Rate the song above you (youtube) --- Part Deux!

excellent. masterfully produced deep dark minimal with trippy vocals that i love. 9/10 tho i must say im holding it to a high standard compared to the previous plastikman album "consumed"

Redshape - Bound

Nice techno, it gets me going. 7/10

Man I cannot get enough of the 16 Bit remix of Joanna Newsom's The Book of Right On (Shallow). That song is just deep and intense. I was listening to last night when coming down of a pretty good roll. It's awesome for the comedowns, so chill.

Another track from the same release:

Little Dragon - Twice (16 Bit Remix)

Not as good as "Shallow" but still very awesome. =D

Cool synths, but they're just ... all the same. I mean, I guess that's what techno is like and all, but there's just not enough progression in this track to keep me interested. A mix full of tracks like this would get boring, I think, although it'd be an interesting thing to throw into an otherwise quite different set. 5/10

Radikal Guru - Dread Commandments I'm starting to realize that my tastes in dubstep tends so far towards the dub side of the spectrum that a lot of my favorite dubstep tracks are really just a couple synth-bass filters and kick drums on top of what would otherwise just be straight traditional King Tubby style dub.
That was quite enjoyable. This is what dubstep SHOULD sound like, with some actual dub in the music. 7/10

Klute - Ashram

Sick, I love how the drum beat slowly kinda appears in the middle of the song. I also really like how the Indian motives are integrated into the songs. It's not often that you hear that kind of stuff in Drum & Bass. The bassline is also sick I have to say. This track is unbelievable, I can't get enough of it!!!!!! 9.5/10

Eat Static - The First Revelation
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This starts out as some righteously mellow shit. I really like the whole intro. When the beat picks up and the downtempo part drops off, it becomes less my style, but I can appreciate good psytrance, and while it's not the most amazing psytrance I've ever heard, it's definitely solid. It doesn't get boring, which is saying a lot for a 10-minute track.

Honestly I was kind of hoping during the downtempo part that this would be closer to Star Shpongled Banner in terms of flavor, but the flute near the end redeems it, and overall I'm going to give this track 8/10 for being a great example of its genre.

Lulu Rouge - Lulu's Theme
I thought that was going to be terrible, but it was actually pretty good. It's got a proper stompin techno groove, and I also loved the bell sounds - really atmospheric and creepy. The main riff didn't blow my mind, but at least it was dark, and the track avoided having a big cheesy 'euphoric' breakdown. All-in-all, pretty good! 6/10.

Agoria - Sky Is Clear

I really liked this. It was nice combination of house and techno type sounds. It's great how the songs just keeps one going. I think would be awesome live. =D 9/10

Some nice Drum & Bass. I would recommend listening to this one a good audio system or good headphones.

Twisted Individual - Rusty Sheriff's Badge
^ Nice jungle track, makes me want to dance. I'd love to hear that it a set. A little repetitive, could use some more movement starting about halfway through. The drop out and buildup at 3min doesn't really do it for me, wish they'd had more in there. 7/10

I'll respond to your drum and bass with some more dnb, something a bit more evil-sounding. I remember back in the day when walking into a dnb room at a rave was like walking in a evil party in the depths of hell :). But then again, it might have been the drugs.

^ Nice jungle track, makes me want to dance. I'd love to hear that it a set. A little repetitive, could use some more movement starting about halfway through. The drop out and buildup at 3min doesn't really do it for me, wish they'd had more in there. 7/10

I'll respond to your drum and bass with some more dnb, something a bit more evil-sounding. I remember back in the day when walking into a dnb room at a rave was like walking in a evil party in the depths of hell :). But then again, it might have been the drugs.


I cannot STAND DnB ever since i became encountered with this one kid in like october......but this song is good lol 7.5/10

Wippenberg - Pong