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Regional Pills/MD(M)A Discussion v. PM(dma)T

Despite the unusually trippy effects of these pills I still think they only contain MDMA (marquis test = purple/black), maybe I just overdid it, converting MDMA into MDA in the body?

It's quite likely the 7% that got converted to MDA had an effect on you.
Flugels were lab tested as 240 so if you boshed 2 very likely you'll be tripping. As rightly stated due to conversion in body to MDA at high doses.


Careful you'll be taking the BL Cookie Monster title from Small Town ?

Alcohol fine as a diuretic aid couple drinks prior but it's really a waste of good MD to get the hammer down during, as the two don't synergise well. I simply can't touch alcohol until at least + 3 and never have wanted to when I'm on a good un. Maybe it's personal and the way I view the experience - want it as pure as possible. I can go get pissed whenever but I can only do MD every so often. Firm believer in doing the drug you want and getting the most from it mentally and not simply using to get smashed.

Warning as per a post a long way back excess alcohol intake is a sure fire way to increase potential toxicity and increased workload of the internal organs during the roll, lowers inhibition reduces effect so likely that you take more than you would without. Also dramatically increases the comedown, I find, and nothing worse than a hangover from alcohol it ruins any chance of an nice afterglow.

Best you can do is to drink isotonic before and after dropping and next day. They replace and restore bodies natural balance. Swear by lucozade both before during and after it really does work.

Coke is a real waste. Both of the coke and the MD. I would need to double the MD intake even after consuming a line two hours prior. Also increases risks dramatically.

Really the only roll mates I've found to be worthwhile and add LSD, 2 CB, weed, nitrous. Probably a lot more but those are the ones I've tried successfully. For example 3 FPM appears for me to reduce all of the empathetic quailty and turn the roll very stim orientated. Speed used to be a regular combo but I found it very dangerous as it did end up with having to take more MD to balance the speed. I don't include Benzo because they are purely for the point at which sleep is essential. If you suffer aniexty on the come up then take less or perhaps consider MD is not your DOC.

As always everyone is different so ones mans meat maybe another's poison.
Flugels were lab tested as 240 so if you boshed 2 very likely you'll be tripping. As rightly stated due to conversion in body to MDA at high doses.


Careful you'll be taking the BL Cookie Monster title from Small Town ?

Alcohol fine as a diuretic aid couple drinks prior but it's really a waste of good MD to get the hammer down during, as the two don't synergise well. I simply can't touch alcohol until at least + 3 and never have wanted to when I'm on a good un. Maybe it's personal and the way I view the experience - want it as pure as possible. I can go get pissed whenever but I can only do MD every so often. Firm believer in doing the drug you want and getting the most from it mentally and not simply using to get smashed.

Warning as per a post a long way back excess alcohol intake is a sure fire way to increase potential toxicity and increased workload of the internal organs during the roll, lowers inhibition reduces effect so likely that you take more than you would without. Also dramatically increases the comedown, I find, and nothing worse than a hangover from alcohol it ruins any chance of an nice afterglow.

Best you can do is to drink isotonic before and after dropping and next day. They replace and restore bodies natural balance. Swear by lucozade both before during and after it really does work.

Coke is a real waste. Both of the coke and the MD. I would need to double the MD intake even after consuming a line two hours prior. Also increases risks dramatically.

Really the only roll mates I've found to be worthwhile and add LSD, 2 CB, weed, nitrous. Probably a lot more but those are the ones I've tried successfully. For example 3 FPM appears for me to reduce all of the empathetic quailty and turn the roll very stim orientated. Speed used to be a regular combo but I found it very dangerous as it did end up with having to take more MD to balance the speed. I don't include Benzo because they are purely for the point at which sleep is essential. If you suffer aniexty on the come up then take less or perhaps consider MD is not your DOC.

As always everyone is different so ones mans meat maybe another's poison.

Hahaha I'm no Cookie Monster boa, I'm tame compared to some of my mates, plus don't get Gary'd up often but when I do I go AWOL and end up on a 3 dayer and in some random gaff miles away from where I live with a vague idea how I got there haha
Mine look a lot smoother too, but the one above may look like this due to wear and tear?
Now that Ive counted how many flugals I have left, I must have eaten 3 in a session! That could total up to 720mg of MDMA. No wonder I was tripping my nuts off and now have bran zaps for the first time in about 4 years.

A long long break is needed! 8(
I feel this is purely a symptom of the ridiculous doses reportedly being put in modern pills. Everyone knows the sweet spot is around 120mg of good MDMA. These cunts are messing with people's lives.

I can quite understand why young and inexperienced people get into difficulties if their first pill contains 200+mg of MDMA - that's if it is even MDMA...
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Just seen another 18 year old girl has died in Newcastle this morning.

Read an interesting article this weekend about the impact these super strength pills have on girls and their ability to handle them. Seems to have been a reasonably high amount of deaths this year from MDMA this summer which is not great.


I've just realised we've posted about the same thing in different threads. The doses are high and we can't be sure, like FUBAR says, if it is MDMA. We do have testing for this but as much faith as I put in to testing I don't think it paints the full picture sometimes with regards to ratios and additives. Not only is each pill so very different but each press and sometimes pills from the same press can vary. Sometimes greatly.

Regulation, legalization. People are going to take pills either way. IMO, by banning them the government is simply turning a blind eye to the possibility of death. Why do I get the feeling these are words of a personal omen..... :\
I feel this is purely a symptom of the ridiculous doses reportedly being put in modern pills. Everyone knows the sweet spot is around 120mg of good MDMA. These cunts are messing with people's lives.

I can quite understand why young and inexperienced people get into difficulties if their first pill contains 200+mg of MDMA - that's if it is even MDMA...


Popcorn pills 267mg - 307mg ffs.
If this all adds up then it should demand a targeted public heath campaign to attempt to mitigate some of the potential damage that could be avoidable.

It would involve specifically targeting female ecstasy users, and specifically tailor the HR message that this is not an issue that can be made safer through drug testing, that these genuine but super dosed mdma products may be responsible alone and urge them to start using smaller doses (i.e, halves instead of entire tablets, q's instead of halves etc depending on usual behaviours) while employing established 'safer dancing' type techniques to further reduce the chance of hyperthermic reactions etc etc.

Unfortunately this would involve public agencies accepting that these ladies are still going to use the drug no matter what and we cannot have that can we, so if this does ever become considered a health crises any response will be along the lines of the regan - 'sorted ?' axis of bad drug campaigning that I totally ignored in my youth and which if more effective may have resulted in me not being a junky fuck spazwat today.
Indeed Stee. It is, in fact, too bad that we cannot garner acceptance that any individual will take drugs despite their gender. They'd be fools to make exception for the female of our species. Should they do so it would highlight that there is a problem indeed for ALL people when not regulated but then, this would highlight the need for it to be regulated and this goes against the very core of their moral stance. But then, when have they ever been known not to blatantly be fools? Or actual morals for that matter.....

Let the scum die in essence. Smoking and drinking are fine though. Right?
I feel this is purely a symptom of the ridiculous doses reportedly being put in modern pills. Everyone knows the sweet spot is around 120mg of good MDMA. These cunts are messing with people's lives.

I can quite understand why young and inexperienced people get into difficulties if their first pill contains 200+mg of MDMA - that's if it is even MDMA...


check out 11/16 average dose of pills lab tested in Spain