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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Recommend a Documentary v. David Attenborough!


Blood into Wine

if you love Tool, you'll love this!
The Two Escobars.

Hesitant -- because it's about (on one hand) Soccer, and on the other, Cocaine, but it was so interesting and heartwrenching and literally, I was almost crying. The rise and fall of Pablo Escobar was also at the same time the rise and fall of (probably) the world's greatest soccer team, the 1991-1994 Colombian soccer team. Fascinating, well made, kudos to ESPN.


Those 30 for 30 docs are pretty solid. I've seen a handful that were really well done. Looking forward to the one they are currently doing on Steve Bartman.
Caids des cites
You might have to look around a bit to find the whole documentary, the french one is available *somewhere*.
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What the Bleep Do We Know?

Further Down the Rabbit Hole. ...both of those are about quantum physics.

Spike Lee's "When the Levees Broke"....Katrina Documentary

"Boy Interrupted" the struggle of a boy with his Bipolar Disorder who ends his life at 15. Filmed and produced by his mother and father. Powerful.

I have a bazillion more,but i am not quite awake yet:|

***edit: add Bill Maher's "Religulous"-awesome!
Bigger, Stronger, Faster.

It was a pretty damn good documentary on steroids and the people who use them.
What the Bleep Do We Know?

Further Down the Rabbit Hole. ...both of those are about quantum physics.

Hmm, I recently watched this and I don't really like the approach of this docu. To start with I think it's a bit suspicious they don't point out the names of the scientist they are interviewing. The reason for this might be the fact that alot of the scientists presented in this docu have opinions that deviate from what the majority of the scientific world is thinking. The fact that they are presting the results of these researchers as a general truth without even mentioning the fact that these ideas are currently not generally acepted, makes this a very misleading documentary. They are constantly mixing scientific facts with personal interpretations and non peer reviewed experiments. This makes it for the viewer very hard to distinguish between facts and fiction. Not recommended at al IMO.

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"Invisible" a heroin documentary by Konstantin Bojanov.

After the crumbling of the Soviet empire, heroin flooded the streets of many cities behind the former Iron Curtain. Heroin offered an alternative lifestyle largely unknown until then. In the late 1990s heroin addiction in Eastern Europe had reached epidemic proportions.

Invisible takes place in Sofia, Bulgaria and follows a group of six young people on a three year journey through the highs and lows, dreams and tribulations of living with heroin addiction. The story bypasses the social problems and dynamics associated with addiction and focuses on the existential views and philosophies of the participants. The film provides a platform for their ideas and concepts of the world surrounding them. The participants represent a group of "social outcasts", who remain largely invisible in society. They are members of a generation eager to discover and explore the new "commodities".

Invisible is unprecedented in the intimacy with which it portrays its subjects. The film presents perspectives influenced by euphoria as well as the sobering reality that follows, without passing judgments, trivializing, denigrating, or exploiting the subjects.

here's two i recommend about great american writers:


William S. Burroughs: A Man Within trailer ... watched this tonight, really good documentary. sex, drugs, guns and manslaughter. good footage of people close to him, friends, boyfriend, rock stars, artists. kinda blew my mind when they played an audio clip of him having a conversation with andre leon tally, burroughs seemed liked he knew everyone.


this one is available in its entirety on youtube ( link ) kinda been obsessed with PKD (sci-fi in general) from the movies they made from his books. well realizing i didn't know much about the dude this documentary was pretty damn informative about his life, hearing what his ex-wives have to say and just how far out mentally he really was. frickin genius that guy was.
The Best Government Money Can Buy


A non-partisan look inside the world of lobbyists in America
Bigger, Stronger, Faster.

It was a pretty damn good documentary on steroids and the people who use them.

Nice one. Very well done doc. Nice to see someone strip away all the media hype about steroids, and just give the facts. This country has some pretty screwed up attitudes when it comes to steroids. The whole fact that we go into hysterics when someone outside of football uses them, but clearly football players are exempt, is just messed up in so many ways.

Anyway, a good watch.
Bowling for columbine by Michael Moore. Most of you have probably seen it but see it again!!
my bads if this has been done b4 but another thread inspired this.

pretty simple just as title saids. try and post link to trailer as well.

so i'll start.

i just finished watching this and thought it was decent considering the dark subject matter

Title: The Bridge


It tells the story of a few people that committed suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge told thru their loved ones after the fact. Its definitely a downer but sometimes u just gotta be down I guess. At the very least it'll open ur eyes a little wider.

Loved that documentary!
I'm watching "Bigger Stronger Faster"

Holy crap this is awesome. Amazing. It's not just about steroids... its about america, the america dream, media, and politics. Also, your views as a child and how they affect your life.

Really good.

What really got to me was finding out that Mike died after the movie was done when i looked at the wikipedia entry. Sad. I feel really sorry for their family and for their mom too.
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