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please read, and please stop rolling!

^^^Excellent post, btw...this was discussed on the Dancesafe board a few months back, and it's good to see it here. Too many people swear by 5-HTP as a preload when they don't really understand how it works.
People, this type of thing happens while using drugs like this. While we believe that this drug is safe, there is still much unknown about it.
With a drug like ecstacy we need to practice moderation until definitive research proves the neurtoxicitiy issue. We cannot expect ourselves to be perfectly healthy when using drugs, any drugs. This is proven with a drug such as LSD. We know that this drugs toxicity is EXTREMELY low, but we also know that while we may not have physical harm from usage, we may have mild to very severe mental health problems from using LSD.
These chemicals are illegal for a reason, weather we like to believe it or not. So if you decide to experiment\use these chemicals, then it is your fault with whatever health problems and you hafta deal with them in your own way now. It is our decision to use em', so it's our responsibilty to take care of ourselves after the fact... it's unfortunate that this happens to people, but in all seriousness, what can we expect?????
That was a fantastic post sweet_dub. I agree with everything you said :)
One point in particular is when you said:
Some philosophers say that the capacity you have to feel joy or happiness, you also have the same capacity to feel depression or sadness.
I live by this rule when i am feeling down. I understand that to appreciate happiness i have to go though sadness. It helps me get through the bad times as i think as low as i'm feeling now once i'm through this it will be reversed and that is how much happiness i will feel. It also makes really appreciate the good times!
Pekachu...i also love what you said about e:
i've reached a point where i don't need it anymore i feel like a little kid again (i think it's all about retraining your brain)
I think there are two types of people who take pills. Those who abuse them and take as many as they can and get as messy as they can. And then there are those who learn about themselves and life from pills and once they have learnt all they need to know thay stop taking them and apply what they have learnt to everyday life. I like to think i fall in the second catergory because after 6 years i've never had e-depression, i'm a happy person (most of the time) because i remember what e has taught me. While others are walking around realising what a horrible place the world is i look at it differently and see some aspects of life suck, but it's my life and i'm the only one who has control over that and it's up to me to make it not suck!
ok i think i've rambled enough.....be safe peoples :)
Ketone wrote:
- 5-HTP is good stuff, you can preload with several hundred mgs before you drop but understand this will increase the neurotoxicity.You said you were going on the idea that "more could be less safe." What do you mean by that, exactly? I fail to see how making sure you're not already low on serotonin going into the experience could contribute to neurotoxicity, which I've always understood was mainly a result of running out of serotonin (thus dopamine gets in where it's not wanted, etc).