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Post your Worst Comedown!

Mine was between a 3 day period.. 14 pills in 8 hours on Friday 6 pills Saturday 5 pills Sunday.. Puked got strep throat sinusitis and stomach flu... Couldnt sleep for 3 days didnt eat anything for 4+ days... Laid in my room crying for 2 days so depressed.. Puked all day all night for 3 days.. Yea.. Never again took a nice 6 month break after that shit.. NEVER WILL I DO THAT AGAIN.
right now....i'm having the worst comedown ever....i dropped 6 last night, 4 heroin/ketamine based (bad dealer, never goin to her again) and two super clean ones i got from another dealer at my prom. the h/k based pills i dropped at around 8 last night and i still have the smacky feeling...super tired, headache and im STILL GRINDING its insane....bout to head to GNC to pick up some 5HTP:|
right now....i'm having the worst comedown ever....i dropped 6 last night, 4 heroin/ketamine based (bad dealer, never goin to her again) and two super clean ones i got from another dealer at my prom. the h/k based pills i dropped at around 8 last night and i still have the smacky feeling...super tired, headache and im STILL GRINDING its insane....bout to head to GNC to pick up some 5HTP:|

oh and i chipped my tooth last night from grinding so hard...didnt have a binky or gum... :p
right now....i'm having the worst comedown ever....i dropped 6 last night, 4 heroin/ketamine based (bad dealer, never goin to her again) and two super clean ones i got from another dealer at my prom. the h/k based pills i dropped at around 8 last night and i still have the smacky feeling...super tired, headache and im STILL GRINDING its insane....bout to head to GNC to pick up some 5HTP:|

I really doubt you had pills with heroin and ketamine in them....... most likely pipes, no chemist is going to put heroin into a pill that's just retarded.
I really doubt you had pills with heroin and ketamine in them....... most likely pipes, no chemist is going to put heroin into a pill that's just retarded.
i wasnt sure if it was heroin or ketamine. i actually just talked to the girl that sold me them and confirmed that they were in fact k-base.

btw, grindings finally gone. took the first two pills at about this time yesterday.
i wasnt sure if it was heroin or ketamine. i actually just talked to the girl that sold me them and confirmed that they were in fact k-base.

btw, grindings finally gone. took the first two pills at about this time yesterday.

Well all I am saying is that your dealer can say anything she wants, its pretty rare to find ketamine based pills, in fact if I found ketamine based pills I'd be the happiest motherfucker in my state :p
MDMA & Opiates

I have two pretty bad ones. One you can consider more of a withdrawal, the other is definitely the scariest shittiest feeling i've ever experienced otherwise known as a bad trip/following bad comedown.

At the ripe age of 11 i cracked my elbow, slipped a growth plate in my elbow, dislocated my shoulder, ripped shoulder and neck muscle, and got a bad concussion all at the same time. after spending a night or two in the hospital, i came home and they had me on a moderate dose of codeine (coming off oral morphine, closely being monitored at the hospital) to cope with the pain. I was young and had never been prescribed (or payed attention to) the dangers of opiates as a pain medication. I popped it like it was tylenol, every day until i ran out, which was a good 3 months. I thought everytime i felt i needed more was because of the pain, when meanwhile i had healed faster than expected and those cravings were psychological. A day after technically going cold turkey, i was on the ground of my bathroom shaking rapidly. I had a fever, was sweating like mad, felt colder than ice (shivering), kept throwing up, and couldnt do anything but writhe in pain thinking i was dying. My mom thought it was just a stomach flu of some sort, but after a day of the symptoms going on and off (some hours more intense than others) she decided to call an ambulance. after bringing me in to the hospital and looking at my medical records, they realized i was on opiate withdrawal. Since going cold turkey had physically effected my recent injuries, they put me on a closely monitored dose of methadone (false opiate) to slowly come off whatever tolerance i had built in the past few months. That's all i really remember, but the hours i spent on the ground felt like years of wishing someone would come in the room and just hit me as hard as they could.


LOL k so this one has been the WORST comedown i have ever had off molly (im a frequent heavy user), and ever since thank god i haven't had one like it. That night i popped about 5 caps and railed another 4, i was flying cause i had waited about 3 weeks (at that point i usually i waited 1 or 2) so i could have the most insane roll of my life off this new producer's stuff that was supposedly amazing. I was feeling pretty fuckin great at my peak, then things spiraled downward for a few main reasons. The biggest was that I was in a new and unfamiliar place, and i tend to have worse comedowns and sometimes even trips when im rolling in a new environment with new people.
I was hardcore hallucinating, every 5 minutes i was in a new situation talking to a new person. When i opened my eyes after having them closed i had that thing BAD, where your vision is like a TV screen that is jumping side to side extremely fast. I was stretching and shuffling in my seat (as always) except this time i had to have every muscle in my body flexed constantly, and i seemed to come down faster than usual, but in actuality this was just a really bad trip. I suddenly felt like i couldnt use ANY of my muscles, standing up was incredibly difficult, talking scared the shit outta me cause i had no clue what to say or how to respond on a basic human level. I basically sat there like a vegetable glancing back and fourth anxiously at the people around me as i clamped my jaw till it had cuts the next day.
I had MAD focus, so the coffee table we did lines on was like a person to me, like a buddy i was roling with, though it turned on me at one point and i thought it was conspiring against someone close to me so i stared it down for a good hour to weaken it.
Once i decided to get up and test my limp muscles, i stumbled over to the bathroom because i realized i hadn't gone in a while. (on the way there i grabbed a full cup of a clear liquid that i thought was water, which turned out to be straight Greygoose vodka.)
Looking in the mirror was TERRIFYING, i remember being so scared i ran out after i touched my face while glancing at myself and thought i created deep black cuts with my fingers into my cheek.
When i got home, i was paranoid for the next 2 days and refused to leave my room. I had to have lights on constantly and wouldnt close my eyes for more than a minute thinking someone else was in the room watching me and making sure i didn't notice them. (watched a Rob Zombie film during the roll the night before.. not smart)
i had like noo bladder muscle control so i kept peeing myself every like 15 minutes and couldnt do shit about it.
all that and random outbursts of depression and tears, that was the worst experience ive ever had on MDMA.
When I was 18, I rolled one night until wee hours of the morning.

On the comedown, got txts from my ex saying she just found out how I had fucked another girl and lied about it. Worst txt to get when I'm coming down.

Then I didn't go to sleep until 3 or 4 pm that day after popping a few xanax and passing out in my bed.

Woke up to loud banging on my door and screaming. I, a pale, mangled / fucked-up looking person open the door to see my father.


I was able to take quick shower, clean my self + my room b4 he came back up. I said I didn't do drugs, I had just partied all night so I figured I'd just sleep all day.
Usually I don't have bad comedowns. Just once I had a really bad comedown - I'd say I deserved it for acting so stupid). It was on a festival this summer and I had my 3rd roll in 3 days (yeah, kinda stupid, but even the 3rd one was really beautiful - + I hadn't slept for 2 and a half days. When the comedown started I felt urge to hide in my tent, there things started to become really bad, mixed up with the sleep deprivation + amp comedown paranoia. In my tent everyone at the camp site was talking about me, I felt the sudden need to cry without any obvious reason and just felt like a piece of shit. Then suddenly security guys where running across the camp site and I heard sirens, I thought they were coming for me because I was so fucked up. Later I found out that there was 'just' an accident next to the festival area, but that really scared me. After 1 hour this really bad state subsided somehow and I felt euphoric again. Just went to sleep maaaany hours..

Pretty strange, never want to experience something like this again and it thaught me 'don't binge on this stuff'.
"Wow dude, I'm pretty blasted for 2.5"
"Oh I put 200mgs in those capsules"
"Why didn't you mention it?"
"It was going to be a surprise! I didn't think you'd buy that many"

I can't tell if I love my guy or not.

Did not feel good the next day. Took a very long break.

(This one time lapse in judgment from my good friend, while kind of dangerous and obnoxious, has been rectified_
First time rolling got some good pills and a couple of meth bombs. I took 3 pills total not sure which ones were bombs or how many of them but i was awake for 3 days feeling like absolute shit i tried to drink myself to sleef by killin a bottle of jager didnt work, the next night got a bunch of xanax and fucked all night but couldnt get off and couldnt go to sleep either then the third night i just tried to go to sleep without any drugs and still couldnt sleep and i had no apetite the whole time it sucked balls.
i usually pass out during my comedowns. not sure if this is good or bad haha, but the days after are a WHOLE different story.

after my 2nd roll, i flipped my mom off right to her face just cuz she called me Justin Bieber, luckily she was turned around =D
I once took 6 pills in one night i was really fucked up had sex had fun enjoyed the hell out of it :D

the next 7 days however i was a mess i could not keep a good mood and at the moment i hadbeen haveing troubles in my life having to worry about maybe being kicked out of my house dropping out of college due to a financial aid error all in all everything that happened made me feel worse and worse.
it got to the point were i started crossing busy streets without looking just hoping that someone would hit me. nobody ever did

im just really glad that nothing happened to me because being suicidal isnt me death scares the shit out of me lol
well let's see....this was in either April or May 2009 and i hadn't been able to get a hold of mints because the only person we knew to get some from was our friend's boyfriend, but he went to boot camp for some bullshit reason and straightened up after that. So my friends and I finally came across some rolls (which were not the mints, so i was already hesitant to take them) from some random hick wigger, and we heard about a lock-in going on in a place that had a bunch of arcade games, spinning rides, bumper cars, go karts, and shit like that and bands were playing. We took the rolls as soon as we got there and one of my friends (loren) didnt have enough money for rolls so she took xanax and drank....

we got in there and checked everything out to see how fun our night was going to be....shortly after that, we realized what we had gotten ourselves into. A little background info, we heard a group of people talking about this in class, which we never talk to these people so we didnt know anything about them. Anyway, turns out this is a lock-in sponsored by a christian group, so we just avoided the chauffeurs the entire night which got harder as the night went on and as loren got more drunk and barred out....and it turns out these roll were fucking straight up pipes.

The comedown didnt start till 4 am and the lock in didnt end till 7, and i was the one that drove so everyone was bugging me to leave even though we couldnt because it was a LOCK IN and there were people at the door making sure people wouldnt leave. i started getting INTENSEEEEEEEEE depression....to the point where i was getting suicidal thoughts and bawling my eyes out and horrible anxiety and panic attacks along with a general uncomfortable feeling....and the fact that we couldn't leave for another 3 hours was making it worse esp with people begging you to leave.

eventually we went outside where the go-karts and mini golf and everything was and hopped the fence and left hahahaha. the turning point was when loren was walking down the stairs and she was so fucked up she was on the 3rd stair from the floor and she thought she was on the last stair so she fell forward when she took the step and fell face first into the wall...putting a hole in it and was bleeding so much from her forehead....but she was pissing me off the entire night cause she was pissed that I, yes ME, wouldn't share my other roll with her (when i only had 2 to begin with along with everyone else and she was only asking ME and only getting pissed at ME cause i wouldnt share with her even though i'm the one that got her fucking alcohol), so i really didnt give two shits about her and was more than happy she got hurt esp in my melancholic, twisted mindset.

So we dropped her off at home, which was an hour long ride from the place we were at....so driving that long with a comedown was total hell and i forgot to stop at home to pick up some 5-htp which i lived halfway between where the lockin was and where we were going...after we dropped her off we went to another person's house closeby...with no weed, so we were desperate cause we all felt horrible and made a resin ball.

fuck pipes and dumb drunk bitches.
lol, a "lock in" is an event that can happen anywhere they allow them.....it takes place in a public building where you go there after the place closes and you stay there over night.....it sounded much cooler when we heard what type of place it would be in.....but it was fucking GAYYYY....those christian people were scary, i swear they knew what was up....or they want to completely deny the fact that people use drugs.
Went to freaknight in seattle this halloween, took two pures to start and then some e. The comedown itself was alright.. but after my 2 hour sleep I felt like absolute shit. I even took some 5htp before going to sleep, but woke up ready to drink my face off I felt so depressed. and that's exactly what i did.. went between crying, laughing, and being angry at nothing for the next 2 days, and said a lot of really upsetting things to my friends and brought them down with me.
Reading all this definately makes me appreciative of the fact that I don't have bad comedowns, I never feel bad after a night of binging on pills (3 hits of 100/120mg each). Never had a depression like feel neither in the days afterwards but thats most likely due to taking 5-htp and vitamin c/e supplements in my postloading regime. My first time xtc was in august 2009 and since then I used it 8 times (4 times of which in the last 4 months). I'm restricting myself to using once a month, but I'm going to try to lower the frequency a bit but it's hard since I'm going to raves on a monthly basis.