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the crazy thing is the bible is pretty accurate about a lot of things... You can see different predictions and prophesies of the bibe acctually taking place.... Supposedly the last days begin in Israel , (which would make sense) , where a great war between the islamists and the jews begins that tears the world apart until jesus is forces to reappear and usher in 1,000 years of paradise.

The funny thing i see is that the most religious people (doesn't matter the religion either) are actually the are the more likely sinners... For instance during the holy wars, christians murdered millions of muslims in the name of religion....
the crazy thing is the bible is pretty accurate about a lot of things... You can see different predictions and prophesies of the bibe acctually taking place.... Supposedly the last days begin in Israel , (which would make sense) , where a great war between the islamists and the jews begins that tears the world apart until jesus is forces to reappear and usher in 1,000 years of paradise.

The funny thing i see is that the most religious people (doesn't matter the religion either) are actually the are the more likely sinners... For instance during the holy wars, christians murdered millions of muslims in the name of religion....

Also, "greater Israel"-the land recognized in the bible as Israel is much larger than current Israel. It goes from Egypt to Iraq and Kuwait, though Saudi Arabia, up into Syria, and even part of Turkey.

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The people who run the world control - rule the middle east. War drives money - greed - evil - corruption - propaganda.

Personally I don't understand why this particular plot of land on the earth is more important than any other, yet the masses kill each other over these territories.

In a religious significance I see and believe more in the spiritual realm - outside of the physical - the dirt on the ground is just that.

Religious motivation - God/YHWY/Allah - is no justified motive for the barbaric slaughter of fellow human beings. These wars cycle and repeat all over again throughout history and well beyond I'm convinced.
Care to reveal some of your sources, MB? I mean, the avatar level of reality seems to be a common theme in many peoples experiences. Many a psychonaut has seen their higher self in the simulation chair. You're not the only one to see that. Doesn't knowing this alone start to change to the rules of the game. We live in a dualistic world no doubt. Our nature is greed and self-preservation to some degree. As above, so below and so forth. If you take that as a closed system and call it reality then I might just see it your way too. I thought many enlightened beings the world over addressed this paradox at one point or another. The vedas. The Christ. The Buddha's. Etc. The Holy Spirit can guide us out of the world of illusion and duality. Those aren't religious concepts. Religions were built around them for crowd control purposes. Otherwise, you're right. It's bleak indeed, we'd be helpless to envision life outside the hamster wheel. Real change could not otherwise exist. A being intelligent enough to build a simulator this magnificent did not do so without a purpose. I refuse to accept that premise. It's not like there haven't been clues planted that have lasted the halls of time. I'm not saying you're wrong, but your solution sounds a lot like the game over outcome. That's not why we're here in my book.

I just half know shit all the time, exactly half know shit while exactly half wrong. Just comes to me out of nowhere. Sometimes the wrongness is more just incorrect rightness making it sort of right if you get it right instead of wrong.