Roll Call - Indiana

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Name: Zach
Location: Crawfordsville/Evansville
Age: 18...19 soon
Occupation: Student (Wabash College)
AIM: GuardianKnight86
Interests: Hip-hop, running, smoking (odd combination, I know), trying to find ways to survive an all-male college...

New to the scene...if anybody wants to help introduce me, hit me up.
hey we will be coming down to evill on the 26... you should come get down with us!!! check out im angie =-)
I live in Evansville, so unfortunately I won't be back there until mid-May when I'm done with school. If anything is going on after then that you know of, let me know!
so where are you at now.. i am sure there is something there or even close.. i go everywhere!! hehe
Right now I'm at school in Crawfordsville, 45 miles NW of Indy. I know that there's pretty regular stuff in Indy, but the problem is finding people to go with. Not the kind of thing I just want to jump into by myself, you know what I mean?
JAN!TOR said:

Favorite party: i geuss Get Freaky 1 (FairGrounds)
Favorite DJ: Headroom guys

how you gonna claim HEADROOM as your fave Djs
and not give props to the party in indy that brought
them there (and the promoter responsible for
setting up their first (and only successful) US


ImpossibleDreamer said:

Interests: Hip-hop, running, smoking (odd combination, I know), trying to find ways to survive an all-male college...

close your eyes and try to forget it's a dude.... ;)
Name: Jake
sex: isn't it obvious
location: Muncie (or Indiana's toilet or the place untrained cops go for work)
age: 21
interests:movies, psychology, drugs, partying, sleeping, spinning, and I'm getting into the exciting world of bowling
email: [email protected]
fav parties: movement(Demf) stardust4 in chicago, mystic motion in pittsburgh, and pretty much any party in ohio
Whoa ... my ex got hit on ... by a guy ... that makes me feel spec ial
ImpossibleDreamer said:
Except I'm not gay lol

that's why i said "close your eyes
and forget it's a dude"

if you were gay, you wouldn't need
to close your eyes... well... unless
he was hit.

don't worry... people will understand...

"man, you did what...?"

"but ... i was in an all-dude college for 4 yeears"

"oh... ok.. that's cool.... i did worse at a rave..."
Fish721 said:
Whoa ... my ex got hit on ... by a guy ... that makes me feel spec ial

See, I can find girls at an all-guy school's just tough ;) I can't just kidnap them like I did with you Jess =D
Name: chrisp
(DJ name used to be DJ Chrisp, now I usually just go by chrisp)
location: West Side Indy
Age: 25
First Party: Sometime in 95. I'm too old, I don't remeber that shiz
Favorite Party: Solstice '99 Mt. Hood, Oregon (teary eyed)
Favorite DJ: Doran
Occupation: Software developer by day, EDM DJ and producer by night.
Music: Trance (especially Melodic and Psy/Goa), House, Breakbeat
Dislike: People saying style ___ sucks, whatever ___ may be. If you don't like it, leave it alone.
AIM - phillicc21
ICQ - 13871790

Message me.. I get bored easily.. and I'm tired of listening to conversations about Janet Jackson and reality TV..
roll call

Name:steven (papa bear)
Location:west side
Age: 22
Aim: tripnrollkid
Interests: throwin bad ass parties...meetin cool people
best party: the first party i went to was this crazy ass warehouse in chi-town back in ' headliners, but the best vibe ever... i recently met dj polywog though...who has been my fav dj since i started listenin to electronic music...mad props to nightbreed productions for helping that happen...pure extacy...nothing can match the feeling of meeting an artist that has inspired your very existence

any indy kids wanna party, i have a house, and i always have some beats
indiana, huh? im looking for Neal Blue...hes also known as half of the Wondertwins...anybody know him?

no...i missed outlaw and issues...i spent the weekend gettin trashed with a bunch of rich was okay but damn i missed the beats
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