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Post your Worst Comedown!

2nd time rolling, two drops. didnt eat a week prior (random loss of appetite)
the night was one of the greatest night of my life but the comedown was reched. no sleep and i almost blacked o twice due to exhaustion. i had to be walked to the washroom. couldnt even stand. haha. unbelievably tweaked.
The very first time I was introduced to Exctasy, I took 8 tabs. I felt like absolute shit for nearly two weeks.
That was because I was uneducated....
Mine was at a rave in Sept 06. Was with a few "new" friends who introduced me to the scene. My friends GF was flirting with me and he was being an asshole so we ditched him made out. Well, even though we were lost in the crowd of infected mushroom, he saw us, grabbed her, and split. I was only on 1 pill and was not really rolling that hard. He was on 6. To make a long story short she lost her keys and someone who saw us walk in found them. When we got back to the car at 4am, it was wide open with stuff thrown all around it.
I lost my first testing kit, all my school work, and an apple powerbook. Then the sun started to come up.

So tell me about your worst comedown.

HAHAHA you bum control yourself with other peoples people you deserve that shit. You did that to yourself.
drinking alot and doing a fair amount of mephedrone friday and saturday night resulted in me getting a terrible come down which lasted for nearly a week. i could barley get out of bed, emotions felt all over the place, was close to quitting my job there and then and wanting to go home, go to bed, curl up and die
worst come down has been on those horrible pipz things, i took 2 or 3 of what turned out to be very stong pips and it wiped out the weekend, it was hell
New Years last year, took a really good roll at first. Took another later in the night from a different batch. Turned out to be pipes.

I was up all night pissing every 2 minutes, although feeling extremely dehydrated. I was freaking out because I didn't know if I should be drinking more or less water. My heart was pounding really hard too. I tried smoking some weed and that made me black out temporarily.

Not fun.
back in 08 i got the most intense monday/tuesday blues i'd ever though possible. was wondering around my flat for over an hour looking in the mirror wondering if there was any point to living...

thank God one of my best friend randomly called me up and i completely snapped out of it. very random
well one time i did 4 pink diamonds then another 2 when they kicked in then another 3 like 2 hours l8er and i was just chillin around town the whole night and then when i went home i still kinna felt it but i new the come downw as coming then around 1am the comedown really started and just felt like complete shit exhausted and needed some substances so i wouldnt want 2 kill myself so i got wasted and passed out then the next day was on my top 3-top 4 worst pill hangovers >.> the alcohol prolly didnt help

was an irresponsible idiot...was at an album release party where drugs flowed like water form a fountain. i had 2 pills and quite a few dips of molly from fellow strangers...the overall roll was super trippy and speedy...and when we got back to my friend we decided a deemsters joint'd be great.

something in one of the pills reacted with the DMT and perpetuated the trip to 1.5 hours...I forgot my own name, my family, my friends, the essence off who I was. And when I faded back into myself, I was horribly disoriented and depressed for two days. Crying, suicidal depression, the works.

I'm still too scared to do DMT...MDMA, not so much lol
when I'd only been rolling for about 6 months and was rolling way too often and taking way too much. I took 4 pills, from 3 different batches and I didn't test pills so who knows what chemicals I was mixing. I stayed up all night and then was just so depressed the whole next day. I literally just sat there, not listening to music or watching tv or anything, just sat all day, too depressed and apathetic to do shit. I thought I would be permanently changed but the next day I was ok.

besides this time and a couple other times, I've never really experienced a bad comedown. usually I'm actually in a better mood the first few days following a roll
I haven't rolled too often and most of my comedowns haven't been too bad, but there are a couple that stand out to me.

One time, I went to an outdoor rave in the middle of the NJ pine barrens and had a roll (orange star, we found out later that these pills were probably piperazines by this time, though they used to be good :'[ ). During the whole time, I didn't feel the true MDMA euphoria, and I actually felt pretty self-conscious around all those people I didn't know. I drove back home (about an hour or so) after the rave and the comedown didn't seem too bad, but after I went to sleep and woke up the next morning, I felt like total shit. All my muscles kept tensing up and I couldn't stop shaking. I drove to get food and liquor (my boyfriend wanted some), but during the drive I started feeling a whole lot worse. My hands were curling up and I couldn't hold them properly, and I felt so lightheaded and dizzy. When I parked at the liquor store, I wasn't even thinking correctly anymore and I couldn't see straight. I felt that I was going to faint or something if I didn't put my head down, so I laid down in the parking lot next to my car to cool down. Some man came up to us and asked if I was okay... must've looked weird in a liquor store parking lot, some girl laying on the pavement and some guy trying to "help her"-- or is he REALLY trying to help? Haha.. After I got some food, I stopped shaking so much, but still felt shitty the whole day and just slept it off.

Another comedown, we got in trouble with a cop for attempting to go camping on an "illegal camping ground" and I had to deal with the cop when I was starting to come down, then had to drive all the way home from the mountains after wards, ugh.
Well after the post I made in this thread like 5 months ago,I can certainly say I had a few rough comedowns. Once after partying pretty much all saturday night and sunday morning me and about 5 friends were still awake, we ran out of booze and all the bars and stores were closed. So we just bought some rolls and went to try wake up some drunks. So we kicked everyone out took our pills, we redosed pretty much all sunday. I went home, still fully tweaked out. Everyone was asleep when I got home thankfully, I didn't start coming down till about 6am. It really sucked cuz I was trying to sleep for hours, just laying there. So I had no sleep at all, then had to go to school. I felt like total shit in my classes. Alchoul hangover with and ecstasy comedown while in school really sucks >.<
I rolled two nights in a row and they were really good pills. Blew up so hard. The following Sunday I crashed so hard! my body gradually became very weak then every bone, muscle, and nerves in me hurt to even move. I had to stay in bed for two days unable to even move. If I even moved an inch it was miserablly painful. Worst comedown ever!
Ultra this year I had the worst experience of my life. I parachuted about 20 mgs of crushed up adderall, did about a .200 of molly, and then a few bumps of coke near the end. By the tail end of that night I had never felt so bad in my life, luckily me and my friend were able to find some cali pokeballs hehe super fire %).

About two raves ago though, I consumed two pipe bombs and a green paul frank and had an amazing time. Unfortunately for me and my green eyes, my pupils were dilated well into the next day. Needless to say the next day was mothers day and I had not planned to be looking strung out as fuck, my mother was not very happy XD.
One night I took 4 pills, snorted kedamine, drank a little, and smoked a bowl. I ended rollin for literally 2 days. Then when its all said n done, I had one of the worst sleep paralysis episodes ever when I went to sleep. After that I threw up the next day, then felt dizzy and sick to my stomach for a week.
Mine was when I smoked crack all day with my cousin. It was about 6 years ago so the only drugs I was familiar with were weed and some opiates. I'm not 100% sure how much we smoked, I'm guessing about 2g or so total. The comedown was hard and heavy. I just wanted to sleep because I felt like dying. I ingested 1.5mg of clonazepam and it helped none whatsoever. I'm pretty sure I've never felt so pissed off and miserable in my entire life as I did that day. The internet seemed to alleviate some of the stress though.

I learned my lesson with cocaine and its derivatives. Just makes me wanna set everything on fire.