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Psychedelic Soul's Rock 'n' Roll Weirdathon- Free Popcorn


Sr. Moderator: AADD, CE&P, TD
Staff member
Mar 9, 2005
Who doesn't love a weirdathon? :)

So, dear psychedelic_soul, this is your very own thread. Please use this to post your thoughts and ideas. Topics outside of this will fall asleep.

Go for it. :)
Willow, Please merge all posts and threads by PS here, so we have one easy thread to avoid. I know you have your work cut out for you. Sorry about that.

I <3 this thread.
You have a meat fetish and think ICP qualifies as philosophy. Thats not too interesting. :)
when i meet somebody who has to tell me - rather than show me - how 'interesting' or 'wise' they are, well, my reaction is usually the same.

I feel like I need to accelerate my consciousness. For this reason, I wanna commit ego suicide. A slow suicide involving small changes to each of my personality traits to design and become a new me.
Not a "new" me, but rather an alteration... Think of it like this.
You can take a piece of clay and make different objects from the same lump of clay. You can make many different alterations and shapes, but it is still the same clay... That clay is our soul.
There's the science of neuroplacisity... thoughts affect the brain. How do thoughts affect the brain. Isn't the brain basically the source of thoughts? IF so.. how is the brain capable of changing itself. Because the "self" and the brain are different. They affect one another. Your brain releases chemicals that affect thought, but thoughts can create changes within the brain. The self is immaterial, while the brain is material.
Brains have no value, but spirits do.

Only spiritual things have value. We are spiritual things, therefore we have value. Nothing outside of our minds contains value. There is no value in matter. There is no value in physical objects, just the value that man places on them. Our "inner man" is everything that means anything. Therefore, one cannot possibly insult themselves and be wrong. Unless you make an insulting statement towards yourself contradicting physical matter. Like if you have two arms but insult yourself for having one arm. However, all feelings you have towards yourself are correct. The level of value that your individual self has is subjective and determined by you.
So... How to have value? Simply believe you have value... And believe that your very existence gives you value... Do not believe that your value is the result of those around you. Your friends and family do not determine the value of your existence. IF you believe you have value, then you should believe your life would have equal value if all your loved ones were to die.

Why is material devoid of value? Simple... Can a rock determine that it has value? No, therefore a rock has no value inherently.

Now, believing one has value is much easier if one is happy... but how does one who is unhappy with themselves like themselves? By being a different person. Three things need to be changed and altered.
1. Ego... The ego is ones self. Free will is the ego. Your free will is not a product of your "self" it is your "self". Free will is not created by thoughts, they are thoughts.
2. Id... Ones carnal desires. Human nature basically... The Id is both spiritual and physical. The id is your brain structure, but also part of your ego. Thought patterns that come naturally are the spiritual id... however, brain structure is the physical id.
3. Super ego... Your conscience. Your innate views of right and wrong as well as socially constructed ones.

Now... all you have to do is make these three agree. Your spiritual "id" can be altered. Neuroplasticity reveals that so can your physical id. The physical id can be altered and changed to a lesser extent. And the ego and super ego can affect it. I believe in what I call the "dark figure" of the brain. Meaning many things about it are, and forever will be, unknowable. Meaning changes in brain structure are inconsistent among people, and impossible to determine limits for human beings as a collective. Your ego can also change your super ego. People change beliefs all the time, it's part of the human experience.
Technically, there is only the ego... it's a trinity basically. However, unlike the biblical trinity, this trinity has the tendency to contradict itself... people have desires they believe are immoral, people have beliefs that deny their carnal desires...

This is where I believe spiritual conditioning comes in... Religion has unintentionally discovered our souls can change, and through faith and spiritual exercise (prayer meditation psychedelics etc.), we can tap into our selves more... Religion, in some cases, is a tool to bring one closer to ones self. That's where the supernatural is... We are the supernatural. We can change and become someone we can love.

The secret is not to love ones self, but become worthy of ones own love.
ICP most definitely will. DXM? eh, look at me, I am a shining example of outstanding mental health and well being. =D
May I suggest you start by not wanking over cartoon porn?

Well... I believe sexual abstinence is the "best" spiritually. I think non-monogmous homosexuals are the worst, and asexual arromantics are are the best. Abstaining from the flesh is probably the best for ones higher spirituality

I believe if I really wanted to be of higher spirituality, I'd stop jacking off period... But serving your flesh/spirit is a trade off, and it's all up to what you think is worth it.

Hold on a second? So... Because I took steps to change being bisexual, I'm stupid right? I did something painful and pointless... But when it comes to the NATURAL desire I have to jerk off to lolis, I need to change? Am I a pedophile? I guess so. I am. However, being a pedophile is 100% natural. It's no more unnatural than being gay or bi or straight. Then only difference is that actually molesting kids is morally wrong.
But drawings are perfectly fine.

So which is it? Should I love and accept my natural desires or change them? If it's stupid to try and stop being gay or bi, why is it all of a sudden okay to change being a pedophile. Show me how jacking off to drawings of little girls is objectively worse than being gay.... Can you prove that?

I first knew I was pedosexual when I was a kid and jerked off to pictures of the girl on the cover of Coppertone sunscreen. So I was born that way
I have only read these posts in this thread by you, psychedelicsoul. From what I can see you seem to be a very honest, spiritual person. I don't see why people in this thread are talking down on you.
^This might be semantic, but I don't think a child can be a paedophile. Its pretty natural to be attracted to people of the same age as oneself. I guess for paedophiles this may not adjust as they mature.

I had a huge crush on Anna Chulmsky (in My Girl) when I was 11. I did all sorts of things with her, even getting married :\. I was 11 and I think she was 10 or so. This doesn't make me a paedophile though. I glimpsed My Girl again some years go and remembered my love, and noticed how she was just a cute little kid basically. I couldn't see that when I was one too though.

Can I add that I cried myself to sleep a few times with longing to live/get married/do-something-ambiguous with her? My 11 year old boy heart yearned for her.

Willow, Please merge all posts and threads by PS here, so we have one easy thread to avoid. I know you have your work cut out for you. Sorry about that.

This will sound like madness and a sheer impossibility, but if I merge them all together they will combine unordered and actually make less sense then they already do.
I have only read these posts in this thread by you, psychedelicsoul. From what I can see you seem to be a very honest, spiritual person. I don't see why people in this thread are talking down on you.

I'm relatively earnest... I take my inspiration from a much wiser and more proficient philosopher...
This guy is obviously a troll, there's no way somebody could be this dumb and ridiculous.... Why are we feeding the troll? o_O
This guy is obviously a troll, there's no way somebody could be this dumb and ridiculous.... Why are we feeding the troll? o_O

trolling is simply the method I get across views that I honestly believe... We'll leave it at that. Trolling is just a way I present things.