• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Problem with Local Vigilante

OK, things got really weird today. I went to lift earlier in the day, but not to avoid him. Anyway...

I am sitting in the diner enjoying my meal, playing on my phone, and so on. I hear "hey buddy, how's the food..." and as I look up dude sits down across from me in my booth. I am thinking...great, just great...

"Say, have you seen a purple car out the window at all?"

"Uh umm no."

"Listen...I think some <bleep!> is dealing drugs out of this lot. You know my girl works here, and that kinda thing scares her and pisses me off."

Again, I am thinking...what??? So I said something cheesy like "I will keep my eyes open for a purple car..."

"Well listen, I was thinkin you might know something about that, hanging around here like you do. I mean no car, working out, don't look like any kid of mine (loved that line)...not sayin' I am accusing you of anything, but I was trained on the force to be very perceptive."

At this point I did think about this thread and just said "dude, call the cops if you don't like something."

He's like "I wanna get my hands on that <bleep!> first."

I then told him that don't want any trouble. He said something along the lines of "the lord tells us not to give into temptation" and walked away.

Such a wierdo.

Anyway, I am a clean addict, so good work buddy if you were hinting at that. But I don't know anything about a purple car, nor have I seen one. But at least it would make more sense if he targeted me when patrolling for drug activity. But still, dude needs to back off.

Anyway, if a cop were to run my name, drugs would come up. So I am extra-apprehensive now about police getting involved, but at least he was a bit more civil this time. Seems like he is on a mission to rid the world of sin or something.

This guy sounds like he has mental health issues.

From your second encounter he mentions nothing about his initial threat ultimatum and you not obeying it. He may have even forgot what he said ?

From the facts it seems he is deranged/mad and you should try get some more info(knowledge is power...) on him with today's tech shouldn't be hard or talk to diner regular's.

With regard to the guy who mentioned using deadly force, in my country you can only shoot someone to kill if you believe your life is immediately in danger and the defense must be in rough proportion the the imminent threat, so shooting an unarmed man would cause you legal issues I think in most countries anyway if you didn't have a good lawyer + the record won't help.

Find out more info on him with regard to his relation to the force if it's sour and he has no back-up so to speak consider filing a complaint or even seek advice - depending on your police. Also get a gym buddy if you can go lift with a friend and he won't act so tough if he's out numbered.
So he doesn't actually work FOR the diner, right? Have you ever thought about talking to the management of the diner about this guy harassing you? Plus, you eat there like every day. Good business and money making for them. I'm sure they don't want people scaring off good customers like you.
With regard to the guy who mentioned using deadly force, in my country you can only shoot someone to kill if you believe your life is immediately in danger and the defense must be in rough proportion the the imminent threat, so shooting an unarmed man would cause you legal issues I think in most countries anyway if you didn't have a good lawyer + the record won't help.
agreed. I'm in TX though so assuming there's a stand your ground law, and your life is in imminent danger (big roided out douche beating on you), you'd have legal right to use lethal force but this is assuming your state has stand your ground law and your record isn't felonious.
Is there anyone that works at the gym you feel comfortable enough to ask about this asshole? Someone there may know this jerk's story and can fill you in. Obviously he hangs around the plaza a lot. Maybe they've noticed him or had similar weird experiences w/ him. And the business owners there likely won't condone stupid behavior like his that will, or already has, negatively impacted their business. Assholes like this guy pull their shit on multiple people. I'm positive you're not the only one he's tried to intimidate.

I'd bet T. is right; the asshole is, or was, a security guard somewhere.
Concealed carry is not an option for ordinary citizens where I am.

To those suggesting a talk with the diner management, well the guy said that his girlfriend is a manager at the diner, and I have no clue who the girlfriend is, so I would probably have to work my way up through a waitress or something similar. Could go either way depending on his girl's position in the hierarchy.

I keep to myself, so I don't really know any of the gym's staff. But I may talk to one night-shift guy about to tonight, a guy who strikes me as being pretty cool. Will report results.
If you call the police he might already been know for violence..

He probably won't be arrested but even so.. If he tries anything dumb the poilice will do all they can to not make themselves look back for ignoring your complaint. Threatening to harm someone is still assault.

The bar manager is a good idea.. you may be able to find out who the gf is speak to her about what her dicky boyfriend said.
Okay, spoke with a member of the gym staff. Here is what he told me:

Got his first name.

He is a "contractor for several local businesses, including a couple in the plaza." I half jokingly said "security?" Guy just laughed and said "no, nothing like that."

I asked if he ever acted weird or anything, guy answered in the negative. I said he was acting a bit paranoid in the lot and the guy said that there had been recent break-ins and drug activity. I asked why he would be involved with that and guy said he didn't know.

To be continued...
^ that's fucking strange he's a 'contractor', the gym staff member seemed to know more than he led on from what you're saying.

Maybe some kind of mafia-related shit? that's fuckin weird as fuck. 'contractor for local businesses'. like someone they hire to intimidate people? hmm

maybe you ought to move... I'm sure there's gotta be another plaza somewhere you can lift and eat at without weirdo 'contractors' and break-ins and drug activity....
Fuck that.. can't let people bully you..

What's the worst he's gonna do? Give you a punch? There goes his contract while he waits it out in prison.
Fuck that.. can't let people bully you..

What's the worst he's gonna do? Give you a punch? There goes his contract while he waits it out in prison.

no what concerns me is so many businesses (including the gym and restaurant) seem to contract him around there. I'm concerned as to what the fuck they need him for. if he's some kind of contract killer for mafia-related business, it could be worse than a punch...

I find it odd that the gym staff guy called him a "contractor" for local businesses, makes me really wonder since it's "haha, nothing like security..."

IDK, maybe it's cuz i've seen too much mafia shit go down, and eye close my eyes and pretend to see nothing...

I'd worry more about going missing or something. IDK why homeboy has a boner for you. I wanna know wtf kind of contractor he is... "nothing like security" but still "a contractor"... wtf?
I am not letting him bully me, I have kept to my routine three successive days. I think he just wants to pound his chest, nothing more. I am now more curious than anything.

He could change the gumball machines and have paper contracts with businesses for it. Or he does maintenance work. Contractor is a pretty vague term that people often associate with serious overseas work, but could be anything...He probably does something fluffy like that and he met his chick while on the job.
^ maintenance work I could dig, but what makes me weirded out is the gym guy said "not security" as if he knows what he does, but simultaneously he's talking about drug and break-in activity. wtf? If he's a fucking maintenance guy, why not just cut to the chase? Why beat around the bush calling him a contractor.

I've seen some weird mafia shit ... I don't get involved in.. Too many dirty businesses out there :\ idk...
Being an independent contractor could be any sort of job. I did contractor work for 2 years working "underneath the table" People just fill out an I-9 and have to file taxes on wages earned. Maybe he does maintenance work or property management in the plaza for different businesses, who knows? Maybe that's why he's such a busybody around there but that still gives him no right to harass you.

I'd try this approach: Next time you see him, tell him you saw a purple Nissan parked by such and such business. But it sped off before you could get the plate number. Then say, bro I wanted to let you know and sort of cozy up to him and get him to trust you. Ask him for his cell number and tell him next time you will phone him straight away. See how he reacts then. Just a thought, beat him at his own game.
^ I'm curious to why the gym staff member was so vague about it. But who knows. The whole situation is weird as fuck if you ask me.
The more I think about it, the way he phrased all of that about the purple car was his way of saying "you look like you do drugs, you are at the plaza a lot, you probably buy from the purple car and are texting him when on your phone in the parking lot or in the diner...well I am onto it.". That would make more sense, but who knows why he opened our relationship with talk about women.

T.Cal - Good idea, but part of wanting to live the clean life these days means not lying or playing games. If anything, I want to find the purple car and tell the dude that some psycho is onto him...
I'd honestly stand up to the guy in a busy place (the plaza would be perfect)..

As soon as he touches you that is a higher level assault.. He should be sacked at the very least.. It sounds like he's just trying to be a big man and push people around.. fuck him.. ignore him.. if he comes up to you again with threats try and secretly record them on your phone while being firm and telling him it's none of his business "and who the fuck are you anyway!?" Bullies tend to back down when they see no fear from their victims.

I doubt he's ex-police or ex-military, tbh.
Yeah man, that's good you're wanting to be completely straight. Too bad he has this unwarranted impression about you. I know what you mean about appearances too. When you think about it, you two could clear up this misunderstanding by talking more. Get to know him for real and he will realize you're a stand up guy.
Okay, spoke with a member of the gym staff. Here is what he told me:

Got his first name.

He is a "contractor for several local businesses, including a couple in the plaza." I half jokingly said "security?" Guy just laughed and said "no, nothing like that."

I asked if he ever acted weird or anything, guy answered in the negative. I said he was acting a bit paranoid in the lot and the guy said that there had been recent break-ins and drug activity. I asked why he would be involved with that and guy said he didn't know.

To be continued...


Not to be redundant, but this is really shady behavior on the part of the gym employee.

+1 for trying to secretly record this guy acting all psycho.

Also, why not be a bit more specific with someone at the gym? "He was being paranoid?" That didn't really represent the scenario accurately. how about, "The guy was making me afraid for my life, and I am concerned about what he might do to me or others."
"Contractor" could be janitorial service which might explain why he's around at night.
He's prob making judgements based on appearance which is bullshit. Sounds like a real tool but sure as hell isn't the sharpest one in the shed.

I'm quiet and stick to myself too. When i moved awhile ago some of the townies tried making conversation and turning it into a 20 questions session. I wasn't ever rude to them cuz i gotta park on the street and don't need any flat tires or other hassles so i just shut them down w/ "gotta run, late for work" or something similar. One day a chick with -A- tooth says "you don't look like you smoke but do you have a lighter?" and w/out waiting for an answer started w/ the 20 questions. I said, "nope, no lighter, can't chat, running late for a dentist appt."
They gave up. I don't bother them and they don't bother me.