• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

⫸STICKY⫷ Questions for Bluelight's New Members!

Big hello to the rest of Bluelight !
I've been here lurking but I've finally come around ;)
I'm not that interesting, work whatever pays but I love films and music so ask away.
DOC opiates

guess I'll answer some questions while I'm here.

Probably been browsing since the silk road days and I caught wind definitely by the word of mouth we're all known for.
Prior to finding out about Bluelight my furthest knowledge was pharmaceuticals and (allegedly) some weed.

Thanks for harm reduction over the years <3 Hope to share the same.
what up bro-27yr. Meth user here.. Welcome brotha... I gotta be honest, it's pretty heartbreaking for me whenever I hear someone share that they just freshly started meth.. Do you know why you started? I'm just curious.. It's the hardest drug to quit and it'll run your life real quick if you let it... As a non-proud veteran of meth-ive seen, done, and been thru it all and then some-im not sure how deep in the game you are or plan to be, but I wanna give you some tips that will keep your ass alive and hopefully the fuck out of jail..

First of all.. It's key to fly under everyone's radar-always make it a priority to NOT give the general public any reason to suspect your high on drugs..if you try your best each time and eventually become able to keep composure and learn to control your body movements and how fast you talk and to keep your jaw still, you will eventually start finding yourself kinda moving up if you will-like the smarter, more pleasant and trustworthy tweakers with jobs and cars that blend in will not avoid you like the plague but instead be ok with your company..

And with more responsible company comes better connections, opportunities to make money, etc. Don't ever be that fuckin dummy who decides FOR example to take your shitbox tweaker special that screams "pull me over" to the DIY carwash too late in your sleepless run, because you might just get stuck there and your ability to estimate time passing is not working due to lack of sleep and what do u know..youve been there 6 fuckin hours with all your doors open and your trunk AND its fuckin 2am..

. Every drug-free citizen that drives by is laughing at you or disgusted by you, and if you're alone, you'll be in jail by Dawn.. I've seen it happen more than a hundred times... Don't be that guy! That's a bust bro all because at some point you failed to maintain your tally of days up for whatever reason.. Cops know what we do and they know exactly what to look for-and they hate tweakers more than any other riff raff..

In fact-dont be out and about between like midnight and 530am-unless it's emergency.. Cuz that time of night its just cops and us... Always do your very best to keep your composure will in public.. It takes alot of work-but you can teach yourself to maintain eventually. Never let anyone borrow your damn car under any circumstances-and do yourself a favor and never let anyone run with your money..

Most of our fellow tweakers have very little self control-jesus I could give a thousand jaw-dropping examples but I'll give you 2 or 3 important ones.. Beware of even your most trusted comrade-there is a 90%chance dude will steal from you at some point-buh-leedat!!. Stay the fuck out of department stores, etc when accompanied by a tweaked out buddy who's on day four and constantly being loud and also practicing what looks to be tae bo or some shit clearly involuntarily.

. He will get you both arrested. Try to convince someone like that to go sleep.. If they refuse-let em learn the fuckin hard way and end up in cuffs.. Always be mindful of what day you are on-its important because things start to happen that trip alot of people the fuck out..

I have witnessed fellow tweakers let themselves be totally fooled by the auditory hallucinations that usually begin on day 3 for me I know that because I trained myself to be aware of all the symptoms of exhaustion and dehydration that my body would go thru..and I know them all because I paid close attention- for like 10 day3s in a row to learn when I will be at risk. you will be at a great advantage if you teach yourself the same..auditory hallucinations (hearing sounds that aren't actually there) happen because your body needs sleep, it's not dope related.

Your brain is conserving energy from places that regulate sound recognition..you ever tried to stay up 3 plus days when you're not high? Imagine how it would feel--thats how the majority of your body feels on day 3...and if you are not careful -it is at this point the start of hallucinations, that could easily be a potentially catastrophic downward snowball episode of meth psychosis by day 5..

Your brain can't tell what's real, and there may be some confusion and false thoughts overcome w anxiety, talking all crazy, cussing out the cops as they cuff you and 5150 your ass, no good bro. I actually had a friend who was so convinced someone was in her house because of her normal day 3 onset of hallucinations, that the poor fuckin girl called the cops to come check out her place and that she hears an intruder..

Cops came she let them in-dudes had their guns drawn looking all slick backsteppin against her walls guns up like in the movies..when they cleared the house, it didn't take them long to conclude she was on meth.. Then they shook their heads laughing but in a mad tone and then said ok honey thanks for wasting our time.. And also stay off the meth for god sake. That's embarrassing shit- and it can happen to anyone these incidents will greatly impact others ability to believe you're reliable--and if you did like that girl and called the cops on yourself??? Whoa bro.. That will confuse 8/10 tweakers so badly-even the smart ones-that you'll be suspected as a narc or undercover and u will then be alone for good...

K almost done... Girls.. When on meth, girls are very crafty and can rob you blind and you won't realize it for a day or two.. They're good bro... Beware.. They'll be all nice and reduce u, then peel you the fuck back and you won't even realize it because your thinking she's gonna fuck you or something which throws everything off.. Men can be stupid animals bro.. It happens to us all.. Ok..last 2 sentences...

Don't pick your skin!!! If you ever have a strong urge to do it while high, slow your roll and focus on NOT picking yourself.. 1 minute after you put meth in your body-your body recognizes it as a poison and begins to get rid of it as fast as it can--starting with your skin pores.. Thats why we sweat often on dope.. Its our body trying to save itself from poison.. There are no bugs under the skin either..if you can't control it, you'll have scabs all iver yourself and it will look like you have a skin disease and it will be obvious to even the non drug users because they associate that fucked up skin with it.. They know...dont let it happen EVER! don't let yourself get convinced there is a bug anywhere on or in you...

Jesus christ it doesn't happen.. Some dumb kid at this dope house was positive he had a worm in his tongue... Bro.. We tried off and on for hours to get him out of the bathroom and leave his fuckin tongue be.. But no.. He picked his tongue so far in that he pulled and ripped an artery... We drove that pain in the ass to the dokr of the hospital and told him don't ever come back.. Alright man-i know it's alot but i, too am ON one today, and I wish someone would've given me some tips, back in '92... I learned many things the hard way..
Fuck me... This thing is long! Alright man.. Sorry to leave you a mile long list--but it is priceless info...
Your message is epic but classic tweeker tips for the beginner into the novice. I have discovered that it is the roll of the dice about how some can maintain better than others. Back in the 80s, when this stuff was literally called "go fast" or "crank," it only took one line and you would be up for 4 days. I couldn't work and do it recreationally. That was the time I wanted a break from the shit, so I moved away to Seattle where at that time, you couldn't find it anywhere. You could get coke, but no meth. I stayed up there for a couple of years, then came back home. The first place I stopped on my way into town was my dealer. I am a professional and throughout the next 20 years, I had to have five neck and back surgeries. Each time, I would stop cigarettes, alcohol and any drugs. I've been lucky. I can stop drugs, meth now, without any withdrawals that are physical. Cigarettes on the other hand.......

I am at a high level executive in the business realm and at this point in my life, I may do some in the morning and on the weekends, but that's about it. It's starting to get boring and after almost 40 years of off and on use, I think its a waste of my health, money and time.

I agree with what you say -- stay off the shit before you have a chance to start. It isn't worth it and the people will ruin you.

Stay strong....Courage!

Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no pressure. But these answers will help Bluelight get a better sense of our community and where Bluelight sits in their drug use trajectories.

Here we go...

1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?
2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?
3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?
4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

If you have any questions for US, please let a moderator know!

Thank you for taking the time to help out our community, and see you around :)
Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no pressure. But these answers will help Bluelight get a better sense of our community and where Bluelight sits in their drug use trajectories.

Here we go...

1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?
2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?
3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?
4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

If you have any questions for US, please let a moderator know!

Thank you for taking the time to help out our community, and see you around :)
Hi guys! Lurker to member of course! I’ve been around here for awhile but finally took the leap into actually posting. Ive always found this forum to be the only place that ever has the answers to certain questions that I have. My DOC is cocaine and ecstasy. Ecstasy mostly in my past during my club days current is cocaine and has been for the last 10 or 15 years on and off. Thank you guys for having me and I can’t wait to interact with the all of you.
Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no pressure. But these answers will help Bluelight get a better sense of our community and where Bluelight sits in their drug use trajectories.

Here we go...

1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?
2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?
3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?
4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

If you have any questions for US, please let a moderator know!

Thank you for taking the time to help out our community, and see you around :)
1 a week 2 searching web 3 alcohol,cannabis,lsd,mushrooms,cocaine.meth,peyote,prerscriptions. 4 oral,smoke,snourting.
Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no pressure. But these answers will help Bluelight get a better sense of our community and where Bluelight sits in their drug use trajectories.

Here we go...

1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?
2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?
3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?
4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

If you have any questions for US, please let a moderator know!

Thank you for taking the time to help out our community, and see you around :)
1. Years
2. Web search
3. Weed, alcohol, LSD, mdma, Meth, coke, heroin, benzos, painkillers, steroids. Pretty much everything but crack.
4. Smoke, snort, ingest and inject.
Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no
Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no pressure. But these answers will help Bluelight get a better sense of our community and where Bluelight sits in their drug use trajectories.

Here we go...

1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?
2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?
3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?
4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

If you have any questions for US, please let a moderator know!

Thank you for taking the time to help out our community, and see you around :)
1) Hey everyone, used to be a long time lurker, ever since around 2007ish? Can’t really remember when abouts I stopped lurking, life am I right? But am honestly ecstatic I found you guys again!

2) Well I found you guys originally on my own after what was way too large of a dose of my first ever drug, pre ban 4mmc, having a bonkers time and thinking the fuck is M-Cat was and spent day’s researching what I had been given, and highlights were finding you guys and Erowid.

3) umm when I started lurking? Other than sniffing that line of 4mmc, I was probably addicted to smoking by then and started drinking frequently.
Since I’ve finally decided to be a member? Christ, it’d take a while to list everything, currently writing this during the end of an unexpectedly long ice bender 😂 been a firm believer of trying everything at least once, and think I was rushing a bit too hard when I made my user name haha, apologise in advance if it’s not the best choice mods 😅

4) Have tried all ROAs that I know of, preference is insufflation I’d say, least enjoyable was slamming

Was happy to spend way longer than I should’ve writing this, am so happy to finally be part of the community, better late than never right?
1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?

Shit, I mean even this account is already years old (just checked, looks like I registered in 2015) but I only posted maybe once or twice I believe. I started reading Bluelight for information on drugs when I started doing drugs, so 2013. So, took me about a decade to get around to actually posting. Not really sure why, I love forums and I hate how they've kind of disappeared from the internet these days for the most part.

2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?

Not specifically, but for sure it was just from googling things about drugs I was thinking of trying and stumbling upon it.

3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?

Let's see. Before Bluelight I probably had taken Vicodin a few times, smoked weed very infrequently, did DXM maybe like twice and took Adderall probably once. As soon as I really began doing drugs, I began looking up information about them and Bluelight came up very quickly. I basically consider myself to have started using Bluelight as soon as I really began to do drugs.

4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

Ate and snorted hydrocodone, ate Adderall and DXM and smoked weed.
Hi, very new member here -
1. Only like 2 years of lurking
2. Probably via web search when looking for very specific compounds. This probably dates back further than 2 years, but the website only became a phenomenon in my head like 2 years ago.
3. I was already interested in drugs/RCs before lurking here, I got info from books/psychonautwiki. So before I signed up I had already done most drugs I've done now, or was already planning on using them, if that makes sense. I was not really encouraged by reading here, I was just hesitant to try out new things without friends so I mostly vaped weed. Reading more casual reports here made me more interested in (safely) trying new psychedelics/dissos on my own.
4. Before I signed up I'd also done all of the ROA's I've done, including plugging and IN, and I'm not really interested in adding more (anything injecting).
Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no pressure. But these answers will help Bluelight get a better sense of our community and where Bluelight sits in their drug use trajectories.

Here we go...

1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?
2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?
3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?
4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

If you have any questions for US, please let a moderator know!

Thank you for taking the time to help out our community, and see you around :)
Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no pressure. But these answers will help Bluelight get a better sense of our community and where Bluelight sits in their drug use trajectories.

Here we go...

1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?
2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?
3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?
4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

If you have any questions for US, please let a moderator know!

Thank you for taking the time to help out our community, and see you around :)
fairly new here, determined to keep my addiction “controlled/mild/healthy” and i’ve read enough on here that joining seems a good way to maintain what i’m trying to do…. anyways:
1. been a few months of browsing, turned to bluelight to help maintain primarily my meth addiction, and addiction to just being high in general.
2. my boyfriend referred me here after being a frequent visitor of the site for years
3. before stumbling upon this site, i had my fair share of fun with a lil of everything; bud, lsd, shrooms, molly, percs, xans, ketamine, heroin, fent, addy script my entire life, and had just recently started meth months before ending up here.
4. my personal rule of thumb: only thing i allow myself to smoke is bud (and ion even like it no more), needles are off limits, snorting/oral routes are key to keeping my shit sustainable.
question for anyone who sees this, how many of you are also women? with where i’m at in my drug run and from experience, being a woman, especially one who disguises addiction so well, i can never meet anyone who can relate.
Hello everyone!! 41 year old East-coast Canadian here. So great to e-meet you all =-)
I found Bluelight many years ago (five or six) but I didn't create an account until last year. I was searching for information from fellow users on the topic of amphetamine pills.
I had already sampled just about everything before browsing the site with my primary partnership being methamphetamine and likewise, smoking & snorting have always been my preferred methods of ingestion.
1. Ih well this is my second account cause im too broke to name change so starting as a greenlighter again whatever. I forst browsed like 16 years ago and didnt first join till like 2017
2. I found bluelight drom web searches but then finally joined when my late friend Help?!?! Lived with me and forced me to join lol
3. I used most drigs before joining bluelight like coke crack h weed psychedelics and tons of NPS/rc,s
4. Before joining bluelight I snorted smoked IV'd IM'D and oral

Ive also been around Hr for a ehile just not too active on BL hence new account but work sith dancesafe bunkpolice and sesh safety
1. Ih well this is my second account cause im too broke to name change so starting as a greenlighter again whatever. I forst browsed like 16 years ago and didnt first join till like 2017
2. I found bluelight drom web searches but then finally joined when my late friend Help?!?! Lived with me and forced me to join lol
3. I used most drigs before joining bluelight like coke crack h weed psychedelics and tons of NPS/rc,s
4. Before joining bluelight I snorted smoked IV'd IM'D and oral

Ive also been around Hr for a ehile just not too active on BL hence new account but work sith dancesafe bunkpolice and sesh safety
Hey nice to see you here! :)
What was your previous account?

And do you work with those in an official capacity or their volunteer outreach?
Hey nice to see you here! :)
What was your previous account?

And do you work with those in an official capacity or their volunteer outreach?
Volunteer outreach i helped launch the ohio chapter and am supposed to be getting trained to run their FTIR machines they bought 2 for advanced testing at festivals and stuff but i know almost everyone thats a legit dancesafe paid employee just from all the work it takes to launch a chapter so i should be getting FTIR training soon Emmanuel said it got pushed back a little.
My old account can be found on my profile

Oh and bunkpolice has no official outreach besides Adam doing festival work but theyre not against people doing rogue testing on their own and will provide reagents as long as youre willing to take the legal ramifications that fome along with not being approved to work an event. Thats why only Adam does it as far as bunkpolice
Last edited by a moderator:
1. Ih well this is my second account cause im too broke to name change so starting as a greenlighter again whatever. I forst browsed like 16 years ago and didnt first join till like 2017
2. I found bluelight drom web searches but then finally joined when my late friend Help?!?! Lived with me and forced me to join lol
3. I used most drigs before joining bluelight like coke crack h weed psychedelics and tons of NPS/rc,s
4. Before joining bluelight I snorted smoked IV'd IM'D and oral

Ive also been around Hr for a ehile just not too active on BL hence new account but work sith dancesafe bunkpolice and sesh safety
Hey welcome back. :)
1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member?

I'm thinking years, I don't really remember how I found this place, but I lurked and found a lot of comfort and insight here. I joined last year, and this is my first time posting ever. Last year I was heavily using clear and fetty, I wanted some community at the time, but I didn't have the nerve to post

2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?

I'm honestly not sure, it was either Google or wom

3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?

I started here before I tried anything harder than weed but I moved on to Crack, meth, and fentanyl. Now I'm clean, on MAT but trying to identify mushrooms in a safe way.

4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

I'm a pretty devoted smoker, it's almost religious to my soul. I have never injected, cuz I think that I would utterly self destruct, but I understand and sympathize for those who do. Snorting, when applicable. From the time I discovered Bluelight to now, I ran a gamut of DMT, 🍄, ecstasy and the others in surreal episodes, but I don't feel like I've ever found my happy place due to the circumstances that came with my access to drugs. Meaning, never what I wanted when I wanted it, or enough of "the right shit"
Hey everyone - welcome to Bluelight!

Sit down, get comfy and stay a while.

If you have the time, we'd love to know a bit more about how you got here. Feel free to answer as many questions as you'd like - no pressure. But these answers will help Bluelight get a better sense of our community and where Bluelight sits in their drug use trajectories.

Here we go...

1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?
2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?
3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?
4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

If you have any questions for US, please let a moderator know!

Thank you for taking the time to help out our community, and see you around :)
I was lurking this whole time lmao literally since I graduated highschool and found out if I took more off my addy script it feels good (n then it doesn't)
but y'all were genuinely so helpful and actually like empathetic and sweet at times and y'all saved my life a few times so I finally made an account to tell y'all dat
I was just scared of signing up and getting exposed lmao
1. How long was it from first browsing Bluelight to joining up as a member? Weeks, months, years?

Around 10-12 years. Never browsed consistently but whenever I've had drug-based research I've nearly always ended up on here

2. Do you remember how you came to find Bluelight? Was it from a web search, from a referral from another website, from word of mouth, from social media, or some other way?

Almost certainly Google.

3. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what drugs had you used prior to that - including psychoactive prescription drugs, alcohol, cannabis? Had you already tried powdered drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin, ketamine, MDMA powder, etc? or not yet?

The first time I properly used the site when I was probably around 15-16, I would've done a fair amount of drinking and smoking cannabis, and used MDMA, mushrooms, salvia, 2C-B. 2C-I, 2C- E, synthetic cannabinoids, nitrous oxide (and maybe a few others) sporadically (when available!)

Now, in my late twenties, I've tried most common drugs. Notable ones I haven't touched are crack, meth, and a substantial dose of DMT.

4. Thinking back to when you first began using Bluelight, what routes of administration had you tried prior to that? E.g. snorting, injecting, other ROAs?

Again, back in the day during my initial browses - it would've been almost exclusively bombing/eating MDMA and psychedelics, and smoking weed/salvia.

Today, having actually signed up - I have tried every ROA except plugging.