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Relationship Advice

CBR crew.. I and Noc_Turnal, along with the bulberator from hell, will be heading up to Canberra July 10ish... . we expect much from the CBR crew!..
BMW, you know me better than that, and you know my feelings on making moves whilst at a party and on drugs.

Shmeghead good advice, and interesting story, thanx.
I hope you can sort things out your end??
As for my original question....i knew deep down what i had to do, i was just after other peoples views and thoughts and stories. Relationships, whether we like it or not, dominate soo much of who we are and what we do. I'm a people person, and love to read and hear about other peoples stories of love and life, especially good ones.

We are all individuals and react and act different to everything, but i think there is general advice that people give that can be useful to anyone/everyone.
To all the people who have wished me goodluck and given me advice: Let love and happiness guide you for as long as you live.
Awwww theres my soppy input for the day, hehehe

"We are the children of the revolution"
Chemical_Night Gimme your email and we can sort some things out, or start a thread about it, much fun shall be had, i can vouch for that.
I'll see if i can get some SYD people to come down too. Hmmm...maybe a party is in order...hmmmm....
*brain ticks over*
Lemme know details and i'll work on it.

"We are the children of the revolution"
Hmmmm....its amazing what can happen in such a short amount of time.
Things have taken a turn for the worst, and any chances of anything happening with this girl are slim to none.

Yet another cross on the board. One day there will be a tick.
Hmmm...feeling shit now...nice guys never win aye Tars??
Feel free to keep the stories comming in though.
damn, did spring time arrive already and I didn't notice

I'm in the same position myself right now, and after 33 years stuck on this
god forsaken planet I've learned a few things, and still have a lot to
Truth is at the end of the day all you can be is honest. You can try and be a player, and if you're good at it you'll get all the girls, but at the end
of the day there will be more people that hate you than love and admire you.
On the other hand, you gotta be a man!! *grunt**grunt*. Don't take no shit
bruva, tell her all the things you like about her, make her feel good about
herself, and if she's too silly
to figure out you're the right guy to be
with then you gotta act like it 'aint going to kill you (even though that's
how it will feel). I'm sure I'll get into trouble for saying this, but quite
often if you come across as easy prey then she won't go after you. Let *her*
admire *you* from a distance for a while

Now me, well I'm in a fucked position - picture this:
Sat night plan a big night a Q, but my sister passes out drunk before hand
at a bar and we have to take her home. 2am finally on the way to Q my best
mate calls and says he's had a big fight with his gf, and I gotta come drink
with him. He's not in the mood to go to Q, so we try revolver. Get to the
door, and as usual on a sat night they ask who we're there to see - dammit I
couldn't remember 'Ransom's' name, so I umm and ahhh and say I just came for
the awsome breaks - so we get in

About 3am I start up a conversation with a super attractive (in my opinion)
girl while ordering a drink, which I hardly ever do, being the shy sensitive
type that I am.
Within 2 minutes I already have my foot in my mouth responding to "I've been
to a wedding today" from her with "so why aren't you married?"
worse that it is).
To which she replies, standing back, "look at me, why would any one want to
marry me".
Of course I decide that she's playing me (still don't quite know if she was
serious), and we spend the next few hours flirting and running away from
each other.
About 5am I notice her leaving with another guy, and by this stage I figure
screw it, it's time to find out if she's serious or not. So I follow them,
and she ducks into the toilets and the guys waits outside (if you know
revolver then you know exactly where I mean).
So here comes the good part - I notice that she's at the mirror about to
come out, so I just go straight in after her
The conversation went "are
you really leaving with that guy? do you know him? no? well then stay here
with me" wooohooo - still can't believe i friggin did it, but needless to
say the other guy left when he say us making out in the womens toilets

We finished up getting kicked out at 3pm sunday 'cos she was curled up half
asleep on my lap, and security didn't seem to like that
Of course I
drove her straight home and haven't seen her since. I called monday and left
my number, no reply. So I called again tonight and we spoke and I'm trying
to convince her to go to gods kitchen, she says she'll call me on sunday
'cos she has no money and doesn't like the idea of me paying for everything.
What's a guy to do???!!! Strange connection there too - she used to work for
future entertainment (the promoters of GK). We'll see....
Anyway, the moral is, you never know what life if going to deal to you,
don't plan shit and the best shit will happen to you, just open your mouth

[This message has been edited by huxley (edited 07 June 2001).]
damn, while I was typing my all-too-long reply I missed your last one
Don't worry dude, all may not be lost. I figure you're from canberra, and from what I know about the scene there it's pretty tight (so you'll be seeing each other around yea?), so just be cool, be yourself and you never know...

Thanx Hux, but i plan on moving outa here asap, there is nothing here for me.
I loved your story though, i hope things work out, but if not, you had a wicked time anyway right?? Keep it up.

...somebody will pop in at some point and say "nice guys finish last" ... and if I know them and ever see them again I'll make sure I make them hurt... a lot...
I've got an idea for a story which you might be interested in DJC...
In the meantime, I think I'm going to go print out the Bluelight singles thread, and then burn each page one-by-one 'cos I'm sooo over being on that list...
I was almost gonna say that Tars, but I'm not planning on being all that nice no more!
Anyway, there's a *big* difference between being a nice-guy and being a gluton-for-punishment-walked-all-over-take-crap-forgiving-the-unforgivable-knowing-you-would-not-be-forgiven-if-you-did-it-smile-while-your-heart-is-wrenched-out-and-head-fucked-wi th-guy (TM)
hux, not the slightest but jaded
DJC* - sorry it didn't work out. But I bet you're still both great friends and that's not a bad thing at all is it?
Yeah, move to melbourne, the chicks here are better
<-- note the winky face...
*starts dodging bullets from canberians (is that what you're called?), new south welshman, and women in general*
Today is a new day, and as usual i checked my horoscope and this is what it said :
Don't climb the walls waiting for something that can't be hurried. What you want is on its way, really it is.

Arrrhhh Jonathin Cainer is a ledgend!!
Thanx to those people who stayed up very very late last night talking to me, it was muchly appriciated, and a big help.

I love you guys...
"We are the children of the revolution"
Never fear DJC, I'm on my way to come cheer you up
I feel like a cartoon superhero......."one of the Canberra Crew is in trouble....BMW to the rescue!!!" *LOL*
Ooooh, woooo hoooooo the funky bulb people are comin!!!!! Chemical_Night it'll be awesome to see you guys
I hereby offer my place for parties or crashin or bulbin or whatever if we need it.....trust me, we Canberra Crew will show you an awesome time
Like DJC said, start a thread for it or drop us an email!!
"And now the drugs forecast: there will be flurries of cocaine in most major cities, with highs where you think you're Superman and lows where you are depressed and impotent. MDMA will sweep in from the East later in the week, bringing with it the prospect of a warm and huggy weekend for all".
if ive told you once ive told you a thousand times:
cant live with em, cant kill em
"ill never try an E" quote from me june1999(and i didn't untill about 40 pills later)
DJC sorry things didn't work out for you, don't worry something good will happen soon, even if it takes awhile it will happen!!!!!

Tars same advice goes to you and no nice guys don't finish last, the assholes always do eventually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DJC sorry things didn't work out for you, don't worry something good will happen soon, even if it takes awhile it will happen!!!!!

Tars same advice goes to you and no nice guys don't finish last, the assholes always do eventually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!