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Politics in 2004

who are you voting for?

  • liberal/the nationals

    Votes: 18 20.0%
  • labor

    Votes: 20 22.2%
  • the greens

    Votes: 49 54.4%
  • the democrats

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • another minor party

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • i don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • i don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • i don't vote (non-australian citizen)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Okay, I admit that I was oversimplifying things a little too much back there.. I'm not saying liberal voters are necessarily any less intelligent than anyone else. I just feel that due to the fact that everyone must vote in our system, there will always be a certain amount of people that for some reason or other will not make an informed decision when they vote. These people may just be apathetic or may find politics uninteresting for some reason or other. If someone cant be bothered or is disinclined to listen to and make a decision on complex issues is it not possible that these same people may however be affected by the use of scare tactics? I think so.
Yes I agree, compulsory voting is ineffective I reckon because of the reasons you highlighted.. some people just don't care.

But by the same token if it was removed, I wonder if the elected government would actually better represent the general population?

The Liberals ran the interest rate spin because their internal polling revealed that it was high on most people's minds. Labor are just as guilty in this regard - however it seems they didn't get their message quite on the mark.

If the ALP had been elected, following this logic, we could argue it was because their positioning/marketing/campaigning was more in touch with the feelings of the electorate. I guess someone in the ALP screwed up.
Hmm I seem to remember a number of adds from labor proclaiming that the government has no impact on interest rates and that they are set by the central bank. This was also bulshit aimed at geting the votes of the idiots of australia. Im not saying the liberals didn't pull this shit too but both sides are guilty. And as for the greens, well they shot themselves in the foot with their stupid ass policies.
CynaKill said:
Yes I agree, compulsory voting is ineffective I reckon because of the reasons you highlighted.. some people just don't care.

But by the same token if it was removed, I wonder if the elected government would actually better represent the general population?

Well it hasn't exactly worked for America, they've got Bush.

I'm all for democracy a truer form but this is a joke.

What the hell is so democratic about getting the great choice of being able to vote for 1 out of 2 complete fuckwits who will screw us for the next 3 or 4 years.

I think the main problem is the balance of people who give a fuck outside of their immediate circle of patheticness is extremely outweighed by the people who don't give a fuck outside of their immediate circle of their patheticness.

And the attitudes fed to us by the current politicians, our schools, and the media don't seem to be convincing anyone to give a fuck about anyone besides themselves. It's a cycle of bullshit that looks impossible to break from where I'm standing.

"I drink myself to sleep because I'm losing faith that any of us will ever amount to anything more than reluctant human subsidies"

"Ordinary people do fucked up things when fucked up things become ordinary"

"Rotting at the bottom is better than living life as a fool. I can't find the meaning in this great achievment. When you commit heart and soul to earning your place, opportunity kills common sense."

- Propagandhi
The green policies make sense, economically and socially. Even australia officials such as police, doctors etc have said drugs need to be legalised, its the only way to stop the associated problems. Could go on about it but wont. The prob is that people have a knee jerk reaction on the subject.

I feel that most people dont care cause they lose faith, dont think it makes a different. Thats simply because there is no democray. Chosing between two choices your given, when you know little to nothing about them, and when both have similar ties to certain corperations and connection... well.. its no choice. It certainly aint democracy. People under a dictatorship have two main responses to voting, the first would be patriotic ferver, the other hopelessness. And yeah, some dictatorships do allow for voting as it makes the population feel better.

The sad thing is that Howard is actually bad for the economy and his actions will lift up interest rates in the long term. He is too spineless to stand up for our industries, so they dont develop into major industries. Look out how he sold out our farmers, media, movie industry, etc etc.
well im just glad you idiots will be bitchin for the next few years. If your so fuckin socialy enlightened maybe you should do something constructive about the next election instead of complaining. All in all tho suck shit you greenie fucks you lost an you'l probly be doin that for the rest of your lives.
pilltastic said:
Hmm I seem to remember a number of adds from labor proclaiming that the government has no impact on interest rates and that they are set by the central bank. This was also bulshit aimed at geting the votes of the idiots of australia.

This was bullshit how?
pilltastic said:
well im just glad you idiots will be bitchin for the next few years. If your so fuckin socialy enlightened maybe you should do something constructive about the next election instead of complaining. All in all tho suck shit you greenie fucks you lost an you'l probly be doin that for the rest of your lives.

Wow, at least my social enlightenement allows me to think and reason.

Your lack of social enlightenment just seems to make you a dickhead.
MoeBro said:
I wish I could be as hardcore as you, pilltastic 8(

as hardcore in terms of stupidity?

impossible me thinks..... pilltastic has taken the cake.....
I know you are but what am I. Hmm i just heard jonnie got control of the senate maybe hel hunt n kill hippie fucks like you.
Don't feed them.

They die quicker.

I'm going to start my own damn political party, with blackjack, and hookers!

anyone keen to join? You need to have a strong sense of self-distructive headonism and a will and desire to effect great change!
I'm all for the campaign, do you need someone to interview the blackjack dealers? or even the hookers?

I'm the man for the job ;)
Keystroke, consider yourself hired!

I think we should name the party BHP being the Blackjack & Hookers Party. Plus, we can scam brand-awareness from the REAL BHP. possibly, this will fool idiots into giving us their donkey votes by seeing BHP on the page, giving us more than a few votes.

But we need some policies! Everyone knows that you can't win anything without policies. Perhaps a fear/smear campaign of everyone else who's running against us, followed up by some outrageous sensationalism about a particularly hot moral topic and general slander and libel directed at our opponents with every opportunity we get....We cant lose! (hey, elements of it worked for the liberals ;))
pilltastic said:
well im just glad you idiots will be bitchin for the next few years. If your so fuckin socialy enlightened maybe you should do something constructive about the next election instead of complaining.

He's got a point... My suggestion is turn your back on apathetically accepting parliamentry politics, getting irate once every three years then patting yourself on the back for having participated in democracy, and get proactive by actually doing something to change society rather than relying on the government to do it for you. Politicians don't represent your interests, they represent the interests of business and capital, forces that have only ever been tempered throughout history by community organisation and action. If you want to create a better society then get out there and do it, nothing is going to get any better as long as you put your career and the accumulation of consumer goods before real social change. If you don't actively work to change the world around you then you can't expect that anyone else will do anything positive for the world.

In the words of the wobbly agitator Joe Hill on his way to a Utah firing squad spring to mind...

"Don't mourn, organise!"
nickthecheese said:

I'm going to start my own damn political party, with blackjack, and hookers!

anyone keen to join? You need to have a strong sense of self-distructive headonism and a will and desire to effect great change!

Looks like we will be a minority party then :)

And as for a campaign I say we spend 6 billion dollars on spam phone calls and emails.

(Futurama rocks)
lostpunk5545 said:
Looks like we will be a minority party then :)

And as for a campaign I say we spend 6 billion dollars on spam phone calls and emails.

(Futurama rocks)

In fact, forget the party and the blackjack....aaah screw the whole thing. heh!

any liberals willing to make a bet that john won't stay the full term?