I'm feeling good I I might take off after a few miles and drop below 6:00 for the rest of the run.

Keeping in mind this is college stuff so its not like i'm the big underdog or anything. It's just division 3 tho. Some of those D1 athletes, now they're fast. Their training runs make my best race ever look like dogshit.

I'm actually probably going to give up running competitively tho. Kind of moving on to bigger things.
mindbodysOul said:
I havent registered yet, im still trying to convince people to do it with me, no luck yet haha. I think i have untill september before the early bird tix finish.

You shouldn't have any problems, cmon, I mean how many of your friends wouldn't want to run 21.1km? :)
^^ I know! That's what i thought.....pfft lazy bastards haha :)

BTW awesome pics, i like how you clocked the time in the pic. Ill have to get someone to take a pic like that for me!
My pain is completely gone now, and I'm able to run farther than ever [when not too depressed / demotivated to move]
So today i did my long run of 11km in 70mins. Not too bad, i was cruising at a very easy pace. At the end i wasnt totally exhausted and could have probably done a few more k's but i dont want to push it. Next week i'll be doing 12km.

Man running is addictive...
I ran today, for the first time in like 3 months!
I did 2km's before my knee/groin started to get a little sore, so I stopped as I didn't want to overdo it on the first time back! I walked another 2km's.

Also went to the physio today. Physio thinks that the pain in thigh and knee is nerve pain referred from the lower back and that the trouble stems from the hypermobilty and probs in my upper/lower back. Not quite sold on the nerve theory, but I agree that the trouble in my leg is biomechanical and related to misfunctioning back complex, which is causing me to rotate my leg in more when I walk/run.

So.....I am on the long road to learning how to use my back properly and strengthening back muscles and getting rid of knots etc.
mindbodysOul said:
So today i did my long run of 11km in 70mins. Not too bad, i was cruising at a very easy pace. At the end i wasnt totally exhausted and could have probably done a few more k's but i dont want to push it. Next week i'll be doing 12km.

Man running is addictive...

Nice work. I went for 2 x 8km's on the beach at Surfers Paradise when I was on holiday on the weekend, was very very nice.

Melbourne Marathon is not far off!
ruski, after smashing myself at the city to surf (14kms in 90mins (2nd attempt)), the inner sides of my shins would ache bad when running or skipping (at boxing).
I went in undertrained (for running), since i would only have bouts of 15 mins (max) on the treadmill.
Will this pain subside with more running?
I want to do the bridge run.
Sounds like possible shin splints.

Is the pain coming from these areas:


I haven't experienced this injury myself but its a fairly common overuse injury particually in those new to running and perhaps not fitted with the greatest of running shoes.

My advice:

- Seek physiotherapy
- Proper shoe fitment and possible replacement
- Biomechanical overview and gaint analyses from a podiatrist
- R.I.C.E the effected area
- Rest your legs
- Do non-load bearing excercise (deep water running, elipticial cross trainer etc)

Check out these sites for shin splint info though:

For discussion regarding the injury: http://www.coolrunning.com.au

http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/fact/thr_report.cfm?thread_id=135&topcategory=Sports / Exercise
http://www.watfxc.com/TF/TF Education/shin_splints.htm
ruski said:
Nice work. I went for 2 x 8km's on the beach at Surfers Paradise when I was on holiday on the weekend, was very very nice.

Melbourne Marathon is not far off!

When i went up to surfers a few years back one of my favourite things to do was go running on the beach. Its perfect for running, flat surface, wide open spaces, beautiful scenery, hot boys hehe, and you can run for miles along the shore without any interference so it makes for a good workout!

That was where i decided i really really need to buy a house by the beach when im older so i can do this everyday!!
Part of the reason I live near the beach at the moment, however the foreshore in the St Kilda/Elwood area kinda sucks I guess.
Thanks ruski.
It's definitely coming from the posteromedial area but i have had similar problems with the anterolateral area also years ago (playing soccer).

NO! not my beloved shoes! I have a bit of a basketball shoe fetish and massive collection that cannot be replaced.
But i will seek physio. Thanks for the links also.
^^ Thats probably why dude. You can't run in basketball shoes! You have to be kidding me. Go get hit up for some proper shoes post haste, you will just be asking for injuries otherwise.
mindbodysOul said:
I cant remember if it was in this thread or not but i remember someone asking about glucosamine supplements for athletes and whether there was any value in it.[/url]

Short answer is hell yes. My legs were disintigrating under high mileage till someone tipped me off about that in college.