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Quitting/Tapering Thread.

Just lack of will power and boredom for me. I did do over a month so that was good. Felt fine.. Just accepted it was not available and a blessing for me.

Have used a few times, the last being Soundwave.. However to be 100% honest I cant remember if I used during the week after that, but I dont 'think' I did.

Using this weekend, and must say.. Its kinda sad that this thread is rarely added too. Goes to show quitting is so hard!
Popeyes mate, you did so well going that long off the meth. I noticed after I stopped using heroin regularly I started using meth a lot more(A drug I used to hate due to the anxiety) but now that I have access to xanax most of the time id just use meth for a few days(sleeping at night) then use xanax to come down. I never thought meth could grab a hold of me coz ive used it for almost ten years, injecting for about 5-6 years even keeping that under control but the meth satisfied the dopamine rush id get from heroin so I used that for awhile but until I go to detox and rehab in the next few weeks, hopefully not months(not sure when I can get into detox) im going to try to not use.

My biggest problem atm is xanax. Ive gone from using 6-12mg+ to 2, sometimes 3mg a day in a pretty short amount of time and because ive only been using it once a day and xanax is a short acting benzo im pretty sure most of the negatives im feeling when I dont use is rebound anxiety and not full-on WD's. But im terrified of going in to detox. Can anyone whos been through it give me any insight into how they will deal with me coming off the xanax in detox? I saw my bupe doctor today whos getting me into my local hospital detox and he said they'd use valium to ween me off it but im a little worried they wont give me an adequate dose to keep me as comfortable as possible. How do they do xanax detox? They said it might take 2 weeks instead of 5-7 days like with heroin and other opiates, but im just scared of the unknown and want as much info as possible. I think I can get myself down to 0.5-1mg before I get into detox but im still really scared which is obviousl causing more anxiety. I took 6mg with gf juice today because ive had quite an anxiety inducing day seeing doctors and not getting the answers ive been wanting. Will taking 6mg once affect my taper that much? Even if its only for one day?

If I could get as much info on benzo detox and tapering from you guys as I can then please give me all the info you know. I have no valium to taper off the xanax and I know valium is preffered for tapering but I dont have that option, so I have to taper with the xanax. I have been using once a day for 3-4 months so if anyone can give me a good taper plan then that would be so helpful.

And also, does GF juice increase your tolerance/dependence to benzos? Ive been using it to make sure I always have enough xanax to last until my source gets their next script so any help in that area I would be so greatful for :)

Good luck to all you who are quitting and congrats to all the people who are succeeding, dont let one or two slip-ups lead you astray from your goal or make you think youve fucked up because as a few people have said, most people dont quit the first time they try. Ive been to rehab 3 times, tried to quit that many times its not funny but im not giving up and thats the approach I suggest you guys take.

Take care and much love for you guy from the K-Man :)
^^ Sorry my posts are always so long. I just have so much I need to know and im absolutely terrified of this xanax WD. Anyway thanks again BL for having this kind of support :)
K-Man I really wish I could offer you the info you need but I have no experience in this area. I guess Id like to think that surely they would be able to keep you comfortable in rehab.. I really hope they do so all I can really say is good luck.

Keep in your thoughts the saying 'This Too Shall Pass' and trust in the fact you will have the strength to continue on with the journey you have started.

All the very best.
Thanks mate :) Playing over in my head "This will pass, its not going to last forever" has been the best way to keep anxiety levels low so far next to taking more xanax which obviously isnt helpful to this situation :p

Thanks for the well wishes :)
There is urgent attention needed targeted at people struggling with Benzo addiction and withdrawal... Theres no "detox" in Australia that I know of thats long enough for benzo useres apart from obviously home detox. This is a problem.... There are no re-habs in Australia that will let you in if you havent 'detoxed. off benzos..... completely or at a say 10mg Diaz. a day with intention of coming off that asap.

Where are we supposed to do this in a controlled, safe environment????
Tappering off of Methadone: Looking for advice

Man - there is so much to learn and know here - I wish I took the time to understand it before I got myself into this mess - but I guess this is just not the way it works.
I have read so many threads and no two are alike and none exactly like mine - so I am asking for advice here.

I have been using Oxy for the past 14 months. Started with a script going through cancer treatment and it was hugely valuable(@ 100mg a day) in getting through day to day radiation and chemo - it was certainly worth it then.
However, given my addictive personality - I did not stop when I had the opportunity to tapper under prescription. Instead, I found a source and was using between 60 and 150 mg of Roxy for the last 4-5 months.
My supply would get thin once in a while and I would only have 30 mg for a couple 24 hour periods and start to go in withdrawal. You know the drill... felt like crap - but moreover - was useless and incapable and uninterested in doing anything or even communicating. My mindset felt like everything was a chore. Scared the hell out of me because I have a family and no one knows about my issue (other than my PCP and counselor) - so I figured and know I need to work to detox as carefully and quick as I can.
Form my supply guy - I got some Methadone and it was suddenly a new world of getting back to feeling myself. I took 30 mg that first day - a few weeks ago - and the next day was awesome - just getting back to feeling myself - feeling like I was and am on a path to being myself again. Now that I have read and learned the issue and more about Methadone. I am scared again. I need to complete getting my life back and have no interest to stay on any medications. I went to a meth clinic to get advice and was amazed how much they push to want to get you an a daily dose for a long period of time. Man - that's just not me..
So.. NOW- I am on 10 mg a day of Methadone for ONLY the last 2 weeks with no more OXY/ROXY, no alcohol, nothing else and looking for the best advice to get to 0 - as comfortably as possible. I am so ready to end this daily conversation ASAP. Thank you in advance for your helpful thoughts on this.
Good luck with methadone man, once u go on that shit itll be harder to come off of that any opiates known to man. Id rather do it cold turkey or taper. Ive had nasty addictions to heroin, hydromorphone and oxys. Been clean for ages and will never ever touch the shit again. I know a lot of opiate abusers, they all look terrible. Its a horrible thing to see.
100% off xanax now, on 12ml of pure yellow `done still and reducing weekly.

^ well done getting off the xannies, that must have been hard. Sounds like you're nearly off the liquid handcuffs too - congrats. I've noticed you seem a lot more coherent and mellow now too, maybe that's because the lack of benzos typing? I'm not really in a position to talk about that myself though :\
do i ? lol yeh im alot more normal now i guess . be glad when off the fukn goose juice for good but . tho i will miss the synergy it definately seems to have with
my nightly avanza
Ok so here I am again having another go at getting off Meth. Off to see a shrink (should be interesting, maybe not helpful but eh cant hurt) right now, followed by a visit to the local Tattoo Shed for a tat to remind me this should be the beginning of a new way of living.

All my glass utensils are.. once again, packed up (cant bring myself to totally remove from the house), and my aim is to stay clean until BDO roles around.

Gonna keep seeing the shrink - hoping regular appointments might help me stay on track.
Has anyone had any experience with Neurofeedback for their addictions?

This is the method my psychologist is going to use for me and I will start next week. Hell even if it doesnt work Im looking forward to being left alone, dark room, relaxing with a blankie for 1 hour.
Has anyone had any experience with Neurofeedback for their addictions?

This is the method my psychologist is going to use for me and I will start next week. Hell even if it doesnt work Im looking forward to being left alone, dark room, relaxing with a blankie for 1 hour.

Only tried it for ADD (inattentive not hyperactive) about 10 years ago I remember it being boring and didn't stick with it long enough to notice any positive effects. It's pretty interesting though, and would be worth a try for sure.
I have my first actual Neurofeed session in a couple of days. The last few visits have been just talk talk talk.

It certainly is a very interesting method and Im keen to totally give myself over to it. Im really comfortable with the Psychologist Im seeing and have not felt any judgement from her. I think Ive shocked her a bit with my admission of the volume Im at times using/spending, but I think together we can do this.

Id hoped that as of my first visit that day would have marked the start of not using, but it was not the case. Hopefully from the first actual treatment. I did what they call a TOVA test last week after having not slept the night before, and blitzed it. She reckons highest score she had seen someone get. I rock at dot clicking haha.

Time will tell, But being left all alone for an hour to relax .. Is my idea of treatment ;-)
Neurofeedback really interests me. I'd be really keen to hear about your experiences and whether you find it works for you, if you don't mind sharing. All the best with it :)
Unfortunately I didnt get to start today, we still had some questions to complete.

Likely to start in 2 weeks as its not cheap and they recomend 2 a week so waiting to get paid!

Im keen to see how it will effect my anger / bad temper. Its supposed to have good results with that too. Maybe I will be more tollerent of my partner ;-)

Will certainly post my experience with the treatment.
Do you guys ever feel the stars are aligning to to tell you to taper/quit?

I'm trying to taper my codeine use off (started today) by havin 160mg this morning with the plan to have the rest of the box tonight (160mg. I'd been using double this dose the last couple days TWICE per day which was getting pointless and more about the ritual of cwe/that first hour of warmth.)

Anyhoo this arvo just before running out to dinner I was gonna filter my second cwe but realised I had no more filters. I didn't have time toget more so I used a shirt. Needless to say I Fckd it up. Ive only had one dose this morning, wondering if the gods arent tryin to tell me something. Anyway I look forward to my 150mg tomorrow around lunch. I feel a bit clammy...:/

EDIT - I feel bad having read this page as seeing your posts Popeye and not commenting - best of luck to you mate. I can't imagine what a challenge it must be. Again, let us know how it goes
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Infectedmushroom no need to appologise mate.

Yes this forum provides an oportunity to gain insight and advise from others, but its also a great place just to put our own feelings / thoughts down to read for our own growth.

Good luck with what you are also trying to achieve. Listen to the universe if you feel its trying to tell you something. Its a reliable force to put trust in really isnt eh?

For me at this point I need to listen to my body and what its telling me. And my head.. Its screaming enough is enough.

Neurofeedback starts this week. I really dont want to use after I begin. I want to go into it 100% committed. So why cant I bring myself to smash the pipe..
Thanks for the assurance, best of luck for your first session mate. These things are hard but not impossible.

I seem to be having a fairly easy time tapering my codeine down. Three days ago it was 160mg down from 600 + - a day, yesterday it was 120mg, and today 105mg. Tomorrow will be 90mg, then 60, then 30, then....well...I'll see.

A strange effect from cutting back drastically has been feeling my testosterone levels spike back up. It's been making me feel....well, to be honest horny. Chemical levels must be trying to balance themselves out because I've been pretty tired and sort of glum, but that's to be expected.

I started this taper with the only intention of lowering tolerance to enjoy getting high again from one packet - which is 300-400mg. I didn't have a plan how long i'd taper for, but questions are swimming around my mind. Can I perhaps learn to enjoy codeine again only once in a while? Should I try just plain quitting and never look back again? Burning questions, answers to be uncovered in the days to come.