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Post numbers reduced

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as wanky as it is, i liked my post count as well, had just passed 1400... thanks in advance guys love your work :)

CB :)
Hmmm yeah I was wondering what had happened?

Mine was about 3260 or something like that?
I had 503. If you get around to it it would be cool if I could get em back... but dont stress over it... I'm sure I'll live ;)

ummm... actually on second thoughs i had ummm.... maybe like... 6000 posts... =D
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The user table has been restored to the backup copy of last night.
Strange that nearly everybody overestimated their number.. ;)
Whew, crisis averted!

Okay, I am going to unsticky this thread and put the CLAWS note back up....
skydancer said:
The user table has been restored to the backup copy of last night.
Strange that nearly everybody overestimated their number.. ;)

I was just pround to be comin up on my 2,500 mark;) I'm such a lewser!
It was reduced slightly but I really couldn't care less.
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