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Psychedelic Soul's Rock 'n' Roll Weirdathon- Free Popcorn

i just think it's funny after the confederate flag was taken down every where I said to myself that some asshole is gonna have it as there avatar on BL..I was not disappointed when I signed in next
i just think it's funny after the confederate flag was taken down every where I said to myself that some asshole is gonna have it as there avatar on BL..I was not disappointed when I signed in next

I think the confederate flag, especially with the don't tread on me snake on it, looks fucking cool. That's why I have it.

What do you got? A pride flag mixed with the US flag?
Actually the confederate flag got targeted by pop culture/the media and took a quick hit. It happened in the late 90s and it fucked the georgia flag. The fervor has died and Mississippis flag still flies a compelation of a few confederate flags. Gadsden is next afterall it is offensive to communists and redcoats
I think the confederate flag, especially with the don't tread on me snake on it, looks fucking cool. That's why I have it.

What do you got? A pride flag mixed with the US flag?

You realize if you espoused the views you do on here to people in The South you'd probably get you're ass kicked right?
i got this:


i'm deep south. yeah, he'd get an asskickin' - not for his views, but for the way he expresses them. southerners are find with all kinds of bigotry, so long as you keep it to yourself - that's how we get by. when i was first in college and a wiccan, complete with a pentagram necklace, i made friends with my fundamentalist step-mom, because, basically, she was a nice person. we had no conflict. now she's a vegetable in an alzheimer's ward, which is what you get when you let god control your life.

okay, psychedelicsoul. i gather you're 19? does this 'pedophilia' involve children or fellow teenagers? and why on god's green earth would you want to be 'cured' of being gay but not a fucking babyraper? so, what, you're only into little girls and not little boys and that's an improvement?

incidentally, you're a classic self-hating homo. a full blown stereotype - here, let Ms. Tyra tell you all about it

New Study: Many Homophobes are Self-Loathing Gays
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i got this:

i'm deep south. yeah, he'd get an asskickin' - not for his views, but for the way he expresses them. southerners are find with all kinds of bigotry, so long as you keep it to yourself - that's how we get by. when i was first in college and a wiccan, complete with a pentagram necklace, i made friends with my fundamentalist step-mom, because, basically, she was a nice person. we had no conflict. now she's a vegetable in an alzheimer's ward, which is what you get when you let god control your life.

okay, psychedelicsoul. i gather you're 19? does this 'pedophilia' involve children or fellow teenagers? and why on god's green earth would you want to be 'cured' of being gay but not a fucking babyraper? so, what, you're only into little girls and not little boys and that's an improvement?

incidentally, you're a classic self-hating homo. a full blown stereotype - here, let Ms. Tyra tell you all about it
New Study: Many Homophobes are Self-Loathing Gays

I live in NC. And I don't keep my religious views a secret from no one.

"and why on god's green earth would you want to be 'cured' of being gay but not a fucking babyraper? so, what, you're only into little girls and not little boys and that's an improvement?"
Why are you concerned? Think about it.

If a bisexual person cannot become straight... Then a rape fetishist will always be turned on by rape, zoophiles will always wanna fuck animals, pedophiles will always like kids, etc. Being attracted to children is a stronger desire for me, therefore, it's more difficult. That's why it's harder.
So why do you give a shit... since by your logic, everything that turns you on will turn you on for the rest of your life... If I was sexually attracted to raping dead bodies and eating people... I guess it's no issue since it's "set in stone" and is unchangeable...
But why stop at sexuality?
If being bisexual is something that cannot be changed.... what else? My personality, my attitude, my thought patterns, my average mood? I guess all those things are beyond my control too, so why the fuck does it matter how I act... I'm a robot right?
A biological machine?
A clump of flesh and bone tied together by a complex computer programmed in a deterministic way that only reflects it's own surroundings? If I was a serial killer... I guess that would be okay too? Since I'd only be acting out my childhood and biological predetermination...

Seriously? This is your logic right? If our desires can't be changed then why fucking bother to improve yourself?

And I don't give a shit about "god".. I don't credit him for nothing. Everything I do to myself is from me. I am god... the god of myself that is... Since there's no other god that cares about us other than ourselves. Human beings are stupid for thinking God loves them. God doesn't give two shits about me, or you, or anyone.
And niether will most people. The only thing we have in this world is ourselves. If change comes, it comes from the self. Even if someone else helps you, all change must come from the self.

Also, you seriously expect me to listen to fucking Tyra Banks? Is she a spiritual guru or something?
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Yes i have a pride flag mixed with a US flag..im bisexual and in the US..do the math..i might try and find a pride mixed with a confederate flag so i can be more like u since u claim to be god..u must be very lonely..its okay
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i got this:


That's the weirdest flag I've ever seen. Neon Confederate flag with Chinese symbols? What the hell does it mean?

i'm deep south. yeah, he'd get an asskickin' - not for his views, but for the way he expresses them.

Well not for some of his views, but I was thinking more along the lines of his disturbing views on children and the like.
That's the weirdest flag I've ever seen. Neon Confederate flag with Chinese symbols? What the hell does it mean?

it's the confederate flag in the Red, Gold and Green of Mother Africa, with the characters (i think it works in chinese and japanese) for 'New South'. it's meant to be a unifying symbol for all southerners - at least the postmodern ones.
it's the confederate flag in the Red, Gold and Green of Mother Africa, with the characters (i think it works in chinese and japanese) for 'New South'. it's meant to be a unifying symbol for all southerners - at least the postmodern ones.

Okay.... So I'm southern, I'm for what I consider gay rights though I'm totally okay with homosexuality, I'm not racist, I respect many faiths, I'm socially libertarian (I refuse to say which economic philosophy is best for America (liberal, conservative, libertarian) since I'm not educated on the subject... I'll get back to you after I read up on Milton Friedman, Bill Clinton, Ronald Regan, and a shit ton of other works from both conservative and liberal economists), I do drugs, I drink beer, I'm interracial but I'm very informed on a lot of issues within the black community, and I wear tie dye shirts...

Am I a postmodern southerner?
Either way I think the flag is cool... But mine has a snake on it.
3 ways I can percieve human life value

I am a proud substance dualist and I couldn't see the world any other way... Well, actually I can. I can think of three ways life can work.

1. Substance dualism is true, therefore, human lives have value based on individuality. Which I've explained before is my belief. I believe in souls. I believe life is subjective so only the individual can determine the value of their life, etc.

2. Substance dualism is false, therefore, human lives have no value whatsoever. If humans have no soul, no free will, and is only a result of brain chemistry, then human life is inherently worthless. A real life shooter cannot be called any worse than someone who kills people in GTA. What is a GTA NPC? An A.I. who's life is determined by pre-determined data, that can adapt to our surroundings. In other words, how can we say a brain is of greater value than a computer? If there's no soul trapped anywhere inside our brain, then it's incorrect to say our conciousness is of any value. Same with animals...
I think if you reject substance dualism, then you have no right to condemn rapists, murderers, pedophiles or anyone else.

3. Substance dualism is false, however, certain moral actions can still be wrong and life can still have value. The problem with believing that humans have no soul but our lives are still valuable is that anything equivelent to us would have that value.
And without substance dualism, human beings do not possess free will, "true" individuality, or a soul... So, if it's wrong to rape a woman in reality, then how is it okay to imagine raping a woman? You're imaginary woman is just as much "alive" as a real one.
Your brain creates the illusion of a woman inside your mind.
And the brain of a real life woman creates the illusion of individuality, free will, and a "self" inside of a bag of flesh kept alive through electricity. Shutting down robots would be murder.
It would be wrong to kill in video games because AI's also have the ability to interact with their environment and function predetermined tasks.
An author writing the death of a character would be equivelent to real murder. Because the fictional character is no different than us. A fictional character is an "actor" playing off the script which is made in the authors mind. A real human being is an "actor" playing off the script which is biological determinism.
First, substance dualism could be true and humans still not have souls. It is logically possible that minds can exist as a non-physical substance which is not a soul, it is also logically possible for substance dualism and causal determinism to simultaneously be true. Moreover, substance monism doesn't necessarily entail causal determinism like you seem to assume it does.

Second, why does not having free will or a soul mean life is inherently worthless? That is a pretty radical conclusion and I don't think it can be established from the absence of these things alone. Even if we have no free will and are essentially just passengers in a vehicle we don't control, it is possible for us to value that experience.

It is fallacious to equate people in a causally determined world to NPC's in a video game. I can't understand why you thought this was an analogous comparison. Most NPC's don't have a causally determined existence (at least not in the same respect humans would), most NPC's have thousands of instantiations, many of which qualitatively differ in some respects. Video game characters don't have phenomenological experiences, and a fortiori they don't have preferences. Humans have both of these things, causal determinism doesn't negate that. The absence of true choices does not render us as morally irrelevant as a minor component of a computer program.

Your third point is ludicrous. Again, a woman in your mind has no phenomenological experiences or preferences, nothing you imagine doing to a woman in your mind will have an impact on that imaginary avatar of a woman because she does not exist in a physical sense, nor does she possess a mind. A lack of ability to control what we do does not change the fact that humans are physical beings who have minds and experiences which we make value judgments about. This is something which is not true of video game characters, imagined avatars, or characters in novels or screen plays. Our sharing a single feature with some of these things in being causally determined does not automatically render us as morally equivalent, as I have just explained (and should have been pretty obvious) there are still many things which set us apart.

Finally, why are you "proud" to be a dualist? I understand why someone would be a dualist, I just don't understand why someone would be inclined to pat themselves on the back for being a dualist, especially when they have put as little thought into it as you seem to.

You have a tendency to make radical claims without bothering to make an argument in favour of them. I suspect in many cases this is because you don't think about these ideas, you just accept them as soon as they pop into your head. You have mentioned you are currently at University, I highly suggest you enroll in a logic class.
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First, substance dualism could be true and humans still not have souls. It is logically possible that minds can exist as a non-physical substance which is not a soul, it is also logically possible for substance dualism and causal determinism to simultaneously be true. Moreover, substance monism doesn't necessarily entail causal determinism like you seem to assume it does.

I think it depends on what you define as a "soul"

Second, why does not having free will or a soul mean life is inherently worthless? That is a pretty radical conclusion and I don't think it can be established from the absence of these things alone. Even if we have no free will and are essentially just passengers in a vehicle we don't control, it is possible for us to value that experience.

Because, if we're nothing but an illusion created by the brain, then how can we even say we're "real"?

It is fallacious to equate people in a causally determined world to NPC's in a video game. I can't understand why you thought this was an analogous comparison. Most NPC's don't have a causally determined existence, most NPC's have thousands of instantiations, many of which qualitatively differ in some respects. Aside from that issue, video game characters don't have phenomenological experiences, and a fortiori they don't have preferences. Humans have both of these things, causal determinism doesn't negate that. The absence of true choices does not render us as morally irrelevant as a minor component of a computer program.

Yea, we have pheonomenological experiances, but they're not independent of anything if you don't believe in a soul. These experiances are simply a product or a property of something physical.
We can feel pain, but with no soul, the pain is simply an illusion made by our brains.

Finally, why are you "proud" to be a dualist? I understand why someone would be a dualist, I just don't understand why someone would be inclined to pat themselves on the back for being a dualist, especially when they have put as little thought into it as you seem to.

I think about it all day. And why are people proud to have a religion?
I think it depends on what you define as a "soul"

I don't disagree with you there, but since your definition of a soul includes free will and determinism is not incompatible with dualism I think I was right to raise the issue. It is possible for dualism to be true and people not have a soul as you conceive it.

Because, if we're nothing but an illusion created by the brain, then how can we even say we're "real"?

The only illusion is free will, consciousness is not an illusion. Determinism presupposes that the physical world exists, our minds are not an illusion because they give us insight into what is actually happening in the physical world, indeed, if they did not have some correspondence with physical reality it would be hard to fathom how events in the physical world had a causal impact on our mental states. That makes us more "real" than any of the things you have equated us to.

Yea, we have pheonomenological experiances, but they're not independent of anything if you don't believe in a soul. These experiances are simply a product or a property of something physical.
We can feel pain, but with no soul, the pain is simply an illusion made by our brains.

Not independent of anything? They are largely independent of the experiences of anyone else, literally the only person who experiences the exact aspects of the physical world you do is you, that is pretty damn independent if you ask me. Pain is not an illusion, it is a sensation which corresponds to certain things happening to our physical bodies. I don't understand how awareness of the physical state of affairs could be described as an illusion.

I think about it all day. And why are people proud to have a religion?

You are asking the wrong guy, I am not religious. I have never understood the concept of faith as a virtue, I much prefer logic and reason.
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