pre-workout supplements

I can't express how good protein is for you gaining muscle and burning fat. I mean realisticly you can eat as much meat as you can handle and not get fat, I try to stray away from carbs (bread, chips etc...) and eat plenty of fruits, salads, meats, but I definetly stay away from sugar at all costs. Sugar does nothing good for you, even fake sugar I don't even put it in my coffee anymore.

But as far as supplements go I usually just have a big ass protein shake, make sure its whey to.I have taken creatine only a few times before but I hated it, and I said before I never used steroids. GNC has a lot of really good shit, but it also has some bad shit to so you have to look around and look it up on the internet as well as get peoples opinions. Good luck!
definetly stay away from sugar at all costs. Sugar does nothing good for you, even fake sugar I don't even put it in my coffee anymore.

You are completely wrong. Sugar at the right time (immediately post workout) is a great thing. It gives you an insulin spike that will drive more protein to your muscles. I started adding glucose to my post workout protein shake about a year ago and it has given me way better results than protein alone has ever. Even if your not gonna take sugar with your protein, it is important that you get some form of carbohydrate with it. If you don't get any carbs it can be catabolic and you could actually loose muscle.
okay, so it may have been my diet back then. i was living at home so it wasn't the best. perhaps i should give creatine another go.
I don't think it least I've never heard any friend telling me this and I have not heard it online in any forum.

Losing weight is a function between calories in and calories expended. Take in less calories than you expend and you will burn fat.
Losing weight is a function between calories in and calories expended. Take in less calories than you expend and you will burn fat.

This is true. However, if you don't get enough carbs, your body will also take amino acids from your muscles and use them for energy too. Cortisol is very catabolic.
I tried the black powder a few times. It tasted pretty bad and took me a while just to drink it all because of the creatine, but I had a few good workouts after using it I remember.

Beta-Alanine is pretty crazy stuff. I've been buying VPX powerpump7 drinks on & off lately. I try not to use it that much, I almost feel like using it is cheating because the workout is so easy lol. But I'm a little weary of using it too often yet. Controlled studies of long term use (say 5-10 years or more) haven't been reported as far as I know.

The drinks have BAla and Arg esters as main ingredients, similar to the Black Powder but without creatine and caffeine. The grape flavor kicks ass. Drink one and you're set to crush the iron. has many excellent products if you have never seen it. Just be prepared to open your wallet if you want to have some fun. =P They have a new surge workout fuel with BAla and Leu in it. I have not tried that but it looks good. I buy lots of stuff from them.
Just buy bulk powder of aminos.. don't throw money away on drinks and formula junk.
There's an incredible amount of false information in this thread that i'm not going to try to address, but do yourself a favor and do your own research regarding proper diet and supplements. Myths are typically started by companies to get you to buy more stuff, and through the magic of internet forums they become "facts" before anyone can stop them, i.e. "you have to load creatine and take it every day". There are studies specifically proving over the course of 2 months that the exact same gains in lbm are made between groups who loaded with 20g/day and groups who took 5g/day every day. There are also studies showing a very minimal, if not entirely negligable, decline in plasma creatine levels due to every other to every third day dosing protocols. These are merely 2 of the myths that have somehow made their way to being facts in some places, but as you can see you really can't trust anyone but yourself and your own research, especially if you're asking for advice regarding lifting on a board that's dedicate to entirely different topics.

For a solid pre workout energy boost look into ergopharm's amp, or 1,3-dimethylamylamine caps. For creatine products there's a few solid ones out there, the biggest thing is to find which brands seem to have the most supporters and return buyers. My personal favorite is MAN Clout, but honestly the difference in actual lbm gained between 1 creatine blend and another is negligable; we're talking less than a pound through the course of a year. Creatine does minimal to build muscle, helps yes, but we're not talking gear here.
If you want to get stronger TRAIN smart first, with lotsa whole food, not supplements or 'roids. Do not buy a tub of anything except good whole food. Get on a smart training/eating sked first, wait months, then measure results, then maybe try cycling 'roids but only after positive results gained naturally from smart training and whole food. Most vitamins and whey products get passed on through the body w/o ANY proven benefits. Supplement companies love making unproven claims.

"If man makes it don't eat it [or drink it]!"
-Jack LaLanne 2005, at the Arnold Classic

Good advice lots of people then to rush into things
If you want to get stronger TRAIN smart first, with lotsa whole food, not supplements or 'roids. Do not buy a tub of anything except good whole food. Get on a smart training/eating sked first, wait months, then measure results, then maybe try cycling 'roids but only after positive results gained naturally from smart training and whole food. Most vitamins and whey products get passed on through the body w/o ANY proven benefits. Supplement companies love making unproven claims.

"If man makes it don't eat it [or drink it]!"
-Jack LaLanne 2005, at the Arnold Classic

well supplements just supplement they don't replace food :D
gnc shopping....get creatine(gnc brand)10-20grams, volumaize(1 scoop),wal mart glutamine(3-5grams)before workout, take 1 metrx,muscletech protein bar at lunch, take muscletech anbolic halo after workout with 3 grams of wal mart glutamine).....take 2-4zmass at night(cytodyne or,/ gnc if you cant get cytodyne)
gnc shopping....get creatine(gnc brand)10-20grams, volumaize(1 scoop),wal mart glutamine(3-5grams)before workout, take 1 metrx,muscletech protein bar at lunch, take muscletech anbolic halo after workout with 3 grams of wal mart glutamine).....take 2-4zmass at night(cytodyne or,/ gnc if you cant get cytodyne)

GNC has got to be the worst place to buy any supplements. They are way overpriced, and the people working there are morons. You could buy all that shit way cheaper online. The only supplement I don't get online is whey protein, because I go through so much of it that it would be an inconvenience for me to have to order it every week.
^^ Perfect answer. I have been working out properly for a couple of years now, 4 days a week. I eat a banana before almost all gym sessions or afterwards with my protein shake.

I usually get on it every weekend and I eat bananas after that once my appetite comes back, they are good for everything!