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Post a Recent Pictard V. shake what ya mumma gave you

Hi everyone, I'm new to this board, really like getting wasted et al, etc, whatevs.

Here's me taking a selfie while at a shisha bar. You know, 'cause narcissism isn't just something to leave at home!

I still can't get over how amazing you're looking MP. :)

This is my most recent selfie;

Sayonara sunglasses. You served me well, but you're far too scratched to keep. :(
Sayonara sunglasses. You served me well, but you're far too scratched to keep. :(

Yeah shitty when this happens - hence why i don't spend any more than $30 on a pair now days.

Id like to buy myself a cool flashy expensive pair, but i don't take good enough care of them :(
^ yeh yeh it's all hot women, shishas, sharks and beer here! :D
Lovin' that lil curl you've got goin there td :)
Seriously though, awesome pic! Looks like you were having swell old time!

My most recent pic, croppedd down heaps because one of my mates was rolling off her head, thought i'd protect her privacy ha. Was taken from future weekend so 3 or so weeks me thinks.