Rate the song above you (youtube) --- Part 2+2

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7/10 i like dub a lot, this song has some yummy noises but his voice puts me off a little and the song doesnt change much

Ultraista - Smalltalk (Four Tet Remix)

Sorry, pet peeve of mine. Dub is another genre of music. I used "dubs" as in dubplates.

Four Tet always throws out a nice vibe in his music.

Jkenzo is a badman! Big tune, taken from the minimal Monday show??? Yunx is dance floor masher ay! I love toast on the mic brings the vibs!

Saw them both awhile back, they dropped Kryptic Minds - Badman VIP place went fuckin mental real mosh pit business! Anything by Kryptic minds is fine with me

Deep bass and groovy, totally my style. 8/10

Now lets get minimal boyyy

this actually sounds like the beginning of a trance track. It just sounded like the music was about to go somewhere but it never did. There doesn't seem to be a main melody in the track. The melody seems to go on and on. cool video though


Perfect Stranger - Monolith
Damn that song just makes me bang my head so fucking hard 7/10

sorry if i post only minimal but this shit is the shit
I love that song. I can watch that leopard all day long 10/10. Lets change a bit now what about this

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^nice beat, I would def give it 5 stars considering what its doing to my ass and my back right now :D

I very rarely listen to the radio/top 40 type music so I had never heard this song til I was somehow led to it on my internet travels today. and fell in love with the story and the song. i always thought rihanna had a kickass voice but just dont dig most of her musical styles. Wish she would sing for some hip hop or trance songs like this remix of "We found love". The video is fucking amazing....

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