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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Bupe Quitting Buprenorphine. When is is completely out of your body?

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Trust Me get off this site for a few weeks cus it will just make you want to use more don't waste your 6 days clean time keep going you've about done a whole week so go another week then go a month and then see how you feel and maybe you will be able to start using carefully again you should be very proud for managing 6 days you don't wanna chuck that away if you kept on using for years it would have been a lot lot harder just to even go half a day without it oh what I wouldn't give to go back to when I was taking painkillers and just quit before shit hit the fan..
I’m thinking about it 24/7 anyway.Talking to people about it is actually helping me.
I was given subutex when I was 18 by a boyfriend at the time not knowing you could withdraw from it. I knew it was addictive but my brain was like addictive like sugar lol I didn’t know anything bad could happen. Never had a script only gotten it off other people.
Well in that case and I'm not meaning to sound lecturing myself but I was where you was but on codeine which is also an opiate and I was to weak to quit them and eventually I ended up on heroin homeless and basically nothing more than a loser the only reason im still alive or not in prison is because I got on methadone take it from me opiates are the devil you have a great opportunity to just leave your suboxe use behind and move on if you want a buzz smoke weed and go out with your boyfriend/mates and have a drink and your boyfriend should not be giving you drugs like that
I’m thinking about it 24/7 anyway.Talking to people about it is actually helping me.
Ive been where you are but I didn't want to hear it when I was your age either I'm not judging you I just don't want you to go through what a lot of us have been through it only ends 2 ways
Well in that case and I'm not meaning to sound lecturing myself but I was where you was but on codeine which is also an opiate and I was to weak to quit them and eventually I ended up on heroin homeless and basically nothing more than a loser the only reason im still alive or not in prison is because I got on methadone take it from me opiates are the devil you have a great opportunity to just leave your suboxe use behind and move on if you want a buzz smoke weed and go out with your boyfriend/mates and have a drink and your boyfriend should not be giving you
Ive been where you are but I didn't want to hear it when I was your age either I'm not judging you I just don't want you to go through what a lot of us have been through it only ends 2 ways
I don’t know I have a prescription to benzos and I’ve always spread them out so nothing bad happens. And I’ve also had those for 8 years as well.
Maybe you couldn’t do that but I know I can. For six days I’ve been horribly suffering with the cure two steps away. My willpower is really good. I only even got addicted in the first place cause when I was 18 I didn’t know you could get addicted like this. So then I was pretty much forced to do it all the time or withdraw which wasn’t an option.
I do believe you. But don't think how you are now can't or won't change. At the start of my career as an opioid user I had far more discretion and control. But it didnt take long before my behavior started to deteriorate faster than I could lower my standards.

Keep up the good work!
Sorry if this is TMI, but from personal experience these should be in your pharmacopoeia:

Loperamide HCl (Immodium) 2mg. A weak partial mu-agonist it might be more than enough where you're at currently. You'll need to take 2-3 tablets, but you can repeat the dose every 4 hours.
Benadryl (diphenhydramine 25 mg) for sleep - ideally one or 1 1/2 because any more can exacerbate restlessness
Acetaminophen extra-strength 500mg. For pain. Believe it or not this stuff works and is far safer than ibuprophen, Aleve or even aspirin. As long as you take 500mg every 4 to 6 hours. Regular strength of 325 mg even works to alleviate nagging aches of the sort is that one becomes more acutely aware of in your situation... For me 500 is perfect. If you feel like it add one 325 mg aspirin, but try not to make it a habit because aspirin can cause stomach ulcers.
DLPA dl-phenylalanine... might be harder to find at a store, but this amino acid supplement is easily purchased online from many good companies that are cheap... Life Extension is one. L-phenylalanine is naturally occurring while the D isomer, which just means the mirror image of the same exact molecule, is pretty easily made from natural ingredients. And it's the D isomer that you want, because that can be used by your body to create endorphins. If you just see l-phenylalanine skip it
Pepto Bismol liquid and milk of magnesia, aka the pink and the white... First one for nausea and diarrhea ( although you probably shouldn't combine it with loperamide) well the second one is a gentle overnight laxative in case you are taking loperamide in larger than recommended doses.

By the way, even if you don't want to do it, push ups jumping jacks and going for walks will really help even though they might suck while you're doing them
I don’t know I have a prescription to benzos and I’ve always spread them out so nothing bad happens. And I’ve also had those for 8 years as well.
Jesus you take benzos as well... You do realise they are one of the few things with worse withdrawal than opiates due to the seizures that can and often do kill you please babe I don't know if that's your pic or not I love your hair btw but you look like a young clever girl with your whole life ahead of you you e experimented you've experienced the drugs what more is their to do nothing that's what just leave them and remember them for the good experiences they were I really hope you listen because benzos and opiate combinations are the most common cause of overdoses one last thing I will tell you is if you do decide to continue using after some time and it sound like you will if it becomes to much and you get in over your head their are people and places that can help if your in the UK you can go to turning point who will hook you up with daily methado e or suboxobe so atleast you haven't got to worry about scoring everyday if your in America or somewhere else I'm sure they will have something similar to but these are only for desperate situations where your only other option is to rob someone and risk hurting them because your that desperate for a hit usually after a good few years of daily use is all it takes for people to snap it did me anyway hopefully you never will need help like that but just remember it's their if you need it and feel free to message me if you want to talk about your life or problems I could use someone to talk to just to talk about my own problems tbh
I do believe you. But don't think how you are now can't or won't change. At the start of my career as an opioid user I had far more discretion and control. But it didnt take long before my behavior started to deteriorate faster than I could lower my standards.

Keep up the good work!
Sorry if this is TMI, but from personal experience these should be in your pharmacopoeia:

Loperamide HCl (Immodium) 2mg. A weak partial mu-agonist it might be more than enough where you're at currently. You'll need to take 2-3 tablets, but you can repeat the dose every 4 hours.
Benadryl (diphenhydramine 25 mg) for sleep - ideally one or 1 1/2 because any more can exacerbate restlessness
Acetaminophen extra-strength 500mg. For pain. Believe it or not this stuff works and is far safer than ibuprophen, Aleve or even aspirin. As long as you take 500mg every 4 to 6 hours. Regular strength of 325 mg even works to alleviate nagging aches of the sort is that one becomes more acutely aware of in your situation... For me 500 is perfect. If you feel like it add one 325 mg aspirin, but try not to make it a habit because aspirin can cause stomach ulcers.
DLPA dl-phenylalanine... might be harder to find at a store, but this amino acid supplement is easily purchased online from many good companies that are cheap... Life Extension is one. L-phenylalanine is naturally occurring while the D isomer, which just means the mirror image of the same exact molecule, is pretty easily made from natural ingredients. And it's the D isomer that you want, because that can be used by your body to create endorphins. If you just see l-phenylalanine skip it
Pepto Bismol liquid and milk of magnesia, aka the pink and the white... First one for nausea and diarrhea ( although you probably shouldn't combine it with loperamide) well the second one is a gentle overnight laxative in case you are taking loperamide in larger than recommended doses.

By the way, even if you don't want to do it, push ups jumping jacks and going for walks will really help even though they might suck while you're doing them
I would opt for swapping the benadryl for promethazine or failing that a none sedating antihistamine because some people get very unpleasant side effects from benadryl me included promethazine though always works like a charm it is the best sleeping and nausea killing tablet I've ever had and best of all its none addictive I don't even get why people take benzos when we have promethazine (brand name phenergen look for the active ingredient "promethazine" in "travel sickness" sections of medications)
I do believe you. But don't think how you are now can't or won't change. At the start of my career as an opioid user I had far more discretion and control. But it didnt take long before my behavior started to deteriorate faster than I could lower my standards.

Keep up the good work!
Sorry if this is TMI, but from personal experience these should be in your pharmacopoeia:

Loperamide HCl (Immodium) 2mg. A weak partial mu-agonist it might be more than enough where you're at currently. You'll need to take 2-3 tablets, but you can repeat the dose every 4 hours.
Benadryl (diphenhydramine 25 mg) for sleep - ideally one or 1 1/2 because any more can exacerbate restlessness
Acetaminophen extra-strength 500mg. For pain. Believe it or not this stuff works and is far safer than ibuprophen, Aleve or even aspirin. As long as you take 500mg every 4 to 6 hours. Regular strength of 325 mg even works to alleviate nagging aches of the sort is that one becomes more acutely aware of in your situation... For me 500 is perfect. If you feel like it add one 325 mg aspirin, but try not to make it a habit because aspirin can cause stomach ulcers.
DLPA dl-phenylalanine... might be harder to find at a store, but this amino acid supplement is easily purchased online from many good companies that are cheap... Life Extension is one. L-phenylalanine is naturally occurring while the D isomer, which just means the mirror image of the same exact molecule, is pretty easily made from natural ingredients. And it's the D isomer that you want, because that can be used by your body to create endorphins. If you just see l-phenylalanine skip it
Pepto Bismol liquid and milk of magnesia, aka the pink and the white... First one for nausea and diarrhea ( although you probably shouldn't combine it with loperamide) well the second one is a gentle overnight laxative in case you are taking loperamide in larger than recommended doses.

By the way, even if you don't want to do it, push ups jumping jacks and going for walks will really help even though they might suck while you're doing them
This is 10/10 sound advice especially the exercise press ups have always been a favourite of mine
I do believe you. But don't think how you are now can't or won't change. At the start of my career as an opioid user I had far more discretion and control. But it didnt take long before my behavior started to deteriorate faster than I could lower my standards.

Keep up the good work!
Sorry if this is TMI, but from personal experience these should be in your pharmacopoeia:

Loperamide HCl (Immodium) 2mg. A weak partial mu-agonist it might be more than enough where you're at currently. You'll need to take 2-3 tablets, but you can repeat the dose every 4 hours.
Benadryl (diphenhydramine 25 mg) for sleep - ideally one or 1 1/2 because any more can exacerbate restlessness
Acetaminophen extra-strength 500mg. For pain. Believe it or not this stuff works and is far safer than ibuprophen, Aleve or even aspirin. As long as you take 500mg every 4 to 6 hours. Regular strength of 325 mg even works to alleviate nagging aches of the sort is that one becomes more acutely aware of in your situation... For me 500 is perfect. If you feel like it add one 325 mg aspirin, but try not to make it a habit because aspirin can cause stomach ulcers.
DLPA dl-phenylalanine... might be harder to find at a store, but this amino acid supplement is easily purchased online from many good companies that are cheap... Life Extension is one. L-phenylalanine is naturally occurring while the D isomer, which just means the mirror image of the same exact molecule, is pretty easily made from natural ingredients. And it's the D isomer that you want, because that can be used by your body to create endorphins. If you just see l-phenylalanine skip it
Pepto Bismol liquid and milk of magnesia, aka the pink and the white... First one for nausea and diarrhea ( although you probably shouldn't combine it with loperamide) well the second one is a gentle overnight laxative in case you are taking loperamide in larger than recommended doses.

By the way, even if you don't want to do it, push ups jumping jacks and going for walks will really help even though they might suck while you're doing them
Thank you that’s really good advice. I appreciate it.
I wish I could give you more advice but I have never took them I'm on methadone to stop me craving heroin but if you go on a nhs website or just Google your question you will actually get results not patronising lectures good luck anyway and stay safe 🙃
I’ve tried googling so many times😂 but I’ll try the nhs website
I’ve tried googling so many times😂 but I’ll try the nhs website
The time any drug takes to clear from the body should be pretty easy to find.. idk What exactly your typing in Google..😂 anyway I'm off the toilet now only logged on while I was having a shit stay safe kiddies
Jesus you take benzos as well... You do realise they are one of the few things with worse withdrawal than opiates due to the seizures that can and often do kill you please babe I don't know if that's your pic or not I love your hair btw but you look like a young clever girl with your whole life ahead of you you e experimented you've experienced the drugs what more is their to do nothing that's what just leave them and remember them for the good experiences they were I really hope you listen because benzos and opiate combinations are the most common cause of overdoses one last thing I will tell you is if you do decide to continue using after some time and it sound like you will if it becomes to much and you get in over your head their are people and places that can help if your in the UK you can go to turning point who will hook you up with daily methado e or suboxobe so atleast you haven't got to worry about scoring everyday if your in America or somewhere else I'm sure they will have something similar to but these are only for desperate situations where your only other option is to rob someone and risk hurting them because your that desperate for a hit usually after a good few years of daily use is all it takes for people to snap it did me anyway hopefully you never will need help like that but just remember it's their if you need it and feel free to message me if you want to talk about your life or problems I could use someone to talk to just to talk about my own problems tbh
I’m prescribed for my anxiety disorder and I’ve never went to score I’ve only had a few boyfriends who brought me a few thinks but never consistently. The only consistent thing I’ve had is subutex which hasn’t gotten me high in 8 years.
I would opt for swapping the benadryl for promethazine or failing that a none sedating antihistamine because some people get very unpleasant side effects from benadryl me included promethazine though always works like a charm it is the best sleeping and nausea killing tablet I've ever had and best of all its none addictive I don't even get why people take benzos when we have promethazine (brand name phenergen look for the active ingredient "promethazine" in "travel sickness" sections of medications)
My doctor actually prescribed me hydroxyzine pamoate awhile back for anxiety. I’ve been taking it everyday and it works pretty well. I even get to sleep lol
The time any drug takes to clear from the body should be pretty easy to find.. idk What exactly your typing in Google..😂 anyway I'm off the toilet now only logged on while I was having a shit stay safe kiddies
If it’s so easy then you find it! Lol I went through pages and pages of google searches! Lol
I would opt for swapping the benadryl for promethazine or failing that a none sedating antihistamine because some people get very unpleasant side effects from benadryl me included promethazine though always works like a charm it is the best sleeping and nausea killing tablet I've ever had and best of all its none addictive I don't even get why people take benzos when we have promethazine (brand name phenergen look for the active ingredient "promethazine" in "travel sickness" sections of medications)
Phenergan was my favorite! (What can I say I was a sick fuck) and I agree that Benadryl can sometimes make you feel worse and is better avoided in the early stages ... stick with melatonin sublingually

But promethazine is far more likely to be a factor in overdose deaths due to its powerful sedative properties and so shouldn't be combined with opioids.
I never had trouble getting doctors to prescribe it since it is useful for numbers of things. But it's a straight downer, as in blackout. Nowadays they are less likely to write scripts willy-nilly because it's known as being popular with a certain crowd of undesirables who shall remain nameless!
If it’s so easy then you find it! Lol I went through pages and pages of google searches! Lol
Wikipedia is where I get half life and bioavailability info from, it’s more reliable than most think. When I first started learning about all this, I had a hard time too. Too many people with opposing opinions coming from all directions. I didn’t even know what questions to ask at first, let alone how to discern between bullshitery and facts. If you keep trying, you’ll figure it out. Blue light is one of the best places to come ask questions too. Here’s others
Ncbi (national center of biotechnology information I think)
Phenergan was my favorite! (What can I say I was a sick fuck) and I agree that Benadryl can sometimes make you feel worse and is better avoided in the early stages ... stick with melatonin sublingually

But promethazine is far more likely to be a factor in overdose deaths due to its powerful sedative properties and so shouldn't be combined with opioids.
I never had trouble getting doctors to prescribe it since it is useful for numbers of things. But it's a straight downer, as in blackout. Nowadays they are less likely to write scripts willy-nilly because it's known as being popular with a certain crowd of undesirables who shall remain nameless!
Oh yeah defo important I should have mentioned be careful with promethazine as it's a downer so what does melatonin do mainly I've heard of it I think it's a sleep aid but didn't know if that's it's only use if I wanted to buy it at the pharmacy what should I ask for if it's cheaper than phenergen then it might be worth a pop know what I mean.. as much as I love phenergen (promethazine) I can't afford them and only get the generic version from nunmark which is much cheaper but also less quantity I think you get between 10-20x 25mg for like £1.75 which isn't bad at all I think it was new when I brought it but even though I didn't come back for another 2 months they apoarent didn't have any in stock even though I'm pretty sure hardly anyone even knows about that generic pack it's just the pharmacist moving them from view just so he can tell me they ain't got them what a bastard he's only been their 3 years the one before him was sound as a pound he had his rules though you know no more than one box of cocodomal a week but he would let me buy two as long as it wasn't the next day if I pushed my luck anymore he would say something which is fair enough I just don't get what this new guys problem is as I no longer buy cocodomal haven't brought them all that change goes towards heroin now but he don't know that for all he knows I've quit the codeine and I'm once again an upstanding and honest citizen who just gets travel sickness surely any decent pharmacist would let me buy that when it's not addictive not dangerous on its own and best of all I only buy or used to buy it once every few months I think the first time I seen the cheap generic promethazine pack I let him see how happy and pleasently surprised I was so he took it upon himself to be a cock he really is the biggest cock ever all his staff are nice though I've known them for nearly 10 years sometimes he will dramatically call them back and stand in front of them as if I'm gonna attack them or something fucking tool
Wikipedia is where I get half life and bioavailability info from, it’s more reliable than most think. When I first started learning about all this, I had a hard time too. Too many people with opposing opinions coming from all directions. I didn’t even know what questions to ask at first, let alone how to discern between bullshitery and facts. If you keep trying, you’ll figure it out. Blue light is one of the best places to come ask questions too. Here’s others
Ncbi (national center of biotechnology information I think)
AHH nothing like a nice night time cup of cappuccino a spliff and a few intense heroin trip reports for light reading AHH😜😜😜
Oh yeah defo important I should have mentioned be careful with promethazine as it's a downer so what does melatonin do mainly I've heard of it I think it's a sleep aid but didn't know if that's it's only use if I wanted to buy it at the pharmacy what should I ask for if it's cheaper than phenergen then it might be worth a pop know what I mean.. as much as I love phenergen (promethazine) I can't afford them and only get the generic version from nunmark which is much cheaper but also less quantity I think you get between 10-20x 25mg for like £1.75 which isn't bad at all I think it was new when I brought it but even though I didn't come back for another 2 months they apoarent didn't have any in stock even though I'm pretty sure hardly anyone even knows about that generic pack it's just the pharmacist moving them from view just so he can tell me they ain't got them what a bastard he's only been their 3 years the one before him was sound as a pound he had his rules though you know no more than one box of cocodomal a week but he would let me buy two as long as it wasn't the next day if I pushed my luck anymore he would say something which is fair enough I just don't get what this new guys problem is as I no longer buy cocodomal haven't brought them all that change goes towards heroin now but he don't know that for all he knows I've quit the codeine and I'm once again an upstanding and honest citizen who just gets travel sickness surely any decent pharmacist would let me buy that when it's not addictive not dangerous on its own and best of all I only buy or used to buy it once every few months I think the first time I seen the cheap generic promethazine pack I let him see how happy and pleasently surprised I was so he took it upon himself to be a cock he really is the biggest cock ever all his staff are nice though I've known them for nearly 10 years sometimes he will dramatically call them back and stand in front of them as if I'm gonna attack them or something fucking tool
Melatonin is a natural hormone that your body makes when it gets dark out. It's available in health food shops in the US I don't know about the UK
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