Post Your Routine

Do you have an artificial testicle or going the lance Armstrong route? Always been curious to if the body's single one will enlarge to compensate hormone and sperm production for the loss of the other. Also would it make you eligible for trt? Mountaineering is awesome. I knew a good major (moutaineer) who taught me to tie a swiss seat. Those things are bad ass! Best of luck and congrats for your current accomplishments
Yeah I have an prosthetic its made of Teflon lol so its non stick LMAO. Yeah it has made me eligible for TRT and I was on it doc put me on 250mg injection of Sustanon ever 3 weeks. So I asked for the take home so I did not have to drive out to see him every 3 weeks he agreed so all i do is horde my Sustanon and switch it out with a friend of mine for his Testosterone Cypionate, 200mg, so we switch gear he likes the Sus I like the Cyp and every one is happier. But Yeah I Blast and Cruise, have been since, I also have a really good UGL that I like and use his gear he makes a lot of High Dosage material and the High Ethel Oleate doesn't bother me one bit so I use that for my cruise material and for every thing else: as the 500mg/ml stuff he makes makes it real convenient to do .5ml injection every Monday. But I digress ( and hope that this talk has not violated any rules)
Thanks for the congrats mate. Yeah Mountaineering is crazy good fun, the long term goal would be to attempt one of the big boys ( 8000 meeter peaks ). But yeah that hobby specifically effects how I train lots of volume and i train lighter then what a lot of guys do but I still hit it heavy one day a week ( varying the muscle group and then one week a month where every day is heavyweight with rep ranges in the 4-6 range with 80-85% of my max weight, but using the same routines i have laid out here. ) Here is the routines for the reminder of the week and for Monday- Giving you guys a look at my training habits. So if you all have any questions give a holler.

Tomorrows Plan ( Thursday)
- Shoulder Day -

- Workout begins with 30 mins on elliptical -

- Hand Circles ( arms held out palms up/down) with 5lbs wrist weights
5 sets - 12/10/8/6/4 - palm up
5 sets - 12/10/8/6/4 - palm down

- Work Out-
Upright Rows 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4/
Shrugs 5 sets - reps- 12/10/8/8/6
Dumbbell front raise- reps- 12/10/8/6/4
Dumbbell side raise- reps- 12/10/8/6/4
Seated Rear Delt ( fly machine) - reps 10/8/8/6/4
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press - reps 12/10/8/8/6
Reverse Lying Flys Incline Dumbbell - reps 10/8/8/6/4
Reverse Lying Flys Flat Dumbbell - Reps 10/8/8/6/4

Again end with 30 mins on the elliptical

Mondays Work out
- Legs -

- Work out begins with 30 minuets on the elliptical

- Warm up -
Body Weight Squats - 3 sets -= reps 20/ 15/10
Lying Leg raises ( foot straight) - 3 sets - reps 20/15/10
Lying Leg Raises ( foot angled in) - 3 sets - reps 20/15/10
Lying Leg Raises ( foot angles out) - 3 sets - 20/15/10
Body Weight calf Raise - 3 sets- reps 20/10/15

- Work Out -
Barbell Squats 5 sets - reps - 12/10/8/6/4
Leg Press 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Standing Calf Press 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Seated Calf Press 5 sets- reps 12/10/8/6/4
Lying Leg Curls 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Leg Extensions 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Seated Leg Curl 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Thigh Abductor Inner thigh 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Thigh abductor outer thigh 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
- work out ends with 30 mins on elliptical -
Leg day is a heavy day for me and usually ends in me lying down feeling ¾ of the way dead.

- Friday-
-Arms Day -

- The work out begins with 30 minuets on the elliptical machine.

- Warm up -
Push Ups ( standard) - 2 sets - 20
Push Ups ( decline) 2 sets - 20

- The Work Out -
Standing Barbell Curl 5sets - reps 12/10/8/8/6
Standing Dumbbell Curl w. Bicep Blaster 5 sets- 12/10/8/6/4
Standing Hammer Curl 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/8/6
Preacher Curl EZ Barbell 5 sets - reps 10/8/6/6/4
Preacher Curl Straight Bar 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Concentration Curl 5 sets - reps 10/8/6/6/4
Skull Crushers 5 sets - reps 10/8/8/6/4
Seated Over Head EZ Bar Triceps Extension 5 sets - reps 10/8/8/6/4
Triceps Cable Push Down 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Triceps Dumbbell Over Head Extension 5 sets- reps 12/10/8/6/4
Triceps Dumbbell Kickback 5 sets - reps - 12/10/8/6/4
Dip 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
I'd be interested to get some feedback on my routine. There is a lot of conflicting info out there.

Bench Press 4 x 6-8
Incline D.B Press 4 x 6-8
Incline flies 4 x 10-12
Cable flies 4 x 10 -12
Rope tricept pulldown 4 x 6-8
Either close grip bench press or tricept pullovers with a barbell (not sure of the exact name - you lie on a bench on your back and pull a barbell from behind your head to the top of your head) 4 x 6-8

Legs and shoulders
Shoulder press 4 x 6-8
Front delt raise 4 x 8-10
Side delt raise 4 x 8-10
Squats 4 x 6-8
Leg Press 4 x 6-8
Leg extension 4 x 6-8
Leg curls 4 x 6-8
Calf raises 4 x 15

BACK and bicepts
Wide grip pull ups 4 x max
Cable row 4 x 6-8
Dumbell row 4 x 10
Shrugs (only just started including due to upper back problems with my traps) - 3x 10
Deadlifts 4 x 4-6
Preacher curl 4 x 6-8
Barbell curl 4 x 6-8
Incline hammer curls 4 x 6-8
Finish off with light weight barbell curls to exhaustion

What do you guys think?
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Seems good, those "triceps pullovers" are callef skull crushers. You can do the deadlifts on legs day. Other than that, it's a good routine imo.
Edit : no rear delt isolation exercises ?
Day 1:
Chest Movement: 1 set taken to failure, rest pause for 10-15 seconds... hammer out as many more as I can, rest pause again 10-15 seconds.... one last set of all I have left.
Shoulder: Same as above
Triceps: Same as above.
Extreme stretches

Day 2.

Back Width: Same
Back thickness: 2 sets of various rows or low rep and one higher rep
Biceps: one set rest paused style to failure
Forearms: one set rp style taken to failure


Calf: One set rp style
Hamstring: One set rp style to failure

Squat/Leg Press Variation:... one moderate rep, one widowmaker or 20 rep squat

Day 4 : Repeat Chest/SHoulder/Tricep with new exercises, all one rep to failure rest paused style

Who says you need high or even moderate volume to grow and get strong as an ox.....To those who dont know, this is obviously a DC variation....