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Jun 18, 2015
The bible made so many prophecies about the middle East. How there will never be peace. So how do u not believe it but carbon dating?
I'm convinced the anti-christ is at work behind these terrorist militants. However I'm a bit reluctant to relay this assuming it is taken as racism.
Carbon dating of what?

The bible "made" lots of statements that are pretty much irrelevant. I can't specifically recall anything mentioning the middle east and terrorism though. I do recall passages referring to a human living in a whale, so make of that what you will.

IB said:
I'm convinced the anti-christ is at work behind these terrorist militants. However I'm a bit reluctant to relay this assuming it is taken as racism.

Maybe so. But, I personally do not think it useful to void responsibility in that way. The only entities responsible for one's behaviour is oneself. I don't think your statement is racist at all.

Rather then the anti-christ, Allah, religion or what-have-you being the catalyst for terrorism, I think it is human nature. Of course, if 200,000 years I was asked to predict what humans would doing today, I don't think I would have guessed we'd be murdering each other based on differing beliefs in supernatural entities. But, many prehistoric, mummified bodies found show evidence of having been murdered. I would have said that humans are violent, and will probably continue that way. Human males in particular have evolved a tendency towards violent aggression. Our psychology was primarily honed in the Pleistocene when violent aggression was vital to survival. From human civilisations have emerged all sorts of phenomena, including relgion and art and science. But, you cannot seperate our modern manifestation from its lengthy evolutionary history in vastly different environs. I think we will always struggle with the weight of our history as animals.

I imagine that is one of the idea's behind religion, to escape that animalistic drive. I think it did help, that's for sure. I am not at all convinced it still does.
The bible said there's never gonna be peace in the mid East. How did Christ know but not carbon dating of Dino's?
Are you asking why Christ knew about no peace in the middle east but not about carbon dating? It's hard to understand what you mean from the wording you use.
I think if Christ is alive there will surely be peace there at some point. Because he was born there.
Nostradamus was honestly a better medium in my humble opine as far as raw talent is concerned, jesus was like the beatles; not the most talented player but a phenomenal song writer and story teller and he rose in fame because he connected so strongly to people, allegedly of course.

as far as religion goes, i am opposed but dont really pay attention to organized religion because i just think you gotta find your own god to get anywhere if theres any type of will to grow in the motive to identify within that group.

basically my opinion on that shit as a whole is "well thats just like, your opinion man"....i identified as atheist and loved trying to expand on that shit as a teen but now im almost 24 and it just seems benign unless its on a keeping peace level. so yeah do it up but those examples are almost pathetically weak man i know for an absolute fact you have more intellect than that....

edit: also my problem with organized religion, just to explain and show its not baseless, is the sketchy money grabbing sociopaths in disguise act holy and get fat off of it, messing with peoples psyche is something im really sensitive about and they do it in the most disgusting yet perfectly ingenious way; why its the answer to lifes great question of course mmmyez. just a cheap sales pitch but people are just so unaware or just feel instead of think that they are a piece of a big thing and no longer individual and it turns into this like cult vibe on a very light scale...i dont know, its strange.
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Edgar Cayce predicted a second nuclear holocaust in the Middle East, launched by western Europe, centered around Syria. Seems like his prophecy is coming true as well.

Does it matter though? We have free will, if only people would wake up and use it.
^On beams of ancient starlight...;) If we did travel via big-bang propulsion, where did we come from? 8o

I think the panspermia concept suggests 'we' came to earth as bacteria/microbes on a rocky asteroid.
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Edgar Cayce predicted a second nuclear holocaust in the Middle East, launched by western Europe, centered around Syria. Seems like his prophecy is coming true as well.

Does it matter though? We have free will, if only people would wake up and use it.
Haven't you seen Slaughterhouse 5?! There is no free will on other planets. And their influence on this teeny rock is immense!
meh... after seeing the title i was expecting something like "is believing that someone is making the light at the end of the tunnel an essential characteristic of humans (as we know them)?"...
God = A lot of deities put together in one divine life

Religion and its stories as understood in this universe build God of this particular universe. This universe is undivine law #1: Death God Hades Hell or Tartarus. The one life pattern for all non-living energy shit.
Rather then the anti-christ, Allah, religion or what-have-you being the catalyst for terrorism, I think it is human nature.

Totally agree. I would however say that human nature is only mere animal nature, taken to the high complexity level characteristical of Homo sapiens's singular central nervous system.

I also think that since Homo sapiens eliminated most of its inter-specific competitors (as in other species competing with him, through predation, parasitism, etc.), what remains as the most important driving mean of control of the human population is intra-specific competition. In the form of wars. Religion, ideological or territorial conflicts, etc., are the catalyzers of wars. Earth is one giant ecosystem...

Damn, this is interesting.
God = A lot of deities put together in one divine life

Religion and its stories as understood in this universe build God of this particular universe. This universe is undivine law #1: Death God Hades Hell or Tartarus. The one life pattern for all non-living energy shit.

It's not so much this premise that bothers me, I've heard it told in one form or another though yours is a little bleak in scope. You left out all the good bits, like we are God; we are conscious energy experiencing itself. You know, sentient beings of light albeit stuck in a world of illusions. What has me holding my breath a little is what comes next in your chain of deductive reasoning. I saw where that deductive chain of reasoning led you the other day and that to me is a sure fire sign you need to reassess. Or maybe take a break from cosmic connect-the-dots and dedicate yourself to more life affirming pursuits. I'm as open minded as the next guy, but some ideas are, how can you say, unsavory for a harm reduction forum. It'll get you banned if nothing else. Ultimately you have to live with consequences of the map you draw from incomplete bits of information. A tactic I've seen employed often by manipulative religious types is remove all hope then provide a way out, so that's company you don't want to affiliate yourself with.
It's not so much this premise that bothers me, I've heard it told in one form or another though yours is a little bleak in scope. You left out all the good bits, like we are God; we are conscious energy experiencing itself. You know, sentient beings of light albeit stuck in a world of illusions. What has me holding my breath a little is what comes next in your chain of deductive reasoning. I saw where that deductive chain of reasoning led you the other day and that to me is a sure fire sign you need to reassess. Or maybe take a break from cosmic connect-the-dots and dedicate yourself to more life affirming pursuits. I'm as open minded as the next guy, but some ideas are, how can you say, unsavory for a harm reduction forum. It'll get you banned if nothing else. Ultimately you have to live with consequences of the map you draw from incomplete bits of information. A tactic I've seen employed often by manipulative religious types is remove all hope then provide a way out, so that's company you don't want to affiliate yourself with.

Without a the frame of reference of the whole set of information what can be said can be hard to understand, and it makes sense to have kept fucked up ideas away from a forum about "taking good actions" so I will keep that away from here. Not all bad actions on the surface are in all ways bad though.

Intelligent design or divine life can only be seen as a place where sentient beings have used quantum computing technology to simulate playable life on the inside, meaning some things or only one single thing are playable characters.

When you build a universe with this technology and express life energy formation inside of it, it would tend to consider the possibility of it being natural and go on the path of saving itself with science.

Religion is the final main key to unlocking the intelligent design of this universe. It prevents the life from saving oneself with science (safety assurance) and puts them on the paths of building the proper planet (NPC missions) for the playable character(s).

There is no hope, life expresses greed in its nature, this is to make decisions to favor oneself. This nature cannot be stopped so the next logical idea that all of the non-living energy gets turned into burning in hell. The idea that heaven is for immortal living beings and hell is for all the non-living energy is the only truth that life can express. Immortals build hell for their heavens where hell is to protect their environment of what they perceive around them. Hell is not for the existence in it, hell is for the immortal beings to be able to perceive that which is in hell to the favor of their own responses to it. This is what religion builds towards as an idea.
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Care to reveal some of your sources, MB? I mean, the avatar level of reality seems to be a common theme in many peoples experiences. Many a psychonaut has seen their higher self in the simulation chair. You're not the only one to see that. Doesn't knowing this alone start to change to the rules of the game. We live in a dualistic world no doubt. Our nature is greed and self-preservation to some degree. As above, so below and so forth. If you take that as a closed system and call it reality then I might just see it your way too. I thought many enlightened beings the world over addressed this paradox at one point or another. The vedas. The Christ. The Buddha's. Etc. The Holy Spirit can guide us out of the world of illusion and duality. Those aren't religious concepts. Religions were built around them for crowd control purposes. Otherwise, you're right. It's bleak indeed, we'd be helpless to envision life outside the hamster wheel. Real change could not otherwise exist. A being intelligent enough to build a simulator this magnificent did not do so without a purpose. I refuse to accept that premise. It's not like there haven't been clues planted that have lasted the halls of time. I'm not saying you're wrong, but your solution sounds a lot like the game over outcome. That's not why we're here in my book.