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Regional pills/MDMA Discussion: Nae vendor discussion.

125mg of that clear crystal an hour ago and I'm flying high. Very clean feeling MDMA :)
That's exactly how it's supposed to be, but those crystals had me drooling...
I redosed an hour later, very clean but not particularly strong. I'll probably have 1 more dose which is unusual these days should maybe have gone higher initially.
Done the two Q-dance last weekend and they were mind blowing. Think they only contains around 160mg but they were so much better than two 200+mg new pills.
Had complete memory loss for 4 -5 hours while I was up and my mate said he'd never seen me that fucked before.
The marquis reaction was the same as the new pills so think just relying on colour difference is flawed. The Q-dance still smell strongly of aniseed (saffrol ) and the new pills don't it may sound strange but seek out pills that smell strongly of aniseed to avoid the PMK-Glycidate pills.
I'd say the MDMA I had was still glycidate stuff, but .5 in 125-130mg doses was all I needed and I've not slept after dropping the last one at like midnight. Definitely felt less and less like moving as it went on though.
Just read over Sham's infamous IV MDMA trip report, along with Cap'n H's - for some reason I am tempted to try it even though every report states it as "too strong" and "overwhelming". 8(
I've tried it once before, very intense but cleaner, a warmer rush is how I'd describe it. The tactile sensations are much more prominent too. The fucked up thing was we went through a fucking quarter between 3 doing this, orally I never go over half a gram.

Fucking around with pins is never a good idea :| MDMA is at its best at one or 2 doses in a club environment.
I ended up getting complete memory loss too. Started off with my final yellow strawberry pill (120-140). Then after 1.5hrs, I thought fuck it, and dropped an unmeasured cap of around 140mg ish.

Then at some point after that, I remember dropping another cap that I made a while ago but never used. However from what I remember this cap must of been made when I was once pissed or something..because it was fucking beefy. Like if filled half a 500mg capsule. Anyway...I dropped that and then I remember basically nothing for a few hours. Apart from everything is my room was wobbling and the text on my phone was flowing around, and for the first time I actually realised that MD can get your heart rate pretty high...had never noticed it before. Was also sweating absolute tits and I remember my neck and shoulders being really stiff. Passed out at 6am and slept deeply as I popped 0.5mg xanax and drank some JD.

Basically my point is...this MDMA = fuck me.
1.5 Dutch lions yesterday had me well on my way. Come up was very intense as per, also sweat a lot on those. Felt we needed bit of a lift after 3 hours possibly because of medium tolerance (busy Nov, Dec & Jan) so sourced some MDMA, looked about 300mg which we split out which was disgusting but had waves of energy running through my body for 2 hours. As we were leaving the venue a medic came up to me to see if I was OK which worried me a bit!

Feel decent today and managed to eat which was surprising.
Came across this the other day

I've chatted to Mike Power before, he's as honest a journalist as we're likely to get on the matter. Interesting thing I thought was the chemist he conversed with says PMK-glycidate is legal. I could agree with everything else it says aswell there is definitely more MDMA around, and cheaper than ever before.
He was on here, asking questions, at one point! I remember. A lot of that information has come from this site.

Had two different lots of MDMA, at a rave, at weekend, with two other mates. I made us a 120mg-ish capsule to start with, and a 50-70mg capsule to top up with, which should have been sufficient, if it was decent stuff. We'd all had speed beforehand, so had plenty of energy. The first capsule didn't seem to do much, but definitely didn't have an unwanted effect. The redose quickly made two of us mongy, but speed turned it into an acceptable high. That particular mate said she didn't even come up, despite being a fairly new user of MDMA. I felt like I was coming up, but it then stopped. Typical Dutch shite. As we'd all had speed before, it didn't ruin our night, but there were a lot of people at this rave that were walking about like zombies, who looked like they'd taken the same sort of stuff. I don't understand how MDMA is even still popular, because I didn't see anyone who looked truly ecstatic. I know I used to walk around a club feeling like I was walking on clouds, and I'd be grinding my teeth immensely, with my eyes rolling about. I didn't see many people who looked like that; in fact, quite a few looked monged-out, antisocial, and like they didn't want to be there. For an event that large, with a lot of people who were likely new to pills/MDMA, it was obvious to see the difference that new stuff has caused. If it'd been ten years ago, the whole place would have been completely different.

When people on MDMA are pushing their way through a dance floor full of people, with no emotion on their face, occasionally muttering 'sorry' to someone that they've banged into, it's obvious there's an issue. Even when I've taken far too many proper pills, I'm still extremely friendly to everyone. When people taking MDMA aren't even gurning, and their eyes are nearly shut, that makes me believe that it's exactly how Sprout has described; extremely serotoninergic and not much else. My pupils always dilate massively on MDMA, even if it's shit, which would back that up. I'm just glad speed seemed to even things out, and made the MDMA passable. That dopamine kick is what shitty MDMA is lacking.

The hunt continues!

Edit: Cheers for that link, Sprout. Even 14 years after I started taking MDMA, the jury is still out on whether it's truly neurotoxic. From my ridiculous use, and others around me, I'd say that it hasn't made a bit of difference. My memory is alarmingly good, despite what I've done in the past, and continue to do. I'm not depressed for no reason, and I feel like MDMA has done me some real favours, without any particularly negative effects, other than comedowns. That's true of mates that also used MDMA/MDA heavily. I've personally never been in a better place, when it comes to learning and getting a career. If MDMA is neurotoxic, it seems to make little to difference, once it's discontinued. If people can abuse meth (definitely neurotoxic, but no one knows to what extent), and recover, then no one using MDMA should be too concerned about it causing damage. If anything, it's going to just worry users, and cause anxiety.
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Yeah it's me who gave him a fair whack of it, we've spoke at length. Despite what people think about journalists I can assure you he is one of the more honest ones.

Personally I do think MDMA is neurotoxic. Or at least I would assume so. I've no lasting problems because of it, memory is sharp, it's just the feeling after use would lead me to believe so, MDA more so than MDMA. Meth doesn't really feel worse the next day than MDMA, but yes I'm sure it has been found to be neurotoxic. IMO all stims should be treated with as if they're toxic and used sparing

Was chatting to Dutch mate yesterday. The successor to the Dutch lions is the Rock and roll, and when I looked online sure enough someone selling the blue Dutch lions is now selling peach rock n rolls and peach yoshi's, both 200+
The peach rock and roll are red mastercard successors. I have some here but i haven't tried them yet. They also have the shiny coating.

I expect they will be the typical dutch pill.
What are those red mastercards like? I can get some of those here in Australia
What are those red mastercards like? I can get some of those here in Australia

They were decent. Strong high, minimal comedown but like all the pills these days, no euphoria or love.

I think the clue is in the dosage. Pills tested or advertised at 200mg+ are made via the new method.

if the 1993/94 doves contained 200mg of old school mdma, 75% of the club would av been flat on their backs. Half of one them bad boys would keep me going til the sun came up. Werent they tested at 120/150mg?
Most pills back then ranged from 120 - 150mg. Not sure what the doves were but they sure were nice. I had some amazing nights on those things.
Did you used to get the rushes off them? Massive waves of energy moving upwards from yer feet, turning your legs to jelly :) I never get that feeling on modern pills. My pupils dont go huge either.

Someone, somewhere must have a stash hidden. Maybe an old raver just getting out of clink after doing a 20 stretch lol.

I'd pay £50 right now for a bona-fide 1990's dove. Feel free to pm me anyone...
Did you used to get the rushes off them? Massive waves of energy moving upwards from yer feet, turning your legs to jelly :) I never get that feeling on modern pills. My pupils dont go huge either.

Someone, somewhere must have a stash hidden. Maybe an old raver just getting out of clink after doing a 20 stretch lol.

I'd pay £50 right now for a bona-fide 1990's dove. Feel free to pm me anyone...


And your a queue jumper. There is a line here mate. I'm first ? And I'll up your 50 to 100 ?

Plus they were usually £15 outside the rave and £ 20 in so with inflation that's not a blinding offer
They were $40 to us back then. They were great pills. I got engaged after a night on them where we accidentally set my bed on fire with a candle while we were fucking by throwing the doona off the bed onto the candle. Didnt notice till there were 5ft high flames coming off the end of the bed...good times