Post Your Routine


May 22, 2013
I am bored right now and thinking about training so decided to make a thread , post your routines up if you care to :D

This is my routine that I've put together , it keeps things simple I don't have to worry about certain muscles on certain days I just circuit it to when I'm recovered enough to train again

I Train Circuit Style and Find it a Good Way to Train as You Don't Waste Energy on 1 Particular Movement Therefore Hitting Every Part of Every Muscle

Day 1: Chest, Delts, Traps

Free weight bench start off at Decline position and do a set of 8 - 12 of dumbbell press
Repeat another set moving bench to Flat, Incline, Steep Incline, 90 Degrees.

This way you are working from the bottom of you chest straight through to your delts

1 set of 8 - 12 reps front delt raises using Z bar narrow grip then another set wide grip holding the bar with fingers like a claq

1 set of 8 - 12 reps straight up Trap raises using Z bar at narrow grip then another set at wide grip holding the bar with fingers like a claw


Traps will already be pumped from the raising movements but I like to hammer them till complete failure with shrugs,

- Standing superset , 5 reps rolling forwards, 5 reps rolling backwards, 5 reps raising.

- lie chest on bench at steep incline position and set of 8 - 15 hitting the traps at a different angle

- lie back on bench at steep incline position and set of 8 - 15 hitting traps at a different angle again

- seated legs straight out on pull machine using several attachments at a position slightly higher than your head wacking the delts and traps.

Use your imagination till failure

Day 2: Back, Bi's, Tri's, Forearms

Usually you would do your back first in this case but because my back is tender due to a deadlifting injury I leave it till last

1 Set of Bicep curls using Z bar at wide grip position followed by a set at narrow grip using Z bar

1 Set of hammer curls using hammer curl bar (Hitting ever part of the guns plus I find hammer curls work the forearm really good as well)

Skull Crushers using Z bar at close grip set of 8 - 12 reps

Standing Tricep curls with Tricep bar ( not sure if this is the correct name for these) set of 8 - 12 reps

Close grip bench press set of 8 - 12 reps

repeat until failure adjusting weights up and down when necessary

Close grip bench press rotating close to extremely close till failure.

The Tricep pulldowns with different attachments ARE good ways to work the Tri's , I just prefer free weights, feel a lot sorer the next day when I train them this way.

Roughly 5 sets of Lat pulldowns of 8 - 12 reps adjusting weights when necessary

Seated rows using several attachments circuit style not doing heavy weights at the moment due to trying to heal a back injury.

Forearm string pull bar till total failure.

In Between Days 1 and 2 When Recovering

Blast legs, using leg press, calve raises with DB's and Hamstring Curls

Ab circuits with medicine balls, plates and rolling out with bar.

What I'm Lacking In (To Do!)

Cardio !
Swimming to help heal the back and relax the muscles
More Cardio !
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Back and biceps day :
5 sets of pull downs
5 sets of rows, I don't stick to one kind of rows.
5 sets of dumbbell lying pullovers
5 sets of barbell curls
5 sets of hammer curls, one arm at a time.

Legs and abs day :
6 sets of leg press.
6 sets of leg curls.
5 sets of back hyperextension.
4 sets on the crunch machine.
4 sets of (weighted) sit ups.

Chest shoulders and triceps :

5 sets of flat bench press, may do some sets on the incline or decline.
5 sets overhead press.
6 sets of different triceps exercises.
4 sets of front raises.
4 sets of lateral raises.
4 sets of shrugs.

I do calves on every workout day.
Day 1: Chest & Biceps
Warm-up sets: 12 reps Working sets: 6-10 reps
1. Decline Bench Press (2 warm-up sets, 1 working set)
2. Incline Dumbbell Press (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
3. Dumbbell Flyes (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
4. Cable Crossovers (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
5. Concentration Curls (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
6. Preacher Curls (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
7. Barbell Curls (1 working set)

Day 2: Legs
1. Leg Extensions (2 warm-up sets, 1 working set)
2. Leg Press (2 warm-up sets, 1 working set)
3. Hack Squat (2 warm-up sets, 1 working set)
4. Seated Leg Curl (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
5. Stiff-legged Deadlift (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
6. Calf Press (1 warm-up set, 3 working sets)
7. Seated Calf Raise (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)

Day 3: Delts, Traps, Triceps
1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press (2 warm-up sets, 1 working set)
2. Seated Lateral Raise (2 warm-up sets, 1 working set)
3. Lateral Pulley Raise (1 working set)
4. Dumbbell Shrugs (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
5. Tricep Pushdown (2 warm-up sets, 1 working set)
6. Tricep Extension (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
7. Tricep Press (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)

Day 4: Back, Rear Delts
1. Dumbbell Pullover (2 warm-up sets, 1 working set)
2. Close-grip Lat Pulldown (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
3. Dumbbell Row (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
4. Cable Row (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
5. Reverse Flyes (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
6. Stiff-legged Deadlift (1 warm-up set, 1 working set)
7. Hyperextensions (2 sets with bodyweight).
- My Weekly Training Routine -
Monday - Chest Day + 1hr Yoga
Tuesday - Shoulders Day \
Wednesday - Leg Day + 1hr Yoga
Thursday - Back \
Friday - Arms + 1hr Yoga
Saturday - Active recover day ie Hiking, 1hr -1 ½ hrs at the rock gym as well as about 30mins low impact cardio
Sunday- Sunday is a recovery day nothing but rest

I rotate the particular muscle groups so that mon-fri is never the same exact schedule every week. The yoga days are the same every week. Mon-Fri I start and end my work outs with 30 mins of cardio the first 30 is always High Intensity, the last is a low intensity- that is unless I am trying to drop weight in which case both 30 min sessions are high intensity. I keep a pretty strict diet, but there is always room more improvement. Currently I am running (500 cals above maintenance) which is not much but enough to gain about a 1lbs a week. Nothing crazy but not exactly dead accurate.
I am in mode to drop body fat prior to this winters bulk run so the surplus of 500 is basically to help maintain muscle mass while trying to drop bf% . Other then that, the exercises vary from work out to work out, I use a few different work outs from Craig Cecil’s “ Supermen: Building Maximum Muscle for Life” for different muscle groups and add in a basic body weight routine for my warm up mon-fri. I rotate the exercises and days I do them in order to never really fall into a rut and get bored. I don’t change much from work out to work out, other then add or subtract a set, change the order in which the routine is done or switch from barbells to dumbbells. I always add in a few machines to help with isolation of a particular group, but Cecil’s book is a great resource to help you keep a fresh feeling for your work out lots of ideas for work outs or even just ideas for a single exercise to add to a routine.
I do a lot of cardio but for me it is the style of training I am use to as I am not training for sheer size but a combination of size and endurance as I am a huge alpine backpacker and Mountaineer and plan to continue with those sports- the goal for the next 2 years is to train to take another shot at Denali ( I have made two previous attempts one that failed due to an issue with snow blindness; the second was successful; returning after the knee injuries and with the partner that failed to summit on the first attempt will be a nice vindication). So as you can imagine the cardio will begin to increase as I will be training for a sport that takes place at high altitudes- and the need for endurance is a must. With that said the endurance aspect of training will begin to be ratcheted up over the coming weeks and months.
This is my routine that I've put together , it keeps things simple I don't have to worry about certain muscles on certain days I just circuit it to when I'm recovered enough to train again

That looks overly complicated and poorly structured.

My routine is simple, and has a sensible amount of volume compared to what others are doing (why?)

Dips 3-4 x 6-8 (3 to 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps)
Chins 3-4 x 6-8
Bench press 2-3 x 10-12
Barbell row 2-3 x 10-12
Overhead press 1-2 x 10-12
Biceps 1-2 x 12-15
Tris 1-2 x 12-15

Front Squat 3-4 x 6-8
Romanian Deadlift 3-4 x 6-8
Squat 2-3 x 10-12
Stiff leg deadlift 2-3 x 10-12
Calves 3-4 x 6-8
Calves 2-3 x 10-12
Abs 2-3 x 6-8

So week 1 would be:

Monday: Upper
Wednesday: Lower
Friday: Upper

Week 2:

Monday: Lower
Wednesday: Upper
Friday: Lower

Optimal range for hypertrophy is 40-60 reps twice per week, less for smaller muscle groups. And despite what you've heard, going to failure doesn't elicit more growth, it eats into your recovery.
Freestyle everything depending on feel and availability.

Chest is always pre exhausted though.
I like to get my cardio knocked out quick. I normally go to this spot at the park that has steep stairs into a sprint into more stairs. I look crazy but I do 20 of those and I am spent.
That looks overly complicated and poorly structured.

My routine is simple, and has a sensible amount of volume compared to what others are doing (why?)

Sorry bro put gotta put u straight on this, no disrespect but ur routine is not more senisible than others ur just justifying the fact that we train like fucking monsters and you don't, I'm 5 foot 10 with 16 inch arms , I've not abused roids. My stomach is flat and there is literally a layer of fat covering my muscle on my entire body , I eat like a monster , if I didn't train my abs as hard I would be fat, probably obese, I am not saying I like like Arnie cos I don't or trying to act like a tough guy , point I'm making is we obv have different mentalitys and mine has clearly got me where I am today.

There is absolutely not a single thing complicated about my routine every movement is a classic muscle builder and 1. After a workout every single bit of whatever muscle I trained is in GOOD pain, cos I've trained the whole lot of of it whereas if I burnt myself out doing flat bench presses then I would have no energy left to train upper/lower as hard therefore they wouldn't grow at the same rate, no one ever told me or taught me to do this I thought of it myself and it makes sense, 2. It's more enjoyable sliding the bench up and down and smashing every single twist and turn (for me anyway).

And you DO train to failure, you are confused with training to failure and over-training, they are 2 different things,

Training to failure is like, imagine ur muscle is someones face, the harder u smash the living daylights right out of that and the quicker you get it over and done with till that guy can't take no more, the quicker he gets severe injuries (in our case damaged mucle fibers) and the more fucked up his scars are gna be when he heals (GAINS).

Your muscles should be in agony the next day after training but when I say agony u can tell the difference between good pain and bad pain if u know what I mean, If I train my arms after all those hammer curls and I can bend my arms the next day then I am not training hard enough.

Over-training is idiots who will train to failure then wait a while and train the same muscle again when they're energy levels are back up a bit , newbies who get it into their heads , "the more bicep curls I do , The bigger my muscles will get " they end up hurting themselves, I've seen it happen.

U get into they gym u smash the muscle to pieces then u get to fuck out of there and get ur muscle food in you, simples, no fucking around waiting on benches and having conversations with people between sets.

I aint dissing you mate but training 2 failure and over-training ARE 2 different things , one will turn u into an animal, the other can be dodgy but u would have to be a total fucking idiot to go that far.

Another thing "Optimal range for hypertrophy is 40-60 reps twice per week" absolute bullshit if I ever read it , in this game people just love to complicate things so so so so much.

I wish I could post a pic to prove I'm not talking shit but tattoos and scars .

Hopefully u learn the difference between the 2 mate u will get better gains because by the sounds of things u are leaving the gym when ur muscles still have fuel in the tank because ur scared of over-training when really you are getting it totally mixed up with failure probably because of something you've read somewhere I used to believe lots of things in magazines and then I watched my pals turn into tanks in all different ways and realised most of it is total bullshit.

Anyways think I've rabbited on a bit now, like I said mate not doubting your knowledge just trying to correct it because u will get better gains, hopefully someone else will say something cos I'm not very technical feeling ATM lol, Im about to quote something that is 100% percent true that amazed me.

Freestyle everything depending on feel and availability.

Chest is always pre exhausted though.

My extremely skinny pal started hitting the gym out of nowhere just wacking whatever he felt like , whenever he felt like it, no structure , no routine, just everything and anything, he started off mon-wed-fri. Boxing traing Tues- Thurs (extreme all over resistance , weights, kettlebells , the lot)

Then moved up to mon-fri, wacking every single muscle 5 days a week WTF

Then moved up to 7 days a week twice per day still full body everything and anything no holds barred, ate right done 1 10 week cycle and now he is fucking MASSIVE, I told him for a long time he was over-training and going to injure himself and that u should only hit each muscle 1x per week, but he didn't listen.

Just goes to show how much things are over-rated in magazines and on forums and stuff, this is real life .

And because of the way he trained his strength is second to none even if he works the muscles all back to front , just does not EVER seem fatigued or tired. I tried that method and failed miserably trying to work the same muscles constantly just made me extremely weak and pathetic workouts, I reckon he just saw that as normal at the start and over time the amount of resistaince build strength wich led to solid muscle all over wich lead to massive solid all over muscle.

I am not recommending this WHATSOEVER as u could hurt yourself but "alvatore" just thought I'd tell you that story mate, don't believe everything u hear or read, even science fucks up , well this shit did anyway lol
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that looks overly complicated and poorly structured.

My routine is simple, and has a sensible amount of volume compared to what others are doing (why?)

so week 1 would be:

Monday: Upper
wednesday: Lower
friday: Upper

week 2:

Monday: Lower
wednesday: Upper
friday: Lower

optimal range for hypertrophy is 40-60 reps twice per week, less for smaller muscle groups. And despite what you've heard, going to failure doesn't elicit more growth, it eats into your recovery.

x 2
My stomach is flat and there is literally a layer of fat covering my muscle on my entire body , I eat like a monster , if I didn't train my abs as hard I would be fat, probably obese
People don't stay lean around their midsection because they train their abs, you just aren't eating at such a caloric excess that you're gaining a disproportionate amount of fat compared to muscle. Your high volume routine probably burns alot of calories as well.

There is absolutely not a single thing complicated about my routine every movement is a classic muscle builder and 1. After a workout every single bit of whatever muscle I trained is in GOOD pain, cos I've trained the whole lot of of it whereas if I burnt myself out doing flat bench presses then I would have no energy left to train upper/lower as hard therefore they wouldn't grow at the same rate, no one ever told me or taught me to do this I thought of it myself and it makes sense, 2. It's more enjoyable sliding the bench up and down and smashing every single twist and turn (for me anyway).
It is good that you're willing to put in the work and train hard, but where will you turn once you get to the intermediate/advanced stage? You start off with the minimum amount of work to cause an adaptation. When those methods stop working, then you add different exercises, change your routine do dropsets/supersets etc.

And you DO train to failure, you are confused with training to failure and over-training, they are 2 different things,
No I'm not confusing the 2. Overtraining is a chronic condition which is physiological and psychological in nature, training to failure is when you take a set to the point that you can't achieve another concentric rep.

Training to failure is like, imagine ur muscle is someones face, the harder u smash the living daylights right out of that and the quicker you get it over and done with till that guy can't take no more, the quicker he gets severe injuries (in our case damaged mucle fibers) and the more fucked up his scars are gna be when he heals (GAINS).
No that is not true. Going to failure or past failure drains your CNS more, without having a further impact on muscular gains. Even if you do train a muscle to failure, muscle protein synthesis returns to baseline at about 48 hours (which means it has recovered enough to be trained again). Your central nervous system however, does not recover this quickly.

Your muscles should be in agony the next day after training but when I say agony u can tell the difference between good pain and bad pain if u know what I mean, If I train my arms after all those hammer curls and I can bend my arms the next day then I am not training hard enough.
Soreness is not an indicator of gains. I used to do the typical bullshit hit a bodypart once a week split, I was always sore, ALWAYS. Now that I'm hitting a bodypart every 5 days/twice a week, I'm never sore, EVER. My gains are better now than they were following one bodypart a week. I was also 18 back then, and a novice, so I should've made ridiculous newbie gains, but didn't.

Over-training is idiots who will train to failure then wait a while and train the same muscle again when they're energy levels are back up a bit , newbies who get it into their heads , "the more bicep curls I do , The bigger my muscles will get " they end up hurting themselves, I've seen it happen.
You don't overtrain from 1 session in the gym. Overtraining is a chronic issue.

U get into they gym u smash the muscle to pieces then u get to fuck out of there and get ur muscle food in you, simples, no fucking around waiting on benches and having conversations with people between sets.
Yes I agree with you, way too many people are wasting their time when they go to the gym. Their strength never improves, and their bodies look the same year in year out. I train at home now, so I don't have to put up with this anymore.

I aint dissing you mate but training 2 failure and over-training ARE 2 different things , one will turn u into an animal, the other can be dodgy but u would have to be a total fucking idiot to go that far.
I think you need to read up a bit on both training to failure and overtraining, you seem to be a bit confused.

Another thing "Optimal range for hypertrophy is 40-60 reps twice per week" absolute bullshit if I ever read it , in this game people just love to complicate things so so so so much.
This has been verified by, not bro science

I wish I could post a pic to prove I'm not talking shit but tattoos and scars .
You're more than welcome to

Hopefully u learn the difference between the 2 mate u will get better gains because by the sounds of things u are leaving the gym when ur muscles still have fuel in the tank because ur scared of over-training when really you are getting it totally mixed up with failure probably because of something you've read somewhere I used to believe lots of things in magazines and then I watched my pals turn into tanks in all different ways and realised most of it is total bullshit.
I train hard, but I leave 1 rep in the tank. If I don't get the reps for a given weight, I'll lower it. If I get the reps comfortablely, time to increase. The magazines are merely to advertise supplements. The training routines that the pro bodybuilders "use" are written by ghost writers, and are retarded.

Anyways think I've rabbited on a bit now, like I said mate not doubting your knowledge just trying to correct it because u will get better gains, hopefully someone else will say something cos I'm not very technical feeling ATM lol, Im about to quote something that is 100% percent true that amazed me.
I appreciate you for posting. We learn new things by debating

Replies in bold.

My extremely skinny pal started hitting the gym out of nowhere just wacking whatever he felt like , whenever he felt like it, no structure , no routine, just everything and anything, he started off mon-wed-fri. Boxing traing Tues- Thurs (extreme all over resistance , weights, kettlebells , the lot)

Then moved up to mon-fri, wacking every single muscle 5 days a week WTF

Then moved up to 7 days a week twice per day still full body everything and anything no holds barred, ate right done 1 10 week cycle and now he is fucking MASSIVE, I told him for a long time he was over-training and going to injure himself and that u should only hit each muscle 1x per week, but he didn't listen.
He used steroids. When you use steroids, you bypass all normal physiological processes that your body has in regards to training. When you use steroids, ANYTHING will work.

Just goes to show how much things are over-rated in magazines and on forums and stuff, this is real life .

And because of the way he trained his strength is second to none even if he works the muscles all back to front , just does not EVER seem fatigued or tired. I tried that method and failed miserably trying to work the same muscles constantly just made me extremely weak and pathetic workouts, I reckon he just saw that as normal at the start and over time the amount of resistaince build strength wich led to solid muscle all over wich lead to massive solid all over muscle.
By the sounds of it, his body can handle the training load, whereas yours couldn't. Unfortunately this comes down to genetics. Or maybe he kept plugging away for so long that his body didn't have a choice but to adapt. It's similar with the Chinese olympic lifters. They are thrown into the meat grinder: high volume, high intensity, high frequency training routines. Do alot of them get burnt out? Yes. What about the ones that cope well with the training load? They thrive and become world champions.

I am not recommending this WHATSOEVER as u could hurt yourself but "alvatore" just thought I'd tell you that story mate, don't believe everything u hear or read, even science fucks up , well this shit did anyway lol
Yep, there's always the odd person that goes against all the rules and still succeeds. At the end of it, you need to find what works FOR YOU. Look at others for motivation, inspiration, but only worry about your own progress.

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"Yep, there's always the odd person that goes against all the rules and still succeeds. At the end of it, you need to find what works FOR YOU. Look at others for motivation, inspiration, but only worry about your own progress."

Bang on !
Sorry bro put gotta put u straight on this, no disrespect but ur routine is not more senisible than others ur just justifying the fact that we train like fucking monsters and you don't, I'm 5 foot 10 with 16 inch arms , I've not abused roids. My stomach is flat and there is literally a layer of fat covering my muscle on my entire body , I eat like a monster , if I didn't train my abs as hard I would be fat, probably obese, I am not saying I like like Arnie cos I don't or trying to act like a tough guy , point I'm making is we obv have different mentalitys and mine has clearly got me where I am today.

There is absolutely not a single thing complicated about my routine every movement is a classic muscle builder and 1. After a workout every single bit of whatever muscle I trained is in GOOD pain, cos I've trained the whole lot of of it whereas if I burnt myself out doing flat bench presses then I would have no energy left to train upper/lower as hard therefore they wouldn't grow at the same rate, no one ever told me or taught me to do this I thought of it myself and it makes sense, 2. It's more enjoyable sliding the bench up and down and smashing every single twist and turn (for me anyway).

And you DO train to failure, you are confused with training to failure and over-training, they are 2 different things,

Training to failure is like, imagine ur muscle is someones face, the harder u smash the living daylights right out of that and the quicker you get it over and done with till that guy can't take no more, the quicker he gets severe injuries (in our case damaged mucle fibers) and the more fucked up his scars are gna be when he heals (GAINS).

Your muscles should be in agony the next day after training but when I say agony u can tell the difference between good pain and bad pain if u know what I mean, If I train my arms after all those hammer curls and I can bend my arms the next day then I am not training hard enough.

Over-training is idiots who will train to failure then wait a while and train the same muscle again when they're energy levels are back up a bit , newbies who get it into their heads , "the more bicep curls I do , The bigger my muscles will get " they end up hurting themselves, I've seen it happen.

U get into they gym u smash the muscle to pieces then u get to fuck out of there and get ur muscle food in you, simples, no fucking around waiting on benches and having conversations with people between sets.

I aint dissing you mate but training 2 failure and over-training ARE 2 different things , one will turn u into an animal, the other can be dodgy but u would have to be a total fucking idiot to go that far.

Another thing "Optimal range for hypertrophy is 40-60 reps twice per week" absolute bullshit if I ever read it , in this game people just love to complicate things so so so so much.

I wish I could post a pic to prove I'm not talking shit but tattoos and scars .

Hopefully u learn the difference between the 2 mate u will get better gains because by the sounds of things u are leaving the gym when ur muscles still have fuel in the tank because ur scared of over-training when really you are getting it totally mixed up with failure probably because of something you've read somewhere I used to believe lots of things in magazines and then I watched my pals turn into tanks in all different ways and realised most of it is total bullshit.

Anyways think I've rabbited on a bit now, like I said mate not doubting your knowledge just trying to correct it because u will get better gains, hopefully someone else will say something cos I'm not very technical feeling ATM lol, Im about to quote something that is 100% percent true that amazed me.

You're routine fucking sucks.

Tl;Dr on the rest of that butthurt. That's a terrible split. Lacks many essential lifts and doesn't look all that hard.
Today’s Routine
Chest Day

- Before the work out begins I Run on the elliptical machine for 30mins. This if with every work out -

- Warm up -
Push Ups ( Standard) 3 sets 20 Reps
Push Ups ( Geckos) 3 Sets 20 Reps ( )

-The Work Out-
Incline Barbell Bench - 5 Sets - 12/10/8/6/4
Flat Bench Barbell - 5 Sets - 12/10/8/6/4
Decline Bench Barbell- 5 Sets - 12/10/8/6/4
Incline Dumbbell Fly - 5 sets- 12/10/10/8/8/6
Flat Dumbbell Fly - 5 sets- 12/10/10/8/8/6
Cable Cross Over -5 Sets - 12/10/8/8/6
Dumbbell Pull Over - 5 Sets - 12/12/10/8/6
Dips - 2 sets - Failure

- Another 30 mins on the elliptical
* The cardio is a big part of my training as I also run 5 miles every morning; it seems excessive but I am trying to drop as much weight as possible and keep as much muscle as I can while training for endurance and strength as my current goal is to get back into proper condition for my third attempt at Denali ( one success one failure) .

- This is tomorrows plan
Wensday - Back Day

- every work out begins with 30mins on the elliptical machine -

-Warmup -
Bridge - 2 sets - 3 times 20second hold
Russian Twist W/ 45lbsplate - 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
+ I know its primarily an abdominal exercise but it hits the lower back as well+

- The Work Out -

Upright Row barbell 5 Sets- reps 12/10/8/6/4
Bent Over Row barbell 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/8/6
Dead Lift 5 sets - reps 12/8/8/6/4
Seated Cable row close grip 5sets - reps 12/10/8/8/6
Seated Cable Row wide grip 5 sets- reps 12/10/8/8/6
Seated Cable Pull Down 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/6
Reverse Flys 5 sets - reps 12/10/8/6/4
Pull Ups 2 sets - reps Failure
Tree of Woe ( exercise described in Supermen : Building Maximum muscle for a lifetime- By Craig Cecil)
“Finish your work out by hanging from the chinning bar for as long as you can. This is not a dead hang, Take a wide grip, contract your lats so you rise up a few inches and hold it there. Try it with out lifting straps and note your hang time. After you fall back to earth, you might have a kinship with a flying tree squirrel.” Craig Cecil
- This is the last exercise described in the work out sections for the back it is wicked and after doing Pull Ups to failure; it will put a hurting on you. It is though a great way to end a back work out.

- Again I end the session with 30 mins on the elliptical. -
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Proof is the pudding dickhead :)

And what exactly is that? 5ft10 with 16 inch gunz? What the fuck is that? How can you possibly be proud of that.

Your. Routine. Is. Shit.

You have a fucking two day split.

In between which you blast legs with leg presses and calf raises.



Do something else. Please.
* The cardio is a big part of my training as I also run 5 miles every morning; it seems excessive but I am trying to drop as much weight as possible and keep as much muscle as I can while training for endurance and strength as my current goal is to get back into proper condition for my third attempt at Denali ( one success one failure)

Endurance training, fat loss and maintaining muscle are 3 very different goals. Generally when you try to do too many things at once, you spin your wheels and get no-where, and you don't significantly improve at any one thing, compared to if you focused on one goal at a time. You should concentrate on one thing, or if you really have to maybe 2. How is your diet? Dare I say that will be more important than your training.
By far diet is the lynch pin of the whole operation. And You are of course right splitting my self 3 ways is not the best route. That begin said I am doing a good job at holding muscle mass. I am dropping the weight I want which is key, and frankly as long as the BF% drops I don't really give a rats ass as to the number on the scale. My diet is good, but like every thing in life it can be better every thing always can. The endurance is really my goal here, mountaineering is all strength endurance, hauling a large bag of heavy equipment over rough terrain in difficult weather with a group of men all aimed at a single goal. The fat loss is important as the less fat i have the easier the climb will be but; its not the main goal. The main goal is endurance & strength( two targets but they can be close together). I am training with a small deficit in calories for my maintenance ( 500cal) But I am putting out a lot more of that on a daily basis. I need 4,100 calories a day to maintain by the calculator I am using ( taking into account my activity) So daily I am taking in 3600cal Now I am aiming for 220lbs ( more realistically I am aiming for 235) before I begin my winter blast for lean mass. Currently I am eating 220g/day protein / 330g/ day Carbs and 55g/day Fats, I divide this into 3 meals, 3 snacks and 3 shakes ( pre/post/bed for the shakes ) I like to get as much of my intake through real food. My snacks are really small meals and I eat them when I can ( I work in a 4 star restaurant( sus cef) so once shit gets busy i don't have time to eat the it fucks my system up) If you want I can lay out a snap shot of what a days meals/snacks look like.

@ Serotonin Stats are as follows ( last weight taken was Monday night)
Age- 29 ( 30 in nov)
Height- 6'3''
Weight 242lbs
Body Fat Percentage- 10%

As of 18 months ago ( after a series of knee surgeries) i was 350lbs with 25% plus BF- after a few years of sitting on my ass after a major injury and depression after said injury ended my carer in the Army- But what I have done in 18 months has been super difficult with a full knee replacement on the left and major reconstruction of ACL & MCL on the right and sorry for the graphic image here but the loss of one testicle in the initial incident that sent me state side ( road side IED) .

But Hey I am open to any and all advice- And I do agree that diet is important, and that trying to do 3 things is not the best way to go about it, and your right. I should just settle on the 235 goal for weight loss and then, continue on with my planned lean mass blast this winter and then focus on a summer cut- keeping the core of my training at HIIT with a tough of Volume. Tell me what you think. alvatore. Like I said thanks for the advice btw what do you think of those work outs? solid or needing help?