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Respect due to speakers of other languages in the UK!

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
I felt this is really worthy of an actual thread, maybe people who mark papers, have taken this exam, people who teach these folks English etc may see this & add something. At the worst someone from God knows where reads it & learns not all UK people want to see you stuffed on a plane to some fucking Cross-dressing Cannibal Warlord shithole in West Africia, the Tory swines will be dropping people off in Monrovia, Liberia next year.
Ended up going over some UK test paper & it costs £200 to take the test, YES £200 WTF!!!!! Anyway the guy who asked me failed it last month & wanted me to help him with English which I said ok to, well I looked at this Practise Test sheet called a Trinity College, London Integrated Skills In English ISE 2 Reading & Writing exam & my Jaw hit the floor, this is taking the PISS!!!!
This test I swear could screw over most Teenagers who ARE English & coming out of school in a few months, it even played a trick on me at one point which I wasn't happy about, I was reading it stoned too which wasn't a good idea but I expected it to be simple, like something a 12 year old would be reading, I had a shock!!!!!

Never let any of these Tory lot etc tell you people with a Visa in this country can't speak English, that is the biggest pile of shit you could say, it's a bare fucking LIE!!!!!

If anyone ever reads this & is in the UK with a VIsa from another country I Salute you passing this bullshit test & you damn well know English a bit too well in my view.
I ALWAYS assumed most Foreign people didn't understand as much as I Know now, no wonder I've had "funny looks" sometimes when I have been on the phone #oops
The guy who is taking the test again want's me to write out some stuff for him to read & ask questions but I have no idea what to really write about? My idea was to cut & paste stuff from Wikipedia & then write questions in regard to the details in the piece of text which is very close to what the Skills In English ISE 2 Reading & Writing exam is.
BUT...........me being who I am I'm tempted to toss in some "special stuff" here & there, something totally absurd or a kind of joke in "English humour" just to see if he picks upon it ;)
What really got me was on this paper they use the term "ills" but in regard to a "ill society" or another way to express it would be a "sick culture" etc.
THIS to me is total bullshit, how NONE ENGLISH SPEAKING people are meant to understand this context is total bullshit & a damn trick with words. I will call this out till my last breath as it's NOT fair. I had a rant over this point for a good 10 minutes.

Anyone got any ideas what I could add to this piece I gonna write for this guy? The more absurd etc the better imho.
felt this is really worthy of an actual thread
It absolutely does, so much more than many other matters. It's fucking insane, it's saddening as fuck. I love that you had the sensibilty enough to do this thread.
It's the same everywhere, but it never is about languages or cultures, it's allways about MONEY.
See Spanish touristic mediterranean shitholes.
People are mad to morrocans if they don't speak Spanish in a month, even complain about a colombian or an argie having this or that accent. But they are fucking happy when they meet germans or british who have been living there for 17 years and can't make even half fucking decent sentences in Spanish. They give Spanish citizenship to old euro fucks who came here to die after poking massive holes in the national health system, but they refuse to give it to young, healthy, african people who came here to work, and don't make mistake, it's not about european or christian shared values or heritage, not at all!, they are also happy to naruralize asian or arab people as long as they have €/£/$ enough.
They may tolerate (if they have to) different cultures living at the next door, but never poverty.
Poverty or wealth is what really turns a guy in a suspicious foreigner or in a fellow countryman.

I bet those tory motherfuckers never made a russian billionarie pass a test in the 90s, when they were carrying their billions, freshly stolen from poor ex-soviet people.
May Satan burn them all in hell, a non English speaking hell where they get punished each time that they can't properly pronounce Urdu or Romanian words.

Just write a story about it all, ZB, one with a torie character being brutally analized by a caravan of Sahara men ( and their camels) for not being able to pray the whole Qoram in ancient Arabic
People are mad to morrocans if they don't speak Spanish in a month, even complain about a colombian or an argie having this or that accent. But they are fucking happy when they meet germans or british who have been living there for 17 years and can't make even half fucking decent sentences in Spanish. They give Spanish citizenship to old euro fucks who came here to die after poking massive holes in the national health system, but they refuse to give it to young, healthy, african people who came here to work, and don't make mistake, it's not about european or christian shared values or heritage, not at all!, they are also happy to naruralize asian or arab people as long as they have €/£/$ enough.
A Billion time over THIS!!!!!!
May Satan burn them all in hell, a non English speaking hell where they get punished each time that they can't properly pronounce Urdu or Romanian words.
I love this part, sure made me laugh also.

This is what I'm on about, its clear from Mr Moreno's post English isn't his first language but he has learned enough to get by in London etc.

I sadly used to believe these Tory lot who say Indians, Roma etc can't speak or understand English, that is total bullshit, don't believe it for a second folks.
Five times by the look of it... 😀
FFS, was it that many!!!!
God knows what happened there, this phone hasn't worked correct since I had a pipe. I'm sorry about the duplicate posts, I didn't do it on purpose & only knew when I got a DM off some mod a minute ago.
FFS, was it that many!!!!
God knows what happened there, this phone hasn't worked correct since I had a pipe. I'm sorry about the duplicate posts, I didn't do it on purpose & only knew when I got a DM off some mod a minute ago.

:ROFLMAO: no probs mate, I've cleared up the other posts.

Who's the cunt that DM'd you? ;)
English isn't my first language, I was brought up in a purely Gaelige speaking part of Ireland and I didn't learn English until I went to school. I still speak Gaelige everyday as it's part of where I live and also my work is done as Gaelige (I get extra funding for that :p). I think in Gaelige and I know I do make a lot of mistakes when I'm typing in English, my grammar can be shit etc so I really feel for those who are put through tests as I am sure I wouldn't pass them either. My son is much better than me at English thankfully but he speaks only Gaelige at home.

Great thread idea!
Maybe the BLer lived up to their name and simply posted after too much zopiclone? I'm just guessing.
I was holding in a pipe of crack which in a single pipe had 2/3rd of a good sized £10 rock on it. I have a good pipe to burn rocks too, none of that Coca-Cola can rubbish when I smoke rock.
English isn't my first language, I was brought up in a purely Gaelige speaking part of Ireland and I didn't learn English until I went to school. I still speak Gaelige everyday as it's part of where I live and also my work is done as Gaelige (I get extra funding for that :p). I think in Gaelige and I know I do make a lot of mistakes when I'm typing in English, my grammar can be shit etc so I really feel for those who are put through tests as I am sure I wouldn't pass them either. My son is much better than me at English thankfully but he speaks only Gaelige at home.

Great thread idea!
I'm no expert in Gaelige but from podcasts & books on Paganism in this part of the world I've seen "Irish" spelling & named for places etc, they blew my mind. English should be so easy compared to that.

Do you find accents an issue when people talk English to you?
I'm no expert in Gaelige but from podcasts & books on Paganism in this part of the world I've seen "Irish" spelling & named for places etc, they blew my mind. English should be so easy compared to that.

Do you find accents an issue when people talk English to you?
Not really, English people speak much slower than we do. Usually even when im speaking English I talk very fast so I have to make effort to slow down my speech just to be understood.
Not really, English people speak much slower than we do. Usually even when im speaking English I talk very fast so I have to make effort to slow down my speech just to be understood.
Is it OK with you if I posted up a question or two from this paper & see what you make of it?
I've made myself very clear I feel I'm regards how sneaky some of it is, I even got fooled on one bit.

The guy I'm helping has spent most of his life being a "Priest" as that is his family social standing in their culture, his 100% fluent in Sanskrit, Hindi & Punjabi, his English IMHO is 95% there but he has an issue with the letter "N" for some reason.

This experience has really opened my eyes, I will never let some fool(s) talk shit about people who come to stay here not being able to speak the language, the really bitter irony is the kind of people who have those views would really struggle to pass it which I find comical.

It makes me wonder here, if the media spin the truth about Migrants & their language skills what else are they telling bullshit about?
Gabe the dog died from a heart attack all the media said, I think he was taken out by Charles Manson alongside @ageingpartyfiend because he knew I'd cry at Gabe's death (which I actually did)
Is it OK with you if I posted up a question or two from this paper & see what you make of it?
I've made myself very clear I feel I'm regards how sneaky some of it is, I even got fooled on one bit.

The guy I'm helping has spent most of his life being a "Priest" as that is his family social standing in their culture, his 100% fluent in Sanskrit, Hindi & Punjabi, his English IMHO is 95% there but he has an issue with the letter "N" for some reason.

This experience has really opened my eyes, I will never let some fool(s) talk shit about people who come to stay here not being able to speak the language, the really bitter irony is the kind of people who have those views would really struggle to pass it which I find comical.

It makes me wonder here, if the media spin the truth about Migrants & their language skills what else are they telling bullshit about?
Gabe the dog died from a heart attack all the media said, I think he was taken out by Charles Manson alongside @ageingpartyfiend because he knew I'd cry at Gabe's death (which I actually did)
Sure post away, would be interesting to see it.