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Bupe Quitting Buprenorphine. When is is completely out of your body?

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Thing is, one dose lasts for about 72 hours ish. If you used heroin for 3 days straight, don’t you think you would withdraw every time? Why not use something that doesn’t last as long, have you tried kratom? If you don’t like that, Vicodin’s effects are similar to buprenorphine imo. You could probably get away with one dose once a week
Yeah but I can’t get my hands on anything else except sub.
Let’s say you take 2 mags a day, by about a weeek in you have a constant level of 5 mg a day, if you stop for 3 days, you still have about 1.25 mg in your bloodstream, a day later you have 625 mcg, then 312.5 mcg, then 156.25 mcg then on day 7 78.125 mcg, on day 7 you still have highly active levels in your system
They make temgedic strips which have 200 mcg bio each, that should tell you how strong it is
You can do anything you want but look how far you've come!

Now that you've provided more details it's a much different story and a far more optimistic one... which could well explain your success making it this far.

Since you said Subutex I'm presuming you were using them off label, but it's the same as buprenex buprenorphine for injection. It has a shorter duration of action (w/peak analgesia occurring ~90 mins) a mean half-life of 2.2 hours & range between 1.2-7.2 hrs. I think it was a smart move to switch to Suboxone and then stop. You took advantage of the much longer duration of action of Suboxone to reduce your dependence significantly. If it were me I would be clamoring to find loperamide and possibly kratom and maybe even something weak like Tramadol. Just on a PRN basis

You deserve the respect of every current and former opioid adept.
So your saying I can take it after being off of it for two weeks and I won’t withdraw again? Obviously as long and I don’t get addicted to it again.
I'm not saying that at all. In fact irrespective of how much time has passed the fact that you have a proclivity means that using once will create psychological withdrawal which you could easily misinterpret for physical abstinence and then you're straight back in it
I'm not saying that at all. In fact irrespective of how much time has passed the fact that you have a proclivity means that using once will create psychological withdrawal which you could easily misinterpret for physical abstinence and then you're straight back in it
I’ve been withdrawing with suboxone in the other room. I could do it anytime I just want to not be addicted and maybe casually do it on the weekends.
Yes this is what he means and the honest truth to that is more like 6 months to a year and even then it’s a suicide mission of risk to reuse Suboxone or anything as addictive.
I have no experience so can't say but can I ask are you sure those figures ain't a bit overkill??
I don't know if you can get kratom in your state. But you'll find some companies will ship anywhere in the US
Yeah what a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that?? (Sarcasm)
Maybe you couldn’t do that but I know I can. For six days I’ve been horribly suffering with the cure two steps away. My willpower is really good. I only even got addicted in the first place cause when I was 18 I didn’t know you could get addicted like this. So then I was pretty much forced to do it all the time or withdraw which wasn’t an option.
Yeah what a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that?? (Sarcasm)
Why are you talking to op like their a child if you don't want to answer them then don't bother posting

Listen op idk about subs but my advice would be just chill for a bit try to completely forget about getting high for the time being the best indicator you will have is how you are generally feeling you do realise as long as you don't mention the wanting to use again bit you could just ask a doctor or a healthcare website they are more likely to have reliable info you can follow btw why did you choose to be on subs and not methadone? I'm currently on methadone maintenance so just wondering
Maybe you couldn’t do that but I know I can. For six days I’ve been horribly suffering with the cure two steps away. My willpower is really good. I only even got addicted in the first place cause when I was 18 I didn’t know you could get addicted like this. So then I was pretty much forced to do it all the time or withdraw which wasn’t an option.
Trust Me get off this site for a few weeks cus it will just make you want to use more don't waste your 6 days clean time keep going you've about done a whole week so go another week then go a month and then see how you feel and maybe you will be able to start using carefully again you should be very proud for managing 6 days you don't wanna chuck that away if you kept on using for years it would have been a lot lot harder just to even go half a day without it oh what I wouldn't give to go back to when I was taking painkillers and just quit before shit hit the fan..
Why are you talking to op like their a child if you don't want to answer them then don't bother posting

Listen op idk about subs but my advice would be just chill for a bit try to completely forget about getting high for the time being the best indicator you will have is how you are generally feeling you do realise as long as you don't mention the wanting to use again bit you could just ask a doctor or a healthcare website they are more likely to have reliable info you can follow btw why did you choose to be on subs and not methadone? I'm currently on methadone maintenance so just wondering
I was given subutex when I was 18 by a boyfriend at the time not knowing you could withdraw from it. I knew it was addictive but my brain was like addictive like sugar lol I didn’t know anything bad could happen. Never had a script only gotten it off other people.
It is. They just don’t want me to do it lol.
I wish I could give you more advice but I have never took them I'm on methadone to stop me craving heroin but if you go on a nhs website or just Google your question you will actually get results not patronising lectures good luck anyway and stay safe 🙃
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