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Prohibition Returns!

If only more journos had the same attitude towards drugs as this guy does to alcohol, maybe we'd see some decent articles being written about drug prohibition.
The only good cop is a dead cop, in my opinion, yes I fucking hate the fucking pigs, especially the fucking corrupt snotty pigs in my town.
But everybody wins with drug prohibition, though. Think about it, politicians get to have their talking points they get elected with. Drug dealers can sell their wares at artificially inflated prices, which can easily augment the incomes of the impoverished. Drug users have better access to their fixes, as typically illegal drugs are only a few houses down, but legal drugstores are often a whole mile away of more in many cases. People with agression problems get to be cops and get their rocks off beating people up who are high and less likely to feel the pain instead of their innocent family members. People who can't control themselves are more likely to overdose on unregulated, often hazardous illicit products, thus ridding the world of such ignorant people. See, everybody wins, well except those that get thrown in jail for not turning on their headlights, of course. :\
Sorry, everyone. I'm part of the reason for this overreaction. In 2002 I was arrested for DUI/Property Damage after blacking out behind the wheel and crashing into someone's bedroom. Although I admit the penalties, etc in most cases are ridiculous, I should still be in jail for that offense. Not only am I not in jail still, I have been involved in more than one alcohol related driving offense since then. I am grateful, although I may not always show it, that I am a free man today. Anyways, that night in 2002 I only drank 64 ounces (2 quarts) of malt liquor. No weed, nothing else.
Well, in all fairness, if I were to drink 64 oz of malt liquor, I don't think I'd be able to figure out how to turn the key in the ignition, much less actually try to drive somewhere.
Oh yeah, BTW, I've just remembered one night in my youth where me and a friend drank 2 fifths of Jack and I got pulled over for not having my headlights on. The cop let me go without so much as asking my license, and all I said was I was less drunk then my friend, and I even led him on a chase for about half a mile. Of course, that was years ago.
mulberryman said:
Well, in all fairness, if I were to drink 64 oz of malt liquor, I don't think I'd be able to figure out how to turn the key in the ignition, much less actually try to drive somewhere.

Schlittz Malt Liquor, what I drank that night, is only 5.9% alcohol.
Well, I haven't drank more than 1 beer and 4 oz of zima all this year, so yeah, two forties would prabaly knock me straight on my ass.

I read the article and skimmed through the results, don't think if anyone mentioned how all MADD's money goes to payroll. Not all, but i think it's around 80 percent. ANd if you're part of a MADD Chapter in california and raise 20,000 dollars, that money will be distributed throughout all MADD Chapters.

That says a lot about any non-profit.

I thought it was about devoting your time? Not a new job.

Not positive, because i can't find the fact sheet anymore, but i think the CEO of the company made somewhere in the 6 figures in the last years. I want to say it was 300k+, but i could be wrong.
mulberryman said:
Well, in all fairness, if I were to drink 64 oz of malt liquor, I don't think I'd be able to figure out how to turn the key in the ignition, much less actually try to drive somewhere.

WTF? Thats only one n a half 40s....That aint alot to drink.....not sayin he shoulda drove just sayin, it aint like even drinkin 2 40s is gonna get you TOO drunk.....Just a nice decent sloppy drunk ......thats about average amt. to drink IMO
TurdFurgeson said:
I read the article and skimmed through the results, don't think if anyone mentioned how all MADD's money goes to payroll. Not all, but i think it's around 80 percent. ANd if you're part of a MADD Chapter in california and raise 20,000 dollars, that money will be distributed throughout all MADD Chapters.

That says a lot about any non-profit.

I thought it was about devoting your time? Not a new job.

Not positive, because i can't find the fact sheet anymore, but i think the CEO of the company made somewhere in the 6 figures in the last years. I want to say it was 300k+, but i could be wrong.

QFT. ...ano, 2 forties or 1.5 forties, it doesn't matter thats too much beer for me to handle at any one time at this point in my life. I reckon this be an accomplishment. :)
lacey k said:
WTF? Thats only one n a half 40s....That aint alot to drink.....not sayin he shoulda drove just sayin, it aint like even drinkin 2 40s is gonna get you TOO drunk.....Just a nice decent sloppy drunk ......thats about average amt. to drink IMO

Ive only been drunk twice in the past 4 years since i officially gave up drinking minus the 2 relapses i had and 2 40's with 8% alcohol would not even get me buzzed at all really. Certainly nothing noticeable and i take 6mg's of clonazepam a day along with a few other meds.

I doubt i would pass a breathalyzer though even if i didnt feel drunk at all. Hell about 2 drinks is enough to make you fail a breathalyzer here.
I guarantee you that what happened is this lady got lippy with the cop and he decided to do her over. Which he did -- she's out $2k for a $400 ticket and has her name splashed all over the papers as a drunk driver (the people in her circle aren't gonna be all "fight the power!" like we are).

Yes, MADD is crazy, but then again all prohibitionist organizations are more or less equally crazy, especially ones whose raison d'etre is somebody's little boy/girl getting killed by drugs. And they have a whole lot more sympathy and support than NORML ever will.

Don't drive when you're impaired; if the limits in your city/state are absurdly low and you feel OK exceeding them, then make sure your lights are on. :\
MADD wants to see automakers putting breathalizer starter locks in every vehicle. I say we should scrap scrap them completely. Simply put, if you can walk a line while holding your finger to your nose while saying the alphabet backward, you are not drunk!
I think it's about that time to get the fuck out of the U.S.

At least for me anyways...
I agree that this is stupid. MADD and all the other holier-than-thou moral crusaders really piss me off.

That said, I'd like to see alcohol prohibition return, just for a little while. Maybe then the drinkers who think druggies deserve to be locked away and have to risk adverse reactions from adulterated/misrepresented drugs will see what it's like when they get thrown in jail for drinking or get sickened/blinded by methanol laced booze. Perhaps it would turn out to be a good thing. Maybe it would lead to a push for all drugs to be legalized.

I feel a hatred for all the drinkers who think it is fine to get drunk but believe drug users should be punished, and there are lots of people like that out there. Maybe they would change their minds if they got the same treatment for a while.
^^Well considering the normal patterns of human behaviour, a large percentage of those "MADD" mothers are probably frequently swerving accross the double yellow lines on a daily basis. ;)
^^^^and what those people fail to realize is that alcohol is a drug.

duuuhhhhh? alcohol is ethanol, whats the hell ethanol?