Quick goodbye to everyone.

^ Nah just taper before the methadone gets right into your brain chemistry ! See it also affects another receptor as well as the mu/kappa receptors ~ the NDMA receptor , the one that fucks heavy ket heads up and believe me it's a much much worse withdrawal than heroin! Stay put a while say a month then taper it would be my advice, that being that you feel able to get off at all !
Good luck whatever you do !:)
^ It made me really ill coz I was on heroin and it has agonist as well as antagonist properties so effectively it put me into a fairly heavy withdrawal for about 10 hours !!!!!!:X :X :X :X :X

Hated it ever since cannot comprehend how people don't get ill if they go from heroin to bupe ! *shrugs*
I've heard that precipitaed WD can be quite hell-ish.

I think bupe is a great drug, I couldn't believe how well it worked at making me feel better whenever I've stopped.

Now I'm getting it prescribed from a doctor and it's working out really well. I had to go through 3 days without any heroin before I could take any, except that I hadn't felt well before I got off H, so unfortunately went through WD's while I had a stomach bug. Finally putting the suboxone under my tongue felt like such a blessing at that point.
Great to hear things are going well for you! Especially heart-warming to hear you saw the Oxy and turned it down. You've got the will power to do this, we all have confidence (and obviously so do you!)
zophen said:
^ Nah just taper before the methadone gets right into your brain chemistry ! See it also affects another receptor as well as the mu/kappa receptors ~ the NDMA receptor , the one that fucks heavy ket heads up and believe me it's a much much worse withdrawal than heroin! Stay put a while say a month then taper it would be my advice, that being that you feel able to get off at all !
Good luck whatever you do !:)
Yeah that's what I'm thinking at this stage as it doesn't look like the clinic or my GP will prescribe me bupe.

When I told the methadone doctor that I only wanted to be on it for 3 months or so and then taper off he told me I was an idiot who knew nothing and if I did that I would be straight back onto the opiods and I would be an IV heroin user within 6 months. I really don't like the methadone doctor.
^That is an absolutely horrible thing to say as a doctor. mepat, I hope you find a more optimistic methadone specialist.
I'd definitely try to get off methadone before too long or at least I hear the WD's last a long time and by continuing to use it you're just prolonging your time on opiates/opiods.

That's not to say that after a few months you couldn't get off of it, many members on here have gotten clean from using methadone. And you don't want to just prolong using because of fear of WD. Yes, it sucks, but if you go into prepared and know that it will end, you'll get through it.

Good to read you're on a program though. Best of luck to you.
I'm getting put on lortab and some other shit tomorrow for curviture of the spine in my lower back and then oxycontin after the surgery if the othropedic surgeon says I need it. I can understand how your withdrawals can be so bad and how it can be addicting. I'm taking opiates for pain now, illicitly right now til I get my script filled tomorrow.

I hope you can taper off the methadone and all, this stuff makes you feel too good, way too good. Hope the best for ya dude, I'm gonna try to taper myself off this stuff too, had to take 4 vicodin today for pain, it sucks having to take this much knowing that its gonna rebound like a mother fucker when I get taken off it.

Just get yourself into a strongly addicting hobby, like wood working, something with your hands. You feel the need for some opiates at that point, look at a table saw and go "do I want to be putting my head through that right now?". Even video games can help, distract yourself with an online game and take melatonin a lot to sedate yourself and get some good sleep and refresh your body through the withdrawals from it. I'd suggest going to blockbuster or your movie rental place picking up da vinci code and some other movies and just relax yourself and take some vitamins and drink plenty of water, and sleep your way through the withdrawals and the time your awake, just watch movies and relax. Keep yourself distracted at all times.
Unfortunately I can't afford to take the time off work to WD from it, I'll just stabalise and then very slowly taper :)
mepat1111 said:
Unfortunately I can't afford to take the time off work to WD from it, I'll just stabalise and then very slowly taper :)

That sucks, you can't call in sick? Daamn...

Anyways, im flying on vicodin island, lol.
This thread is amazing. I'm so glad to hear you made it mepat1111.
You ought to be able to taper from methadone down to zero with little in the way of heavy withdrawal, if you do it right and relatively soon!
How much are you on daily mepat1111 ?
You say goodbye and I say hello, Hello hello, you say good bye and I say hello... Hello Hellooooo
I'm on 25mg a day currently, the doctor suggested when I saw him breifly whilst dosing the other day that he was going to bump me up to 30mg on monday. I plan to stabalise for a month and then taper down until I get to about 1-2mgs, stabalise again at that rediculously low dose and then quit. I gotta wait til I speak to the doctor about it first though. What do you suggest in terms of time frame and dosage?
I really can't answer that as I don't know much about methadone in these terms. Lyserg is really good at figuring out a tapering schedule and he's on methadone now.

It's been said on numerous threads, but start exercising! I'm on suboxone and I don't know if I'd be able to taper down without exercise. If I go too many days without running or at least getting some solid lifting and a sweat in, I wake-up feeling depressed and as if I need more suboxone that day/couldn't possibly see taking less.

It's very important to get those natural chemicals going in your brain again. Even if it's a struggle to start exercising again, and I'm assuming it will, it will also be more than worth it if you start. You need to get your body and mind back in a stable state, exercise is a handy tool. :)
Carl Landrover said:
I really can't answer that as I don't know much about methadone in these terms. Lyserg is really good at figuring out a tapering schedule and he's on methadone now.

It's been said on numerous threads, but start exercising! I'm on suboxone and I don't know if I'd be able to taper down without exercise. If I go too many days without running or at least getting some solid lifting and a sweat in, I wake-up feeling depressed and as if I need more suboxone that day/couldn't possibly see taking less.

It's very important to get those natural chemicals going in your brain again. Even if it's a struggle to start exercising again, and I'm assuming it will, it will also be more than worth it if you start. You need to get your body and mind back in a stable state, exercise is a handy tool. :)
Thanks for the advice, I've always been lazy regarding excercise. I guess it's time I changed that.
YOU are amazing!

mepat1111 said:
The methadone is going great for me, it's really helping in that I have no desire at all to be doing other opiates. I was in my uncles room today (alone) and I saw his stash of oxycontin out, there would have been easily 1000mg there and he would not have noticed if I had taken any of them. Well guess what - I didn't. I simply found him and told him that he should probably lock them away so that I'm not tempted in future :)

I also went on a shopping spree today, I figure I'm starting a new life, so I need new stuff. Also it means I've got less money I could spend on drugs. I bought 2 new pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of shorts, 2 shirts, a pair of sunglasses, a new bottle of cologne, and I got my eyebrow pierced (which I didn't feel thanks to the effects of the 'done :p)

I have read this entire thread, and wow, I applaud your courage and ability to cope, Pat. Not taking those Oxys shows a tremendous amount of will power. You inspire me, my Man. Please keep doing well for yourself and your beautiful, supporting, understanding family. You will suceed and beat this, I know it!
